~13 || Faked reality

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*Time later*

-Jinyoung's POV-

The group is taking a moment away from activities since we have a lot of activities individually, which is ideal for me since I can't stop thinking about Heesun. It's been two days since she returned to the Linking Dreams and during this time I had been able to get more information from Yoomin. She decided to help me out because she believes I should be there with her; according to her latest investigation, the Linking Dreams are just in a few people because it's supposed to be a substance that can control people's dreams.

At first, it sounded odd to me, and it didn't make any sense. Then, she showed me some evidence that was put out eight years ago. It was about a vaccination campaign made at universities and some other main points of the city; it was a vaccination against the flu, yet, she told me there was a twist while doing the campaign. With more research, she met with one of the nurses who was involved in the campaign eight years ago and declared that they were putting another substance in some people that were selected by the scientists who created the formula for the Linking Dreams.

That made more sense to me and why I have it. I remember going to a vaccination campaign time ago, it was the only time I went to have a vaccination out of a hospital, and to be honest, I can't remember why I did it.

Even though I know all this new information, I'm scared to never see Heesun again. After all, Yoomin did tell me that there was a possibility of her never getting out. Because of that, I'm all stressed out and I can't think clearly.

Jackson is here with me, he's about to go to LA in a few days since he needs to work on a new project as a solo artist, yet, he wanted to stay longer since he wants to be with me as much as he possibly can.

-I don't like to see you blaming yourself for this – Jackson disclosed.

-There's nothing I can do but to feel guilty – I admitted. –If I had more control of my anger and my emotions, I would've been able to be with her before she went away – I sighed.

-The past is right behind us and we can't bring it back; however, you can make something better out of it – Jackson told. –We know Heesun, she's going to fight against all odds even if it's the last thing she does – He smiled slightly before patting my back.

I nodded silently before standing up, then I started to walk around the living room.

-What are you thinking about? – He asked.

-About what to do; she's there alone and I can't do anything to help her out – I spoke. –I need to guide her somehow, just by remembering how the last time was... makes me believe that she might be concerned and lost – I said worriedly.

-The best thing you can do right now is to get more information about the Linking Dreams, focus on work and stay by her side – Jackson said. –By the way, how everything went with Junho? – He questioned.

-Oh, he was worried just like me. He revealed to me that he was dreaming about Heesun constantly and that she was in danger, then I asked him if he knew something about the Linking Dreams – I disclosed.

-And what did he say? – Jackson asked.

-Well, he didn't say much since he assured me that he didn't want to remember them, still, he was able to tell me the same things as Yoomin; the Linking Dreams is controlled by people, not by our minds' wishes – I revealed.

-That's a lot to take in – Jackson said concerned. –Now, what are you planning to do? – He asked overly.

-You know what I want to do – I smirked slightly. –You are worried because you keep on asking me the same things – I noticed.

Jackson smiled slightly before standing up and walking towards me. He hugged me and started to rub my back.

-I support you in anything you want to do, but be careful, you know that it's not going to be the same as before when you get back – Jackson spoke.

-I know, but I promise to be back – I said while holding him tighter.


-Heesun's POV-

The city is normal; people walking and talking with one another as you are passing by the streets. You are looking down at the paper you picked up a while ago which says:

"Dream within a dream, but reality does exist. Don't get lost and find your way home".

You thought it was part of a book, so, you kept it since for some reason it meant something to you. As you were staring at the paper, you noticed the house in front of you. As walking towards it, you took the keys out and as soon as the door was in front, you opened it and got inside.

Happily, you went towards your office and started to look around. You noticed a photo of Jinyoung and you hugging each other; this photo was taken when both went on a trip together. Right now, you wish he was there with you but he isn't since both broke up for the good. He needed to focus on his career and you wanted to be in a different path, so, both split up but there's no doubt that you miss him dearly.

Suddenly, you closed your eyes and after opening them again, you saw everything glitching out. And briefly, BamBam came into your mind.

"Remember what is real; remember that the only ones who will never turn away from you are the people with you nowadays. Never think of parting ways with us".

After shaking your head slightly, your vision became blurry and made everything turn back to its normal state. Dusty, grey, and a place that seems to be abandoned. Once again, you were about to get lost in your imagination.

-What the hell? – You spoke while resting your back against the wall, then you took out the paper from before and read it again.

"Dream within a dream, but reality does exist. Don't get lost and find your way home".

-I can't lose my objective – You sighed concerned before thinking of Jinyoung.

Your tears couldn't help but fall down your cheeks, instantly making you place your hands against your face. The darkness came back to your eyes but after you removed them from your face, you noticed that the light was there again.

-Princess, why are you crying? – You looked at Junho watching at how you are sobbing.

-No, no, you aren't real – You shouted confused before standing up in a hurry, immediately running out of the house.

You continued to run away as you could see the people happily enjoying their time in the city. You shook your head over, trying to remind yourself that everything is fake and nothing should stay on your way back home.

I promise to get out of here; I can't stay and leave everyone there. I have to get out.

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