~5 || A special night

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-Jinyoung's POV-

The cheers from the fans blaring the whole stadium; our names being called in the crowd as everyone is having their light sticks on, and the group is backstage having the last word before jumping on stage again. Some words from JB were making us feel more secure about ourselves, Yugyeom's energy was filling up the gap of tiredness we could be having, and the last cheer as a group made everything have a meaning. It is a concert for Ahgases; we are thanking them for staying with us, for cheering along our side and for always supporting the things we do. It should be a happy night, indeed, it is a happy night but I can't seem to pull out an honest smile.

We are half done with the concert and we still cheering up in between performances, that's the way we roll and want to keep on going through the whole night. Dancing, singing and laughing along with our fans; nothing could be better and yet, I found a way to let my tears out. I'm sure people have noticed it since from time to time I heard them shouting "don't cry" ... I wish I could let them know that it isn't only the emotion of the concert and something else is happening with me. Arguing with Heesun was the worst thing that could happen today; we haven't made up yet and that's what hurts the most. We don't fight, that's something we try to avoid as much as we can; however, I admitted my doubts and questions to her, which she didn't like. Heesun was offended when I told her how I didn't believe the things she was telling me at that point; I didn't believe the "projects", nor the simple tasks from the CEO. It was way too silly for me to believe in those things, after all, our manager tells us everything we need to know, including the backup dancers' projects.

I felt a light touch against my shoulder before noticing Mark beside me. He was rapping his verse, reminding me that my line was after him which I sang instantly when he finished his verse. He smiled at me before patting my shoulder; he took my hand and guided me through the whole stage. Fans were going crazy at that moment. Mark was trying to pull a smile on my face which I gladly release as I kept on singing. As soon as I put down the microphone, JB started to sing his verse; I just looked at Mark who squished my hand gently.

-It's just a bad day. Tomorrow, everything will get better – Mark smiled.

-Do you think so? – I questioned.

He nodded. -Wait and see – Mark said before cluttering my hair.

I chuckled as he took me with the rest of the members. As the song ended, everyone started to get on a line in the middle of the stage. Surprisingly everyone started to sing along as I was looking just confused at them; Jackson just rolled his eyes and told me to sing, and so I did. Ahgases laughed at my poor attention and started to shout "cute Jinyoung", which made me blush instantly. The members wanted to laugh but they kept it professional, still, they were looking pleased by our fans' words.

They started to sing along with us as Youngjae was holding the microphone close and letting his voice overflow, everyone was smiling happily at the audience and Yugyeom took advantage of that to pat my head. I looked at him seriously which made him want to laugh; everyone noticed before we kept on singing the final verse of the song.

The concert went well; better than I ever wanted to be.

*11:20 p.m.*

A night full of tears, claps, music and good memories. We were happily back at the dorms after a successful concert for Ahgases and everyone looks just right after having a shower and some rest. As usual, I'm still awake, however, tonight I have another reason to be up late. Heesun.

Some might say that is dumb to think about her so much, yet, it's shocking for me that we didn't end up in good terms at the end of our argument. We don't fight usually but when we do, the first thing we know is that in the end, everything is going to be back to where it was.

-If you don't sleep, you'll have a headache tomorrow – I heard Jackson say while getting inside the room.

-Does that matter? – I asked, sounding upset.

He sighed. -I talked with BamBam and he assured me that Sun might be awake, after all, both are having a conflict with each other – Jackson told.

-Are you suggesting to call her? – I questioned while looking back at him.

He's on the bed, getting ready to call it a night.

-I'm suggesting you to meditate about what happened today by sleeping; maybe Heesun has her reasons to be so occupied and without you – Jackson suggested, he closed his eyes before giving me his back.

-Wait, wait! Do you know something I don't? – I asked suspiciously.

-I can't tell you anything – Jackson yawned. -I promised Mark – He spoke.

-Okay, what? So, everyone knows but me? – I questioned confused.

He didn't say a word, instead, he threw a pillow to my face. -Sleep – He ordered.

-Jackson – I sighed. -I need to know – I told.

-So, ask her tomorrow – He said.

-But she won't tell me – I stated while sitting on the edge of the bed, then I laid my back against the mattress. -I told her I believed she was looking at me as someone weak; I don't know if she'll tell me something after that – I sighed.

-Okay – He turned around madly. -Both of you were inside the Linking Dreams; the things you lived inside there are just known by you two. She knows everything about you at this point since those dreams were about getting to know every aspect of each other. So, don't be afraid. She won't go anywhere – Jackson disclosed.

-You are right... so smart – I chuckled softly.

-You said that yourself! I'm just here repeating what you once told me, genius! – Jackson said before throwing me another pillow. -Now, sleep. You need some rest too, Jinyoung.

I threw the pillow back. -In case you need it – I chuckled.

-Thanks – He said while taking the pillow, he snuggled against it before closing his eyes. -I think you should believe more in your relationship; your nightmares aren't real, Jinyoung. Be thankful you are out from them – Jackson told.

-Yeah – I said while looking at the ceiling.

But if I'm out of them, why do I keep dreaming about going back? Why do I see Heesun going back to those dreams?

Daydream || Park Jinyoung (S2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt