PAYBACK.....And More

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Roman Reigns

You vs Tamina!

You used your speed against Tamina as she used her power moves on you which made the match go back and forth. At this point, Tamina threw you out of the ring and you landed hard on the floor by the announce tables. Tamina rolled out of the ring as Paul Heyman walked down to the ring. Tamina pulled out a steel chair and hit you in your ribs and your back as Paul distracted the referee.

Paul walked away as Tamina tossed you into the ring and she got back in. She put you in position by the corner, climbed up to the top rope and went for the Splash but you rolled closer to the corner and out of the way!

Tamina held onto her ribs as she stood up in the middle of the ring. Tamina turned and you hit her with a Spear! You covered her and won the match!

Lilian-''Here is your winner and still WWE Divas Champion....Y/N!''
You raised your championship as you glared at Heyman.

Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar!

Roman & Brock were having a brutal No Holds Barred Match! Roman used every weapon under the ring he could find against Lesnar. In the end, Roman hit Lesnar with his 5th Spear, pinned Lesnar and won the match!

Later At The Hotel.
You & Roman were sitting on the couch.

You-''You feeling any better?''

Roman-''Nothing I'm not used to by now.''

You-''At least it's over between you & Brock.''

Roman-''Yeah. No more kidnapping, no more excuses and no more of hearing Paul Heyman talk about his stupid client.''

You smiled.

You-''Now, we can look forward to the world tour.''

You rested your chin in your hands and Roman looked at your engagement ring.

Roman-''You know, the tour is in 2 weeks. Let's have our wedding before then.''

You-''What? There's too much to do. We still have to contact all the guests, get our dress & suit, find a venue, get the wedding cake-''

Roman kissed you.

Roman-''We can do this.''

You smiled.

Roman-''Come on, let's travel on this world tour as a married couple.''

You-''Ok, let's do it!!''

Roman kissed you.

Seth Rollins

You vs Paige!
You & Paige were going back and forth in a great match so far. Multiple counters into quick pinfalls and last second kick outs. At this point, you & Paige had just taken each other down with a double clothesline and both of you were down on the mat.

Cole-''Both women are down!''

Jerry-''The referee is up to a count of 5.''

JBL-''Paige has to get up if she wants to become champion.''

You & Paige used the ropes to get up on opposite sides of the ring. You ran at Paige but she lowered the ropes causing you to fall out of the ring and onto the floor.
You slowly got up and then you saw Paige distracting the referee. Then you got turned around and hit with a hard clothesline from Samoa Joe!

Cole-''It's Samoa Joe!''

Jerry-''Y/N could be knocked out!''

Samoa Joe ran off! Paige rolled out of the ring, tossed you into the ring and covered you.

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