The Royal Rumble!

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Roman Reigns

You and Paige were going back and forth in a great match as Roman & Dean were watching backstage.

Roman-''Come on, Honey.''

You tossed Paige out of the ring by the announce tables. You ran to do a suicide dive but Paige drove her forearm into your jaw causing you to stumble back to the middle of the ring. Paige slid back into the ring, picked you up and delivered a Spine Buster!


Paige covered you.


You kicked out!

Cole-''Y/N kicks out just in time!''

Jerry-''Paige is probably wondering right now what does she have to do to beat Y/N.''

Paige picked you up, shoved you into the corner, ran at you but you kicked her away from you. Paige ran at you again but you moved out of the way and she hit her shoulder against the ring post!

Roman-''Pin her, Honey.''

You rolled Paige up into a pinfall but she kicked out. You both rolled apart, ran at each other and you ducked under her clothesline. You bounced off the ropes as Paige turned around and you hit her with a Spear!

JBL-''Spear by The Superwoman!''

You covered Paige.


The arena exploded with cheers as your music played.


Lilian-''Here is your winner and still the WWE Divas Champion....Y/N!''

The referee handed you your championship and raised your hand.

Roman-''That's my Superwoman!''

You smiled and left the ring.

Later that night....

Cole-''Roman Reigns! Roman Reigns did it!!''

Jerry-''Roman has won the Royal Rumble!''

JBL-''Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania! I can't wait.''

You ran down the aisle and got into the ring. You hugged & kissed Roman and congratulated him!

Seth Rollins

You and Kaitlyn were exchanging blows in the middle of the ring as this match was getting really intense. Seth was watching your match backstage.

Cole-''These ladies are giving it everything they've got!''

Jerry-''There wasn't any tension when this match started but things have changed!''

JBL-''You better believe things have changed!''

Kaitlyn shoved you against the ropes and ran at you but you lowered the ropes causing her to fall outside the ring. You ran across the ring, bounced off the ropes, dove through the ropes and took down Kaitlyn by the entrance aisle.

Seth-''That's it, Guppy.''

You stood up, picked up Kaitlyn but then she grabbed your arm and shoved you into the steel steps!


Kaitlyn picked you up and slammed you into the barricade! Then she picked you up and swung you towards the ring apron but you countered her and threw her into the ring apron!


Cole-''Referee is at a count of 5 now!''

You stepped towards Kaitlyn but she kicked you away from her. She ran at you but you bent down and delivered a Back Body Drop to her! Kaitlyn fell hard on the aisle as you dropped to your knees.

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