When Did You Know?

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Roman Reigns

It was about an hour before Night Of Champions and because Roman was rushed to the hospital the night before, you were with him in his hospital room.

You-''How are you feeling, Bear?''

Roman-''You know me, Honey. Tough as nails.''

You-''Yeah, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to worry about you.''

Roman-''I know.''

You held onto Roman's hand.

Roman-''You know, you can still make it to the show in time to have your title match.''

You-''Bear, I am not leaving your side. You're way more important to me than a championship.''

Roman smiled.

Roman-''Honey, when did you know?''

You-''Know what?''

Roman-''When did you know that you wanted to become a wrestler?''

You-''Oh, man. No one has asked me that in years.''

You giggled.

You-''It was after I went to my first WWE Live event.''

You smiled.

You-''I was just inspired to be like everyone I saw that night and...I guess that's when I knew.''

Roman smiled at you.

You-''Obviously, at first I wasn't aiming for WWE because I just wanted to wrestle. But when I got the call...I accepted.''

Roman-''And I am so glad that you did.''

You-''Me too.''

You smiled as Roman kissed your hand.

Seth Rollins

You and Seth were in the locker room. You replied to a text from AJ when Seth sat down next to you.

Seth-''Hey, Guppy.''

You-''Hey, Gummy Bear.''

You put your phone down.

Seth-''You glad that AJ is still in the match tonight?''

You-''Yeah. She deserves this title opportunity.''

Seth-''You're really glad to have her as your best friend again, huh?''

You-''Yeah, I am.''

You smiled.

You-''This business is hard. But it's even harder if you don't have any friends.''

Seth-''That's true. Guppy, when did you know?''

You-''Know what?''

Seth-''When did you know you wanted to be a wrestler?''

You-''My dad is a wrestling coach. So, I've always been around it but because I'm Daddy's little girl...he never wanted me to wrestle.''

Seth-''So, your dad inspired you but he didn't want you to do it?''

You-''Pretty much.''

Seth-''What made him change his mind? Otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here right now.''

You smiled.

You-''I got professionally trained without him knowing about. My mom helped me.''

Seth smiled.

You-''After several months, my mom & I took my dad to a show and I had my first wrestling match in front of him.''

Seth-''And he had no idea?''

You-''Nope. So, he was shocked when I stepped into the ring.''

Seth-''What did he say afterwards?''

You-''When I saw him...he had the most serious look on his face.''

You sighed.

You-''But then he said ''My baby girl is all grown up''.''

You smiled making Seth smile.

You-''He was so proud of me.''

You got emotional just thinking about that moment you had with your dad.

You-''After that my dad helped with my training and...the rest is history.''

You smiled as Seth smiled at you.

Dean Ambrose

You were sitting in The Shield's locker room staring at your title.


You didn't respond. Then Dean sat down next to you and kissed your head.

Dean-''Hey, you alright?''

You-''I'm ok. Just lost in thought.''

You looked down at your title.

Dean-''You're not losing that title tonight.''

You smiled and kissed Dean.

You-''Thank you.''

You both smiled.

Dean-''When did you know?''

You-''Know what?''

Dean-''When did you know you wanted to be a wrestler?''

You-''It might sound familiar to you.''

Dean-''You dropped out of high school and started wrestling?''

You nodded.

Dean-''No way!''

You-''I fell in love with wrestling! When I was in a ring for the first time...''

Dean-''You just knew?''


Dean smiled.

You-''But...I hate talking about when it all started.''

Dean-''Cause you dropped out of school to do it?''

You-''Yeah. And my family...''

You paused.

You-''They've been disappointed in me ever since.''

Dean-''That's why you don't talk about them?''

You-''They never supported me.''

Dean-''I'm sorry, sweetie.''

You-''I just hate how my journey started.''

Dean rubbed your back.

Dean-''Isn't it time to put it all behind you?''

You-''You think so?''

Dean-''Yeah. Your family being disappointed is not your problem.''

You looked at Dean.

Dean-''You are a great athlete, an incredible wrestler and an amazing champion. It's their loss if they refuse to see that.''

You smiled.

Dean-''Besides, we're your family now. Right?''

You-''Believe That.''

Dean-''That's my champion.''

You started crying a little.

Dean-''Hey, come here.''

You and Dean hugged.

You-''I love you so much, Dean.''

Dean smiled.

Dean-''I love you too, Y/N.''

Dean kissed your head.

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