He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend

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Roman Reigns

You and Roman were out bowling one Saturday night. It was just the two of you and you just beat him.


Roman clapped for you and you took a bow and laughed.

You-''Mr. Reigns, how can you be so dominating in the ring but you can't beat me in a bowling match?''

Roman-''Well, did you ever think that maybe I let you win?''

You-''Oh, that's cold.''

Roman laughed making you smile.

Roman-''Hey, Y/N?''


Roman stepped in front of you.

Roman-''I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now.''

You noticed Roman was very serious.


Roman-''Will you be my girlfriend?''

You smiled.

You-''I would love to be your girlfriend!''

You jumped into his big arms and you two hugged each other. You pulled away and Roman gave you a gentle kiss and you smiled because it was your first kiss with him.

Seth Rollins

You and Seth were sitting on the floor in your hotel room and you guys just finished playing Resident Evil 6.

You-''This game never gets old.''

Seth-''I know. I actually never enjoyed this game so much until you came along.''

You-''Well, your very welcome.''

You and Seth smiled.

Seth-''I actually have a question for you.''

You-''What might that be?''

Seth-''Wait. Dean and Roman are on their way here, right?''


Seth-''Then I better ask you before Dean asks for me again.''

You smiled as you recalled how Dean asked you out for Seth.

Seth-''Will you be my girlfriend?''

You smiled.

You-''Seth, I...''

Then Roman and Dean walked in the hotel room.


You-''Hey, guys.''

They walked over and Dean sat next to you as Roman sat next to Seth.

Dean-''Playing Resident Evil again?''

You-''We just finished.''

Dean-''Oh, did we miss the double RPG blast?''

You-''You did.''

Dean-''Not cool.''

You giggled.

You-''Actually, Seth just asked me a question.''

Dean-''Oh, did he ask you to be his girlfriend?''


Roman-''And what's your answer?''

Seth sighed.

Seth-''This is not happening.''

You giggled.

You-''I would love to be your girlfriend, Seth.''

You gave Seth a kiss on his cheek making him smile.

Dean-''Oh, come on. Give him a big kiss on the lips, Y/N.''

Roman-''Just pretend Dean and I aren't here.''

Seth-''I think we'll wait til we're alone.''

You all laughed.

Dean-''Alright, who wants to watch The Walking Dead?!''

You all smiled. Later you and Seth had your first kiss when you two were alone.

Dean Ambrose

It was Extreme Rules where The Shield all became champions. They were in their undisclosed location when you walked up to them.

You-''Congratulations guys!''

Roman-''Thanks Y/N.''

Seth-''You had no doubt we were gonna win, huh?''


You all laughed. Then Roman and Seth walked off leaving you and Dean alone.

Dean-''Hey, you had a great night too by beating Dolph in a tables match.''

You-''Thanks. But you're gonna be a great United States Champion. I don't think anything can top this moment for The Shield.''

Dean-''Well, maybe not for The Shield but I think there is something that can top this moment for us.''

You-''What's that?''

Dean stepped closer to you and put his hand on your cheek.

Dean-''Will you be my girlfriend?''

You-''Really, Dean?''

Dean-''Yeah. I've been meaning to ask you for while and I can't think of a better time than now.''

You-''I'd love to be your girlfriend.''

You and Dean smiled. Then Dean leaned down and kissed you which surprised you but before you could kiss back he pulled away.

Dean-''I er...I'm so sorry for kissing you without asking first or...''

You stopped Dean in mid sentence by kissing him. Dean kissed you back as he wrapped his arms around you while holding onto his US title.

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