We're Going On Tour

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Roman Reigns
You & Roman just finished packing your bags for the WWE World Tour as Joey was watching sadly.

You-''Joey's giving us those sad puppy eyes again.''

Roman-''I know. But at least he loves staying with our neighbours.''

Then Roman started taking all the bags to the car as you took Joey next door with his bag of toys and food.

You-''Hi, Linda.''

Linda-''Hi, Y/N. Hello, Joey.''

Joey wagged his tail as you handed Linda his bag.

You-''Thank you again for watching him.''

Linda-''No problem. The kids will be happy.''

You kissed Joey goodbye and he ran inside the house.

You-''Well, I gotta run.''

Linda-''Travel safe on your tour.''

You-''Thank you. Bye!''


You walked off and stepped up to Roman as he closed the trunk of the car.

Roman-''You ready to go on a World Tour?''


Roman kissed you.

Seth Rollins
You & Seth arrived at the airport. You both sat down in the waiting area.

You-''We have 30 minutes before we can board the plane.''

Seth-''Hopefully the flight isn't delayed.''

Then AJ Lee sat down next to you.

You-''Hey, AJ.''

AJ-''Hey, guys. How was the honeymoon? And leave out the nasty details.''

You & Seth smiled.

You-''It was incredible! We went to a Royal Private Island. Seth treated me like a queen.''

Seth kissed your hand.

AJ-''That's so sweet. Who knew Seth was such a romantic person?''

You-''I know, right?! Who knew?''

Seth-''Hey, I'm very romantic!''

Dean-''No, you're not!''

Dean said as he walked by and you & AJ laughed!

Dean Ambrose
You & Dean were sitting in your seats on the flight to Europe. Dean had his arm around your shoulder and held you close.

You-''As much as I'm looking forward to this WWE World Tour....''

You looked at Dean.

You-''I wish we were still in that cabin by the fireplace.''

Dean-''Me too.''

Dean kissed your forehead.

Dean-''Even though....''

Dean whispered in your ear.

Dean-''It wasn't the fireplace that kept us warm every night. All night.''

You smiled as Dean smirked.

You-''Dean, stop it.''

Dean-''That's not what you said in the cabin.''

You blushed and got shy.

Dean-''Aaww, baby. Don't be shy.''

You smiled shyly at Dean.

Dean-''Although, your shyness is sexy.''

Dean kissed you.

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