You're Drunk

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Roman Reigns

You, Roman & Dean were at the bar. Roman & Dean were sitting at the bar with Daniel Bryan as you were sitting at a booth with the divas.

Roman-''Yeah, so the car ran out of gas the first weekend we weren't with Seth anymore.''

Daniel-''Oh, man!''

Dean-''I still think it was Seth who drained our gas tank.''

They laughed.

Dean-''And it looks like Y/N may have too much in the tank.''

Roman-''What do you mean?''

Dean-''Check it out, brother.''

Dean pointed to where you were making Roman look over.

Roman-''Oh my....''

Roman saw you dancing on top of the table with Brie Bella.

You and Brie-''BRIE MODE!''

All the divas were cheering.

Daniel-''Looks like Y/N is in Brie Mode.''

Roman was really surprised. Roman has seen you drunk many times before but not like this.

Dean-''Bro, you better get her off that table before she falls. Believe me....I've seen it happen. It ain't pretty.''

Roman-''You really think she'll fall?''

Dean-''Yep. Especially in those six inch heels.''

Daniel-''Dean's right. You better step in now.''

Roman got up, walked over to you and took your hand.

You-''Hey, Roman! Dance with me!''

Roman-''Not on the table, Honey. Come on, it's time to go.''


Roman-''Yes. Come on, Honey.''

Then Roman picked you up off the table, put you over his shoulder and walked over to Dean.

Roman-''Dean, will you drive us home?''

Dean-''No problem.''

They said goodnight to Daniel and left the bar. Dean took you and Roman home and you ended up falling asleep in the backseat of the car.

Seth Rollins

Seth was at home hanging out with Dean & Roman as you were having a girls night.

Seth-''Man, it's getting late.''

Dean-''I'm sure Y/N is gonna walk through the front door any second now.''

Then they heard the front door open and something fell hard on the floor.

Dean-''Did I say walk in?''

Seth rushed out of the living room and over to you as you were laying on the floor.

Seth-''Y/N, are you alright?''

Seth asked in a panic as Dean and Roman rushed over to both of you.

You-''Hey! When did you guys get to the bar?!''

Seth sighed in relief as Dean & Roman just smiled.

Dean-''She is so wasted.''

Roman-''Seth, you better take her to bed.''


Seth picked you up in his arms, said goodnight to his brothers and took you upstairs.

You-''Why does the bar look like our bedroom?''

Seth-''That's because it is our bedroom, Guppy.''

Seth laid you down in bed.

You-''What? When did I get home?''

Seth-''You mean you don't....''

Seth stopped mid sentence knowing you didn't know how you got home.

Seth-''Ok. Time to go sleep, Guppy. Your confusion is confusing me.''

You laughed.

You-''You're hilarious, Rollins!''

Seth-''Well, I'm glad you know it's me you're talking to.''

Then you fell asleep and Seth smiled at you.

Seth-''Sleep well, Guppy.''

Seth kissed your forehead.

Dean Ambrose

You and Dean got home at 2:30am after a night of drinking and karaoke at Madonna's Bar.


You-''That was so much fun!''

Dean-''You are so drunk, Baby Cakes.''

You laughed as you fell against the wall after losing your balance.

You-''I know!''

Dean laughed as he knew you drank way more than he did. Dean also knew it was your first time being drunk.

Dean-''Come on, let's get you to bed.''

You-''But I....I'm not sleepy.''

Dean-''I know that you think you're not sleepy but trust me, sweetie're gonna pass out as soon as you lay down.''

Dean wrapped his arms around you.

You-''How do you know that?''

Dean-''Cause you're getting this advice from someone who has been drunk many times.''

You smiled.

Dean-''And with this being your first time being should take that advice.''

Dean picked you up and put you over his shoulder.

You-''Ambrose! I can walk!''

Dean-''You can bearly stand!''

You and Dean laughed as he carried you upstairs into the bedroom. And just like Dean said, you passed out as soon as he laid you down in bed making Dean smile at you.

Dean-''Sweet dreams, Baby Cakes.''

Dean kissed your forehead. The next morning you woke up with the mother of all headaches as Dean walked into the room with a cup of tea for you.

Dean-''Look who's finally awake.''

Dean sat down on the bed facing you.

You-''Oh my gosh. Why is my head pounding?''

Dean-''It's called a hangover, sweetie pie.''

Dean handed you your tea.

You-''Thank you. Does tea help with the hangover?''

Dean-''Not sure. Different remedies work for different people. But luckily you and I have a high threshold for pain so, you'll be just fine.''

Dean kissed your forehead.

You-''Thank you. Where's Benny?''

Dean-''Running around in the backyard. Come on, a little fresh air might help with that hangover.''


You and Dean went outside to the backyard and played with Benny. After a while your hangover was starting to go away.

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