Night Of Champions!

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Roman Reigns

You and Roman were watching Night Of Champions on your laptop. Seth Rollins just took a forfeit victory over Roman because he wasn't there.

You-''Can you believe that?''

Roman smiled at you.

You-''What happened to the Seth Rollins we once knew?''

Roman-''People change, Honey. But sometimes it's not for the better.''

You-''Would it sound silly if I said that I miss him?''

Roman-''Not at all. I know you loved him like a big brother.''

Roman held onto your hand.

You-''Well, at least I've still got Dean as my brother.''

Roman-''Believe That.''

You both smiled. Then Seth made an open challenge to anyone in the locker room that wanted to fight him.

You-''Is he serious?''

Roman-''Could just be another trap by The Authority.''

Then a taxi drove up into the parking lot of the arena. Then Dean Ambrose stepped out!


Dean Ambrose ran to the ring and took down Seth Rollins.

You-''Did you know Dean was going to be back tonight?''

Roman-''He didn't tell me.''

You and Roman smiled as Dean fought with Seth all over the arena.

Roman-''That's our brother.''

About a half hour later, Dean walked into the hospital room.


Roman-''Hey, bro.''

You-''You didn't tell us you were coming back tonight.''

Dean sat down next to you.

Dean-''And ruin the surprise?''

You all laughed.

Roman-''Are you done filming already?''

Dean-''We can talk about that later. Jimmy and Jey told me what happened to you, brother.''

Roman-''Oh, good. Now I don't have to explain anything.''

You smiled.

Dean-''How are you feeling, bro?''

Roman-''I had a successful surgery. I'm on morphine. I'm fine.''

Dean-''Alright. How long before you're back in the ring?''

Roman-''A couple of months. Maybe longer just to be on the safe side.''

Then you stood up.

You-''I'm gonna go get some coffee while you two catch up.''

You left the room.

Dean-''She's worried about you.''

Roman-''I know. I can't seem to put her at ease.''

Dean-''Well, think about it from her point of view. How would you feel if she was rushed to the hospital unexpectedly?''

Roman-''Worried, scared...helpless.''

Dean-''She's obviously still in a state of shock too, bro. This hasn't happened to someone she loves before.''

Roman looked at Dean.

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