There's Something In The House!

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Roman Reigns

You were sitting in the living room on the couch reading a book while Joey was laying on the floor and Roman was making coffee in the kitchen. Then Joey looked at you and started growling making you look at him.


Joey stood up and continued to growl.

You-''Joey, what is it?''

Then Joey started barking at you.

You-''Joey, stop it.''

But Joey continued to bark.

Roman-''Everything alright, Honey?!''

Roman asked from the kitchen.

You-''I'm not sure!''

Roman-''I'll be right there!''

You looked at Joey and then you realised Joey was looking behind you, so you looked over your shoulder and saw this on the wall....

You looked at Joey and then you realised Joey was looking behind you, so you looked over your shoulder and saw this on the wall

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You screamed so loudly you gave Roman a fright when he heard you. You got off the couch so fast and crawled on the floor over to the living room doorway as Roman rushed over to you.

Roman-''Honey, what's wrong?''

You were in such shock you were only saying half of your words.

Roman-''Y/N, I can't understand what you're trying to say.''

Then you pointed to the wall as Joey barked again and Roman saw it.

Roman-''Oh, it's a spider. I know you hate spiders, Honey.''

You were shaking as Roman helped you up to your feet.

You-''Get it out of the house, Bear.''

Roman-''I will.''

You went to the kitchen and waited until Roman came back with Joey.

Roman-''Hey, you alright?''

Roman rubbed your shoulders.

You-''Is it gone?''

Roman-''Yeah. I caught it and put it outside.''

You rested your forehead against Roman's chest.

You-''Thank you.''

Roman kissed the top of your head.

Roman-''You know, that was a Florida Wolf Spider.''

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