What Is Going On?

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Roman Reigns

You and Roman were watching Raw from your hotel room. Dean & Cena both wanted to fight Rollins but The Authority was doing everything to stop them.

You-''What is going on?!''

You looked at Roman.

You-''I can't believe they locked Dean in a room!''

Roman-''The Authority will do anything.''

You-''This sucks.''

Roman-''You know, not that Dean needs help but...I'm sure he wouldn't mind having his little sister watching his back.''

You immediately knew what Roman meant.

You-''Bear, we talked about this. I'm going back when you're going back.''

Roman-''Honey, you can't put your career on hold for me.''


Roman-''Would you let me do that if you got injured?''

You-''Of course not.''

Roman-''Now, how do you think I feel about what you're doing?''

You realised he was right.

Roman-''You weren't meant to babysit me.''

You-''I don't mind though.''

Roman-''I know.''

You both smiled.

Roman-''I'm not sure when I'm gonna be back in the ring but I want to see you in there Spearing everyone.''

You giggled.

Roman-''And keep Dean from getting into too much trouble.''

You-''I can do that.''

Roman-''And I'll be back before you know it.''



You both smiled and kissed.

Seth Rollins

You were in the ring.

You-''Ever since the Fatal 4 Way ended last night...I've been feeling really bad about how I retained my Divas Championship.''

You looked towards the stage.

You-''So, AJ...come out here.''

AJ's music played. She skipped down to the ring, got in and stood up facing you.

You-''AJ, I've been thinking all day and I came up with a great way to make it up to you.''

AJ-''Y/N, I already told you...you did nothing wrong last night.''

You-''I know but...please hear me out?''


You-''You vs me for the Divas Championship...tonight!''


AJ-''Are you serious?''

You-''I'm actually not taking no for an answer.''

You reached out your hand to AJ.

AJ-''You're on!''

AJ shook your hand and you both smiled.

Later That Night...

You and AJ just collided in the middle of the ring with a double Cross Body!

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