He Misses You

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Roman Reigns

Your phone rang as you were in your hotel room.


Roman-''Hey, Honey!''

You-''Bear! Hi, how are you?''

Roman-''Missing you.''

You-''I miss you too.''

Roman-''How are things in Brazil?''

You-''Things are great. The fans are amazing! I wish you were here.''

Roman-''Me too. Jimmy & Jey keeping an eye on you?''

You-''You could say that.''

You looked over and saw Jimmy & Jey dancing on the couch.

You-''Although, sometimes I feel like I'm babysitting.''

Roman smiled.

Roman-''Don't worry, I'm sure they won't get into too much trouble.''

Then Roman heard a loud thud over the phone.

You-''Oh, man.''

Roman-''What was that?''

You-''Jimmy fell off the couch.''

Jey-''Bro! You ok?!''

Jimmy-''I-I'm alright.''

You sighed in relief.

You-''He's ok.''

Roman-''That's my cousin.''

You smiled.

Roman-''Enjoy yourself, Honey. Call me after the show tonight.''

You-''Ok. Love you, Bear.''

Roman-''Love you too, Honey.''

The call ended.

Jimmy-''Hey, Y/N. Come dance with us.''

You-''And risk falling on my ass? Hell no!''

You all laughed.

Seth Rollins

You were asleep in bed when your phone rang.

You-''Oh, come on!''

You screamed into your pillow because the call woke you up.

You-''This better be important.''

You grabbed your phone and answered it.

You-''What is it?''

Seth-''Well, that's not the response I was expecting.''

You quickly sat up in bed.

You-''Gummy Bear?''

Seth-''Hey, Guppy. Bad day?''

You-''You could say that. I'm sorry.''

Seth-''It's ok. Did you have a bad match?''

You-''I canceled all my appearences for the week.''

Seth-''Are you ok?''

You-''Yeah. I just miss you.''

Seth-''I miss you too. And I'm just realising now that if you're home in Iowa, then I just woke you up in the middle of the night.''

You-''It's fine. You can call me any time.''

Seth-''I just needed to hear your voice before I start the show in a few minutes.''

You smiled.

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