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Roman Reigns

You, Roman & Dean had just arrived at the arena and were heading to the locker room.

You-''We should keep an eye out for Lesnar tonight.''

Dean-''If he's smart....he won't show up at all after what we did to him last night at Fastlane.''

Roman-''Well, no one ever accused Lesnar of being smart.''

You all laughed. Then Stephanie walked up to all of you.

Stephanie-''I'm sure you're all proud of your actions last night.''

You-''You could say that.''

Stephanie-''As you know, actions have consequences. So, Y/N....you & Dean will be in a handicap match against the team you all fought last week on Raw.''


Stephanie-''Oh, and Roman?''


Stephanie-''You're banned from ringside during the match.''

Stephanie walked off.


Dean-''Don't worry, Y/N. We got this.''

You & Dean bumped fists.

Later That Night....

It was you & Dean Ambrose vs Alberto Del Rio, Ryback & Natalya.

Natalya had you in the Sharpshooter!

Dean-''Come on, Y/N!''

Dean was at the corner reaching towards you and encouraging you to get to him or the ropes.

Natalya-''Tap out!''

Then you lifted yourself up and rolled under Natalya and countered the submission into a pinfall!


Natalya kicked out! You both rolled apart and then Brock Lesnar's music played!

Cole-''Oh, no!''

Brock walked out onto the stage with Paul Heyman. Natalya, Ryback and Del Rio left as Brock ran towards the ring!

Jerry-''Here he comes!''

Brock grabbed Dean and slammed him hard into the ring apron! Then Brock slammed him into the steel steps.


Then Brock looked at you.

Cole-''Oh, no. Y/N, get out of there!''

Brock slid into the ring, immediately grabbed you and put you on his shoulders!

Jerry-''Brock, don't do this!''

Then as Brock turned around, Roman Reigns Speared him!

Cole-''It's Reigns!''

Roman immediately got you out of the ring. You both helped Dean up to his feet and went backstage through the crowd.

Seth Rollins

You & Seth were walking backstage when Corporate Kane walked up to both of you.

Seth-''What now, Kane?''

Kane-''I actually have news for Y/N.''

You-''What news?''

Kane-''Well, while you were busy saving your fiancé from Samoa Joe last night....you might not know that you have a new number 1 contender for your WWE Divas Championship.''

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