You Can't Do This

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Roman Reigns

You sat down on a crate backstage after winning a handicap match that Stephanie forced you to have. Your eyes filled up with tears as you winced in pain.

You-''I can't do this.''

You whispered to yourself. You started crying and covered your face with your hands.


Dean walked up to you.

Dean-''Hey, baby sister. What's wrong?''

Dean removed your hands from your face and you cried on his chest as he held onto you.

Dean-''It's ok. Let it out.''

Dean allowed you to cry until you calmed down. Dean sat down next to you with his hand rubbing your back.

You-''Sorry, I cried on your tank top.''

Dean-''Don't worry about it.''

You smiled weakly.

Dean-''You wanna tell me what's wrong?''

You-''I don't know how long I can keep doing this Dean.''

Dean-''Do what?''

You-''Ever since The Shield turned on The Authority last year, we've been nothing but targets for them.''

You sighed.

You-''I mean, it was fun at first but now it's just getting old. I don't mind that I keep proving them wrong in these ridiculous matches they put me in but....''

Dean-''It does get annoying, doesn't it?''

You-''Definitely. I mean, it's like nothing they do is original. It's the same old song and dance and I am getting so sick of it!''

Dean-''Have you talked to Roman about this?''


You looked at Dean.

You-''You cannot tell Roman.''


To Be Continued....

Seth Rollins

You were wondering around backstage and eventually sat on a crate in a slightly dark area to be alone. But someone did spot you as you ran your fingers through your hair.

You-''I can't do this.''

You whispered but someone heard you.

Roman-''You can't do what, babygirl?''

You quickly looked up and saw Roman.

You-''Hey, big brother.''

Roman-''Can I sit with you?''

You-''Of course. I'm sure The Authority won't see us.''

Roman smiled and sat down next to you.

Roman-''Where's Seth?''

You-''Where he always is.''

Roman-''In a meeting with Triple H?''


Roman-''You look like you need to get something off your chest.''

You looked at Roman.

You-''Is it that obvious?''

Roman-''Pretty much.''

You both smiled.

Roman-''So, what is it that you can't do anymore?''

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