The Shield vs Evolution!

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Dean Ambrose

All four of you stepped out from behind the curtain, walked down the steps and jumped over the barricade as Evolution was standing in the ring and you put your Intercontinental Title on the announce table. Then all of you surrounded the ring and blocked off every side so Evolution couldn't go anywhere.

Cole-''The Shield with their famous pack mentality as they surround the ring.''

Jerry-''The Shield haven't even taken off their Shield Masks yet.''

JBL-''The Hounds Of Justice showing Evolution who's yard they're standing in.''

You all slowly got on the apron and stood up as Evolution stood with their backs together looking at all of you.

Fans-''Hounds Of Justice! Hounds Of Justice! Hounds Of Justice!''

Then you all entered the ring and the fight was on! Roman went after Triple H, Seth went after Randy, Dean went after Batista and you went after Kane.

Cole-''A huge fight just broke out!''

Jerry-''We should've expected this, Michael!''

JBL-''It's Summer Slam. Let them fight!''

Roman & Seth clotheslined Triple H & Randy over the ropes and they fell to the floor in front of the entrance. Then you and Dean clotheslined Batista & Kane over the ropes and they fell on the floor in front of the three announce tables.


All of you stood tall in the ring as Evolution was laying outside the ring. Then you all took off your Shield Masks and threw them outside the ring.

Cole-''The Shield standing tall in their yard.''

After a few moments, the referee got everyone to their corners so the match could officially start. Evolution were in the corner by the announce tables and The Shield were on the opposite side in the corner by the entrance.

Referee-''Ring the bell!''

The bell rang and everyone stood on the apron in their corners as Seth Rollins and Randy Orton stood in the ring to start the match.

JBL-''Rollins and Orton are gonna start things off.''

Seth and Randy locked up. Randy put Seth in a headlock but Seth moved towards the ropes, pushed Randy off him making Randy bounce off the ropes on the opposite side but when they ran back at each other, Randy knocked Seth down with a Shoulder Tackle.

Cole-''Orton with a hard shoulder tackle.''

Randy bounced off the ropes as Seth turned over onto his stomach. Randy jumped over him and bounced off the ropes as Seth stood up. Randy ran at Seth but Seth jumped over him and when they turned to face each other, Seth kicked Randy making him fall to his hands and knees. Then Seth went for the Curb Stomp but Randy got out of the way, grabbed Seth for the RKO but Seth slipped out of it and then there was a stand off making the fans clap.

JBL-''These guys know each other so well.''

Seth and Randy smiled as they both stepped back to their corners.

Dean-''You're doing great, brother. ''


Then Randy tagged in Batista.

You-''You wanna tag out, Seth?''

Seth-''No, I'm good. Unless you want in?''

Dean-''Actually...I want in.''

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