A Little Revenge

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Roman Reigns

Natalya applied the Sharp Shooter on Paige in the middle of the ring.

Cole-''Natalya has Paige in the Sharp Shooter!''

Jerry-''Is Paige gonna tap out?''

You-''Hey, Natalya!''

Natalya lets go of Paige and looks around the arena for you.

You-''Did you miss me, Natalya?''

Then you walked out and stood at the top of the stairs where Roman makes his entrance.

JBL-''It's Y/N!''

Then Paige rolled up Natalya from behind and Paige pinned her!

Lilian-''Here is your winner, Paige!''

Natalya was furious as you pretended to look shocked.

You-''Oh, man! Nice one, Paige!''

You waved at Paige as she smiled at you. Then you looked at Natalya.

You-''Listen, Nat. I may have to jump through hoops to get my title opportunity again but I will become #1 contender!''

Natalya shook her head.

You-''You made this personal when you attacked me and I'm gonna take my Divas Championship back. Believe That!''

The fans cheered as your music played. Then you turned around and as soon as you stepped behind the curtain, Dean Ambrose hugged you and spun you around.

Dean-''My little sister is back!''

Dean put you down on your feet.

You-''Didn't Roman tell you I was coming back tonight?''

Dean-''He did. But it's still great to see you out there.''

You smiled.

Dean-''Roman sent you back to keep an eye on me, huh?''


Dean-''I almost believed that.''

You-''He just wants me to make sure you don't get locked up in a room by The Authority again.''

Dean-''Oh, yeah. That did happen.''

You-''You said on Miz TV that there was a backdoor. Is that really how you got out?''

Dean-''Let's just say...I made a backdoor.''


Dean-''Hey, let's go to catering. I'm hungry.''

Dean ran off.


You smiled.

You-''You didn't answer my question!''

You said as you ran after him.

Seth Rollins

Michael Cole-''Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Divas Champion, Y/N.''

Your music played and you stepped out onto the stage. Then you skipped down the ramp to the ring, slid into the ring and stood up facing Cole.

Jerry-''Hopefully we'll get some answers about last week.''

Cole gave you a mic and you both sat down on your seats.

Cole-''Y/N, you've spoken so proudly about getting your friendship with AJ Lee back these last few months.''

You nodded.

Cole-''Which is why everyone was shocked about what you did last week.''

You-''Nobody saw it coming, huh?''

Cole-''We certainly did not. So, the question on everyone's mind is...why? Why did you betray AJ?''

You-''Betray? I didn't betray AJ. Last week was my revenge.''

You looked at Cole.

You-''I just gave AJ a taste of her own medicine. Did she honestly think I forgave her for what she did to me last year? Did she really think I forgot what it felt like to have a knife in my back?!''

You put your title on your shoulder.

You-''Last week was just the beginning. I am far from done, Cole.''

You stood up from your seat.

You-''AJ Lee better watch her back and walk around looking over her shoulder because I am going to haunt her and drive her insane. And with her already being crazy...it shouldn't take me too long to achieve that.''

You turned and faced the stage.

You-''Come on, AJ!''

You put your title on your seat.

You-''I know I drilled your head into a steel chair last week but I know you're here!''

You slammed the mic onto the mat and AJ came running out to the ring. She slid into the ring and a fight broke out!

JBL-''The fight is on!''

Seth Rollins came out with some referees and separated you and AJ. Seth took you out of the ring as the referees kept AJ in the ring.

You-''Let me go!''

Seth-''Calm down, Y/N! You'll get her at Hell In A Cell.''

You slowly calmed down as you stood on the stage with Seth.

Dean Ambrose

All four of you were walking backstage when you saw Dolph Ziggler talking to Triple H.

Dolph-''Hunter, I want to fight Bray tonight!''

Triple H-''Bray already has a match tonight. But I can give you a match against Harper & Rowan.''

Dolph-''Tag Team?''

Triple H-''That's up to you. If you can find a partner, then you got a tag match. But if you can't...''

Dolph-''It'll be a handicap match.''

Triple H smiled.

Triple H-''You got it.''

Dolph sighed.

Triple H-''Good luck.''

You-''He doesn't need luck!''

You all walked up to Dolph & Triple H.

You-''Dolph's got me. I'll be his tag team partner.''

Triple H-''You got your match.''

Triple H walked off.

Dolph-''Thanks, Y/N.''

You-''Hey, it's the least I can do. Wyatt attacked you because of me.''

Dolph-''Don't blame yourself for that. You don't control his actions.''


Dolph-''So, you ready to kick ass?''

Dean-''She's always ready.''

You all smiled.

Later That Night...

You covered Harper for the win but Wyatt pulled you out of the ring and slammed you into the steel steps.

Cole-''That's going to be a disqualification!''

Dolph went after Bray as Dean checked on you. Bray delivered a forearm to Dolph causing him to fall into Bray's rocking chair. Wyatt grabbed Dean and tossed him into the ring as you got up. Then Dolph got up and went for a Super Kick to Bray but he moved out of the way and Dolph ended up kicking you!

Cole-''Oh, no!''

Bray Wyatt laughed as Dean was in shock. Then the lights went out! When it came back on The Wyatt Family were gone. Dean rushed out of the ring and checked on you as Dolph was still in shock about what he did.

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