He Saves You

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Roman Reigns

Roman & Dean drove up to Brock's house and saw the van parked next to the house on the otherside of a tall gate.

Roman-''You check the van. I'll go take care of Lesnar.''

Dean-''Got it.''

Roman & Dean bumped fists and got out of the car. Dean walked up to the tall gate as Roman stormed towards the front door.


Roman kicked the front door wide open! Roman walked in and saw Paul Heyman in the hallway.

Roman-''Where is she?!''

Paul-''Where's who?''

Roman grabbed Paul by his suit jacket.

Roman-''Don't play dumb with me. WHERE IS Y/N?!''

Paul-''Please, don't hurt me?! I'm just an advocate!!''

Then Roman got hit from behind by Lesnar! Brock & Roman started fighting in the hallway! Paul ran away as the fight went into the living room!

Meanwhile, Dean climbed the tall gate, got over the top and climbed down on the otherside. Dean saw that the van had a lock on the doors and he banged on the van doors.

Dean-''Y/N, are you in there?!''

Dean heard a muffled scream.

Dean-''Don't worry! I'll get you out!''

Dean looked around and saw a tool shed.

Dean-''I'll be right back!''

Dean ran to the tool shed as Brock shoved Roman into a book shelf but then Roman ran towards Brock and Speared him through the coffee table!


Roman got up.

Roman-''Where is she?!''

Brock just coughed heavily.

Roman-''WHERE IS Y/N?!''

Roman yelled as Dean ran back to the van with an axe. Dean broke the lock on the back of the van with the axe.

Dean opened the doors and saw you tied up and gagged. Dean crawled over to you and took the gag out of your mouth.


You cried as he untied you.

Dean-''It's alright.''

Dean completely untied you and you wrapped your arms around him.


Dean-''It's alright, baby sister. I got you.''

Dean could feel you trembling in his arms.



You looked at Dean.

You-''Where's Roman?''

You both heard a crash noise from inside the house.

Dean-''He's uh....''

You both heard another loud crash.

Dean-''He's busy.''

You looked at Dean a bit confused.

You & Dean got out of the van and Dean used the axe to break the gate open.

You & Dean both ran onto the front lawn. Then you both saw Brock crash through the living room bay window and roll onto the front lawn!

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