Night after MITB!

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Roman Reigns

Your music hit to kick off Monday night Raw! You walked down to the ring as the fans cheered for you and you stepped into the ring with a mic in your hand. Roman and Dean were watching from the locker room.

You-''What's up guys?!''

The fans cheered.

You-''Now, I'm sure you all saw what happened last night at Money In The Bank when my Divas title got taken away from me.''


You-''But I'm not out here to complain about it. I'm out here to take care of the reason I lost my title last night.''

You faced the stage.

You-''Stephanie! Get your billion dollar ass out here!''


You stood there waiting for her.

Dean-''Did Y/N tell you she was gonna call out Stephanie?''

Roman-''She did. But she said it was something she had to do alone.''

Dean-''I get it.''

Then Stephanie's music played, she walked down to the ring with a mic in her hand and stepped into the ring facing you.

Stephanie-''Y/N, I know you're mad about not being able to successfully defend your title last night. But that doesn't mean you should be calling me out here.''

You-''Really? You're seriously gonna stand here and deny the fact that you're the reason I'm not champion anymore? You put your damn hands on me!''

Stephanie-''Look, I only put my hands on you after you dove me over last night! You did that on purpose. I was just standing at ringside.''

You-''You had no business being at ringside!''

Stephanie-''I can be anywhere at anytime. I am your boss!''

You-''You can be anywhere at anytime, huh?''

Stephanie-''Yes, I can.''

You-''Well, then how about you be in this ring in a match against me!!''

Fans-''YES! YES! YES! YES!''

Stephanie-''No. That's not gonna happen. Look, you still have your rematch for the Divas title. You can have it whenever you want it.''

You-''I didn't studder, Stephanie. I said I want you in a match.''

Stephanie-''Look, if you face me then you won't get your rematch!''

You-''Fine by me. You said yourself last night that this is far from over between us, Stephanie!''

Stephanie was in shock.

You-''You wanna end this? Face me at Summer Slam!!''

Stephanie-''That's what you want? Me and you at Summer Slam?''

You nodded as the fans cheered.



Stephanie dropped her mic, stepped out of the ring and started walking up the ramp as you dropped your mic.

Roman-''This is so typical of The Authority.''

Dean-''Yeah, they never....''

Dean paused when they saw you slide out of the ring, run up the ramp and you grabbed Stephanie by her hair!

Dean-''Oh, no. This ain't gonna be good....for Stephanie.''

Roman and Dean smiled as you tossed Stephanie back into the ring. You slid into the ring and picked up your mic as she tried to beg you not to hurt her.

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