What Would You Be?

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Roman Reigns

You & Roman were driving home from a Bryan Adams concert.

You-''That concert was amazing!''

Roman-''It was a great show.''

Roman smiled.

Roman-''I saw how you got lost in the music. Just like when you play your guitar.''

You smiled.

Roman-''I know I already know the answer to this question but...what would you be if you weren't a wrestler?''

You-''Definitely a musician. I grew up listening to classic rock music with my dad and that's why I started playing musical instruments.''

You smiled.

You-''But I never wanted to do it professionally.''

Roman-''You didn't want to deal with the stress of the music industry?''

You-''I guess. Not that the wrestling industry doesn't have its stressful times but...I didn't want to get to a point where I lost my passion for playing music.''

Roman-''I understand. A person can never say for sure that their passion for something will last forever.''

You-''Very true.''

You both smiled.

You-''What about you?''

Roman-''Well, I played football in college and before I joined WWE. So, I'd probably be doing that.''


You & Roman continued to drive home.

Seth Rollins

You were painting in your art room at home as Bubba was sleeping on the floor next to you and Seth was walking around looking at your other paintings.

Seth-''Hey, Guppy?''


Seth-''I know this is probably an obvious question but...what would you be if you weren't a wrestler?''

You-''Well, I'd probably be selling my paintings in art galleries and making a living as an artist.''

Seth-''I figured.''

You and Seth smiled.

Seth-''Would you have gone down a different route?''

You looked at Seth.

You-''What do you mean?''

Seth looked over his shoulder at you.

Seth-''Would you have maybe decided to be a graphic artist? Or even done animation?''

You-''Wow, I never thought about doing animation. But being a graphic artist was something I thought about.''


You both smiled at each other.

You-''What about you?''

Seth-''What about me?''

Seth asked as looked back at your paintings.

You-''I know wrestling is your life.''

You said as you continued to paint.

You-''But if you had to pick something else...what would you be?''

Seth faced you.

Seth-''I excelled in Baseball & Basketball as a kid. So, I'd probably be doing one of those sports.''


Seth-''But I think either way...I'd still be doing a sport.''

Seth walked over to you.

You-''You're just an athlete at heart.''

Seth hugged you from behind.

Seth-''Just like you're an artist at heart.''

Seth kissed your cheek as you continued to paint.

Dean Ambrose

You & Dean were sitting in the arena on the empty seats watching the crew set up the wrestling ring.

You-''Dean, what would you be?''

Dean-''What do you mean?''

Dean took your hand and interlocked your fingers with his.

You-''If you weren't a wrestler. What would you be?''

Dean-''Wow. I never wanted to do anything else other than wrestle. But if I had to chose something...''

Dean thought about it as he looked up at the ceiling and you smiled at him.

Dean-''A Firefighter.''

You-''That's awesome.''

Dean looked at you.

Dean-''You're not surprised?''

You-''No, I think it would suit you.''

Dean smiled at you.

You-''Saving people from burning buildings. Being a hero.''

Dean smiled even more at you.

You-''You're already my hero.''

Dean-''Thank you, sweetie.''

Dean kissed you.

Dean-''What about you? What would you be?''

You-''I'd probably be doing Motocross.''

Dean-''That's cool.''

You-''I actually did motocross for a year when I was 17.''


You-''Yeah. I loved it but I realised I had to stop.''


You-''One of my friends suffered a minor injury during a race we were having one day.''

Dean-''And that scared you?''

You-''A little bit. But I got scared because I realised that if I got injured while racing...''

Dean-''You'd jeopardise your wrestling career.''

You nodded.


Dean-''Seems like you miss it though.''

You-''I do miss it. But I love being in that ring with you.''

Dean-''I love being in that ring with you too.''

You kissed Dean and rested your head on his shoulder.

You-''You know, you would look great in a Fireman's Calender.''

Dean burst out laughing making you laugh.

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