Having Fun!

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Roman Reigns

You, Roman & Dean were hanging out in the hotel room because there was a storm outside.

You were sitting on the floor against the couch playing your acoustic guitar as Roman was laying on the couch behind you and Dean was sitting on the other couch with his feet up on the coffee table.

As you were playing your guitar, you were humming a melody. Then Dean started singing.

Dean-''Well, we're on the road to Wrestlemania....And we're breaking down the doors! It's a rocky road to Wrestlemania....And we are walking into a war.''

You & Roman smiled at Dean.

Dean-''I'm gonna fight in a ladder match....As Y/N enters a Divas Battle Royal. Roman is facing a beast....But Reigns will make him scream like a girl.''

You and Roman laughed.

Dean-''I'll win my ladder match....As Y/N retains her championship! Paul Heyman is gonna piss his pants....As Roman kicks Brock Lesnar's ass!''

Dean smiled as you & Roman laughed.

Dean-''Well, we're on the road to Wrestlemania....And we're gonna break down our opponents! We're on the road to Wrestlemania....And we're all leaving as champions!''

Roman-''Believe That.''

Dean-''We're on the road to Wrestlemania!''

You & Roman applauded Dean.

Dean-''Thank you!''

You all smiled.

Seth Rollins

You, Seth, Roman & Dean were just hanging out together in the hotel room all day. It felt like old times again as you were all laughing, joking around and eating pizza while drinking beer.

Later, Dean had a perfect idea for a game to play. Dean took 8 empty beer bottles and set them up at the wall on one side of the room.

Roman-''Are we gonna play bowling?''

Dean-''Not just any bowling.''

Dean took out a bottle of whiskey and shot glasses.

Dean-''This is Drunk Bowling.''

Roman-''What are we gonna knock the bottles down with?''

You-''I've got something.''

You took out a magic 8 ball from your bag.


Seth-''Alright. So, how does the drinking come into play?''

Dean-''Simple. When you bowl, the amount of bottles that aren't knocked over....you have to take a shot.''

You-''Oh, I get it. So, if I have two bottles still standing after I bowl, I have to take 2 shots?''


Seth-''How do we detemine a winner?''

Dean-''I guess the one who is the least drunk.''

You all laughed.

Dean-''Let's bowl!''

The first round:
You-Bowled 7 and took 3 shots!
Seth-Bowled 6 and took 4 shots!
Dean-Bowled 8 and took 2 shots!
Roman-Bowled 5 and took 5 shots!

The second round:
You-Bowled 5 and took 5 shots!
Seth-Bowled 8 and took 2 shots!
Dean-Bowled 4 and took 6 shots!
Roman-Bowled 6 and took 4 shots!

At this point, you were all laughing and stumbling while trying to bowl!

The third round:
You-Bowled 2 and took 8 shots!
Seth-Bowled 1 and took 9 shots!
Dean-Bowled 3 and took 7 shots!
Roman-Bowled 4 and took 6 shots!

Roman-''I can't anymore!''

Roman sat on the couch.

Dean-''Oh, come on! The bottle isn't empty yet!''

Seth-''Actually....it is.''

You & Dean-''Damn!''

You all burst out laughing because you were all so drunk!

Dean Ambrose

You, Dean, Seth & Roman were standing at the top of the steps in the arena watching the crew set up the ring.

You-''Hey, guys?''

They looked at you.

You-''Let's go have some fun.''

Dean-''What did you have in mind?''

You-''Follow me.''

You smiled and walked off with them following you.

You all rolled two road cases with wheels into the parking lot that was still kinda empty.

Dean-''What are the cases for?''

You-''Two of us will stand on top of the cases while the other two will push the cases as hard as they can.''

They looked at you a bit surprised.

You-''Its kind of a race and whoever gets to the end by the wall....wins.''

Seth-''Have you done this before?''


Dean-''Does this have a name?''

You-''I call it Backstage Surfing.''

Dean smiled.


Roman-''Alright. I'll push one case. Who's gonna get on?''

Dean-''Y/N & I will.''


So, you & Dean hopped onto the cases. Roman stood behind Dean as Seth stood behind you.

Roman-''You guys ready?''

You & Dean-''Yeah.''

You all smiled.

Roman-''Ok. 1....2....3!''

Seth & Roman pushed you & Dean on the road cases & let go after a few feet. You & Dean went down through the parking lot on the road cases!

Seth-''Oh, man!''

Roman-''They're going really fast!''

You & Dean slowly stood up on the cases as you both surfed down the long aisle in the parking lot.

Dean-''You good, sweetie?!''


You both smiled.

Dean-''The wall is coming up!''

You & Dean kneeled down to brace yourselves. Then you both hit the wall at the same time!

Dean-''You alright?''

You-''Yeah. I almost fell off but I'm good.''

You both laughed as Seth & Roman ran up to you.

Seth-''You guys alright?''

You-''We're good.''

Dean-''That was awesome!''

Seth-''I have a feeling this is gonna happen every night.''

Dean-''Damn right it will!''

You all laughed.

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