Payback! No Holds Barred P3

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Roman Reigns

You ran across the ring, climbed up the turn buckle by Stephanie, quickly put her in position and you gave her a Suplex from the top of the ropes!


You crawled for the cover but then Triple H got into the ring and stopped the pinfall. Seth and Dean were standing on opposite sides of the ring as you glared at Triple H.

JBL-''Triple H saving Stephanie.''

Then Roman got into the ring behind Triple H.

Jerry-''But who is gonna save Triple H?''

You got up to your feet as Triple H realised he was surrounded by all four of you. Stephanie sat up and realised the same thing as you smiled at her.

Cole-''The Shield is surrounding Triple H and Stephanie!''

Jerry-''They got nowhere to go!''

JBL-''This isn't good!''

Then Roman grabbed Triple H as you picked up Stephanie and got them up to their feet. You and Roman hit Triple H and Stephanie a few times. Then you and Roman tossed Triple H and Stephanie towards the ropes, they bounced off the ropes as you and Roman backed up and ran towards them. Then you and Roman gave Triple H and Stephanie a Spear!

Cole-''Double Spear by Reigns and Y/N!''

You and Roman pinned Triple H and Stephanie at the same time.

Lillian-''Here are your winners....The Shield!''

You both got up and immediately hugged each other as Dean and Seth walked up to both of you.

Seth-''Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!''

Dean-''That's how we do it, brothers!''

Roman-''Believe That!''

You-''And Believe In The Shield!''

All of you smiled as you all put your fists out together.

Seth Rollins

You and Seth didn't take your eyes off of Triple H and Stephanie.

Dean-''Go get them guys.''

You and Seth smiled and got out of the ring. Then Triple H and Stephanie tried to run around the ring separately but they were stopped by Roman and Dean who quickly got out of the ring.

Cole-''Roman stopped Triple H and Dean stopped Stephanie.''

You walked over behind Stephanie and Seth walked over behind Triple H as he swung at Roman but Roman blocked and punched Triple H making Seth smile. Dean just stood there blocking Stephanie from running off and when you tapped her on her shoulder....she was hesitant to turn around.

JBL-''Don't turn around Stephanie!''

Stephanie slowly turned around and saw you smiling at her.

You-''Hi, Stephanie.''

Stephanie-''Y/N, you don't wanna do this?''

You-''Don't wanna do what?''

Then you delivered a forearm to her face making her fall to the floor!

You-''Don't worry, Stephanie....I absolutely wanted to do that!''

Dean-''Nice one, Y/N!''

You and Dean bumped fists. Then you picked her up and tossed her into the ring as Seth tossed Triple H into the ring as well. Triple H and Stephanie rolled to the middle of the ring and got to their hands and knees in front of each other as you and Seth slid into the ring. Then you and Seth bounced off the ropes, ran towards them and did a double Curb Stomp to Triple H and Stephanie!

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