A Little Surprise

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Roman Reigns

You were in the kitchen when Roman walked in and took your hands.

Roman-''Honey, why aren't you upstairs?''

You-''Well, I was gonna start preparing dinner.''

Roman-''You can do that later because you have to go upstairs and pack a suitcase.''

You looked at Roman confused.

You-''Pack a suitcase? Why?''

Roman-''Well, because I'm taking you on a trip to celebrate you becoming Divas Champion at Hell In A Cell.''

You-''Where are you taking me, Mr. Reigns?''

Roman-''Ever heard of a place called the Bahamas?''

You screamed in excitement.

You-''The Bahamas! Are you serious?!''

Roman-''Of course! You deserve it, Honey.''

You kissed Roman.

You-''Thank you. You're the best!''

You and Roman hugged.

You-''I am gonna go pack!''

Roman smiled as you ran upstairs.

Seth Rollins

You and Seth were at the Black & The Brave Academy. Seth was standing in the middle of the ring as you sat on the top turn buckle and all the students were standing on the apron.

Seth-''Great work today everybody. I know I'm not able to be here for every training session but you guys are doing an excellent job and you should all be proud of yourselves.''

Everyone clapped.

Seth-''Y/N, will you come here for a moment?''

You got off the turn buckle and stood next to Seth.

Seth-''Y/N, I've talked to everyone here and we all have an announcement.''

You looked at Seth.

Seth-''We are getting two new wrestling coaches today.''

You-''Who are they?''

Seth-''The first new coach is...you!''

You were shocked as everyone cheered.

You-''Are you serious?!''

Seth-''I am.''

You hugged Seth.

You-''Wait. Who is the other coach?''

Seth-''Can our second new coach join us in the ring please?!''

You looked around and noticed someone wearing a hoodie walking up to the ring and he got into the ring.

Seth-''Y/N, meet our second new coach.''

The man took the hoodie off his head and you couldn't believe it.


Dad-''Hello, sweetheart!''

You hugged your dad as Seth smiled at both of you.

Dean Ambrose

Dean knew you were stressed but mostly still hurting about Dolph Ziggler turning on you a few weeks ago. So, Dean decided to set up a surprise for you in the backyard. Later that evening, Dean walked upstairs as you just covered up Benny with his blanket and Dean stepped into the bedroom.


You looked at Dean.

Dean-''Benny sleeping?''


Dean-''Ok. Come join me downstairs.''

Dean took your hand and both of you walked downstairs.

Dean-''You have to close your eyes.''


Dean stepped behind you and covered your eyes making you smile. Then Dean lead you outside into the backyard.


Dean took his hands off your eyes and stepped next to you.

Dean-''Open your eyes.''

Dean whispered and you opened your eyes.

You-''Oh my...''

Dean had a picnic set up in between the two trees in the backyard and the place was only lit up with small lights wrapped in and around the trees.

You-''Dean, when did you do all of this.''

You looked at Dean with tears in your eyes.

Dean-''I did it today.''

Dean wiped away your tears.

Dean-''You were in our bedroom all day. So, I saw an opportunity.''

You-''Thank you. I'm sorry I've been such a downer lately.''

Dean-''You don't have to apologise for the fact that you're hurting, sweetie. It's not your fault.''

Dean kissed you.

Dean-''Now, answer this question.''

You both walked over to the picnic.

Dean-''What does this all remind you of?''

You smiled.

You-''We had a picnic on our second date in the park here in Cincinnati. And because it was at night...the trees had small lights in them like these do.''

You smiled at Dean.

Dean-''It was also the same night you told me that you loved me. And I said that I loved you too.''

You-''It was the first time we said 'I love you' to each other.''

Dean-''I'll never forget that moment.''

You-''Me too. I love you so much, Dean.''

Dean-''I love you too, Y/N.''

You & Dean kissed.

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