The Shield's New Year!

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Roman Reigns

You had just won your match and you were about to leave the ring when The Shield's music hit. You looked up and saw all three of them walk down the steps, jump over the barricade and they all stood at the ring apron staring at you. You didn't have to act confused because you genuinely had no idea what this was about as they all stepped onto the apron with mics in their hands and then they stepped into the ring.

Seth-''Y/N, I know you weren't expecting us to come out here but you have no reason to be scared right now. We're actually out here with some big news but it'll only be big news if you accept what we're about to offer to you.''

You looked at Seth confused.


You looked at Dean.

Dean-''All you have to do is answer a simple question. But first we want you to know that we've been watching you in this ring and we're all impressed with your wrestling style and your attitude. And we think you'd be a perfect fit.''

Then you looked at Roman.

Roman-''So, Y/N....will you join The Shield?''

You were in shock as the fans exploded with cheers. Then Roman stuck out his fist towards you and then Seth and Dean stuck out their fists towards you next to Roman's fist. You breathed heavily as you were still in shock but then you felt overwhelmed by the fans cheering. Then you stepped forward and you stuck out your fist against Roman's fist as you smiled at them.

Fans-''YES! YES! YES! YES!''

All of you smiled as you became the new member of The Shield!

Seth Rollins

AJ Lee was in the ring with CM Punk and AJ was making comments about you that pissed you off. You went out to the ring and stepped into the ring facing them.

You-''What the hell is your problem?! You're out here talking trash about me like our rivalry is still happening when I'm done with you!''

AJ-''We are not done, Y/N!''

You-''Yes we are! I've beaten you every single time we've faced each other ever since Survivor Series!''

AJ-''All of that doesn't matter! The only thing that will matter is when I beat you and I will not stop until I do!''

You-''If that's so then you're gonna kick off the New Year in a bad way and you're gonna have a bad year because you're never gonna beat me.''

You looked at Punk.

You-''Not even your punk ass boyfriend can beat me!''


AJ-''You keep your mouth shut about Punk. This is between you and me.''

You looked at AJ.

You-''Then why aren't you out here alone? Or is Punk gonna use you as an excuse to avoid The Shield like he has been doing lately?''


You-''Look, I've got nothing more to prove by beating you again but if I have to just to shut you up....then I will!''

AJ-''Ok. Punk hold her down so I can put a beating on her!''

You dropped your mic as AJ dropped hers and Punk slowly stepped closer to you. But then The Shield's music hit! You looked up and saw all three of them rush down the steps, jump over the barricade and slid into the ring as Punk and AJ left the ring and ran up the ramp to the stage. Seth picked up your mic and all of you turned towards Punk and AJ.

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