Hell In A Cell Match!

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Dean Ambrose

The Shield walked down the steps and jumped over the barricade. You & Dean walked around the Cell as Seth & Roman walked around it the other way.

Cole-''The Shield don't seem intimidated by the Cell.''

JBL-''They feel that this is still their yard. Whether the Cell is here or not.''

All four of you stood side by side in front of the Cell as you all glared at The Wyatt Family & Dolph Ziggler who were in the ring.

Jerry-''I wonder if Ziggler is regreting turning on Y/N.''

Cole-''I'm pretty sure he didn't think it would come to this.''

You all took off your Shield masks, stepped into the Cell and stood side by side by the ring apron. Then Roman closed the Cell door behind him.

Cole-''Reigns showing The Wyatt Family & Ziggler that there is no escape.''

You all slid into the ring and the fight was on! Reigns went after Rowan, Seth went after Harper, Dean went after Bray and you went after Dolph!

Jerry-''How are we gonna keep up with all of this action?''

JBL-''Good thing there's 3 of us, King!''

You & Seth tossed Dolph & Harper outside of the ring by the Cell door as Dean & Reigns continued to fight with Bray & Rowan. You and Seth backed up, ran, dove through the ropes and took down Harper & Dolph causing them to crash into the Cell as you & Seth stood up.

Cole-''Ziggler & Harper getting their first taste of the Cell.''

Then Rowan tossed Reigns over the ropes but Reigns stood on the apron as Rowan walked over to Seth. You slammed Dolph into the steel steps as Dean clotheslined Wyatt over the ropes and Reigns got back into the ring. Rowan grabbed Seth and pulled him up onto the apron in front of the Cell door. Seth tried to get out of Rowan's grip but then Harper got onto the apron next to Seth.

Jerry-''Rollins is in trouble.''

Then Dean ran and Drop Kicked Rowan making him fall through the ropes. Dean stayed down on his back as Reigns jumped over Dean and Speared Harper off the apron and through the Cell door!

Cole-''Oh my!''

Jerry-''Did that just happen?!''

JBL-''They broke the Cell door!''


You-''Oh my gosh.''


You, Dean & Seth rushed out of the Cell and checked on Roman.

Dean-''Bro, are you alright?''

Dean and Seth helped Roman sit up.

Roman-''Oh, man.''

Seth-''You ok?''

Roman smiled.

Roman-''I'm good, brothers.''

You smiled at them as Dean & Seth helped Roman stand up.

You-''Well, the Cell door is broken and Harper may be broken too. What are we gonna break next?''

They smiled at you.

Dean-''I don't know about you guys but...I'm ready to break some bones!''

You all laughed & headed back inside the Cell. You walked over to Dolph, tossed him into the ring and you got into the ring as Reigns went after Rowan and Dean & Seth went after Wyatt.

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