Playing In The Snow

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Roman Reigns

You walked out into the backyard as Roman was playing fetch with Joey.

You-''Aren't you two freezing?''

Roman-''No. We're keeping warm by running around.''

You-''I guess that makes sense.''

Roman-''Join us.''

You-''No. I have a different way of keeping warm.''


You-''With hot chocolate and the fireplace!''

Roman laughed.

You-''See you two later.''

But then Joey ran up to you with his ball and dropped it by your feet.

You-''Joey, sorry. I'll play with you later.''

But then Joey gave you those sad dog eyes.

You-''Ok, fine.''

You smiled as Joey wagged his tail.

You-''You win.''

You threw the ball and Joey ran after it as you stepped next to Roman.

You-''So, I just gotta run around?''


Joey brought the ball back and you threw it into a big pile of snow. Joey jumped into the snow and disappeared under the snow.

You-''Oh, no.''

You and Roman rushed over and couldn't see Joey. Then Roman noticed that Joey was standing behind you.

Roman-''You gotta go in and get him.''


Roman picked you up and threw you into the pile of snow!

Roman-''You find him, honey?''

You slowly stood up out from under the snow. You saw Joey standing next to Roman.

You-''That....was not....funny.''

You said shivering.

Roman-''Sorry, honey. I couldn't resist.''

You rolled up a ball of snow & threw it at Roman. Both of you laughed.

Seth Rollins

Seth walked outside into the backyard as you were building a snowman.

You-''What do you think?''

Seth-''Pretty good.''

You-''Pretty good?''

Seth-''Its alright. But I can build a better snowman.''

You-''Alright. Challenge accepted.''


You-''Let's see if you can build a better snowman.''

Seth-''Alright. You're on.''

Then you and Seth built snowmen in the backyard as Bubba watched.

Seth-''Mine is clearly better.''

You-''No, mine is.''

Bubba barked.

Seth-''Ok. Let's let Bubba decide.''


You both looked at Bubba.

Seth-''Ok, Bubba. Who's snowman is better?''

Bubba tilted his head.

You-''Pick a snowman, Bubba.''

Bubba stood up and walked over to Seth's snowman. Bubba barked.

Seth-''Ha, ha, ha!''

You-''Bubba, no.''

Seth-''He picked mine.''

Then Seth noticed that Bubba started peeing on his snowman.

You-''Oh, my!''

You laughed.


Bubba walked over and sat down next to you.

You-''Oh, he picked your snowman alright. It was the perfect one to pee on.''

You & Seth laughed as Bubba barked.

Dean Ambrose

Jimmy-''Ok, bro. We're under heavy attack from the enemy.''

Jey-''What's our plan of attack?''

Jimmy-''Normally I'd just say we go out there and wing it, bro. But our enemy is cunning....they're devious. And they're....''

Seth-''They're like 10 feet away from you guys!''

Everyone laughed.

Roman-''Very true.''

You & Dean were kneeling down behind a wall of snow on one side of the backyard as Jimmy & Jey were behind another wall of snow on the other side of the backyard while Seth & Roman watched with Benny sitting beside them.

Jimmy-''Y'all are ruining the battlefield vibe here!''


They laughed.

Dean-''You ready for this, sweetie?''

You-''Yeah. I'm ready, Dean.''

Then Jimmy & Jey stood up.


You & Dean quickly stood up and threw as many snowballs as you both could. You both ended up hitting Jimmy and Jey.

Jey-''Oh, I'm hit! I'm hit!''

Jimmy-''Tell Naomi I love her!''

Everyone laughed as you and Dean hugged and Benny barked.


You, Dean, Jimmy and Jey stepped to the middle of the yard.

Jimmy-''Nice battle, guys.''

Dean-''We won't go so easy on you next time.''

Jey-''Damn. That was y'all being easy?''


Jimmy whistled.

Seth-''You guys don't stand a chance against them at they're best!''

Jey-''Oh, it's on.''

Jey picked up a snowball.

Seth-''Oh, no.''

Jey threw the snowball at Seth!


Seth managed to duck.

Seth-''Oh, you asked for it!''

Then Seth threw a snowball at Jey but it hit Jimmy.

You-''Oh, no!''

Dean-''I think a new war just started!''

Then all hell broke loose as everyone just started throwing snowballs at each other as Benny just watched.

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