Mixed Tag Team Match

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Roman Reigns

Roman's music played and you and Roman stepped out from behind the curtain to cheering fans. Roman took your hand as both of you walked down the steps, jumped over the barricade and got into the ring.

Cole-''It will be Y/N and Roman Reigns vs Stephanie McMahon and Randy Orton. Who is your pick in this match, JBL?''

JBL-''I gotta go with my boss Stephanie! Plus, Randy Orton is a veteran in this company and is one of the most sadistic wrestlers I've ever seen.''

Cole-''What about you, King?''

Jerry-''I can't argue with JBL but I'm a huge fan of Roman Reigns and Y/N. Also, Roman and Y/N have been teaming for a long time. So, can Stephanie and Randy have that same chemistry?''

Cole-''We'll find out in a matter of moments!''

Randy Orton's music played. He & Stephanie came out, walked to the ring and stepped into the ring as you tried everything in your power not to attack her and Roman could see that.

Roman-''It's alright, Honey. You'll get your hands on her in a moment.''

You nodded.

You-''I know. Thanks.''

You and Roman smiled and he kissed your forehead. The referee rang the bell and Randy stepped out onto the apron as Stephanie stood in the ring.

You-''Wow. She's actually gonna start?''

Roman-''Anything can happen on Raw, Honey.''

Roman stepped out onto the apron as you faced Stephanie. You & Stephanie stepped closer and circled each other in the ring until you were both standing in opposite corners.

You-''Come on, Stephanie! Give me your best shot!''

Stephanie-''You want my best shot? Fine!''

Then Stephanie turned around and slapped Roman!


Stephanie laughed as you were furious. You ran at her and she slipped out of the ring and ran as you chased her. She ran to her corner and hid behind Randy as he stood in front of her making you stop for a second. But Roman grabbed your waist from behind because he knew you didn't care that Randy was there.

Roman-''Calm down, Honey! She's trying to frustrate you.''

You-''Well, it's working.''

Roman-''You gotta focus that anger, alright?''


Stephanie got into the ring as Randy got back on the apron and she tagged Randy in which meant Roman had to step in now. You got on the apron as Roman got into the ring and Roman and Randy locked up. Randy put Roman in a headlock and they moved towards the ropes, bounced off the ropes and Roman pushed Randy off of him and Roman took Randy down with a shoulder tackle.


Roman bounced off the ropes, stepped over Randy as he turned onto his stomach and Randy got to his feet as Roman turned by the ropes. Roman went for a Superman Punch but Randy dropped and rolled out of the ring very fast making you and Roman laugh.

JBL-''Randy got out of harms way!''

Roman waited in the ring as Randy glared at him.

Roman-''This close, Randy!''

You-''Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman!''

You started chanting and the fans followed which only frustrated Randy and Stephanie. Randy got back into the ring and locked up with Roman again. Roman overpowered Randy into the corner and Roman let him go as the referee counted.

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