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Roman Reigns

You and Dean were standing in an undisclosed location.

You-''Natalya! All your attacks from behind and your schemes won't help you at Hell In A Cell because you'll finally have to do everything face to face.''

Dean looked at you.

You-''Which is the kind of wrestler you always were. But lately you've been acting cowardly.''

You looked at Dean.

You-''I guess that's what happens when you hang around with Stephanie McMahon.''

Dean smiled and you looked back at the camera.

You-''I hope you bring your best fight to me this Sunday because I'm not only fighting to get my Divas Championship back...I'm fighting for my family.''

Dean nodded.

You-''I wanna make Roman Reigns proud and if it wasn't for Dean Ambrose...I wouldn't even have this match.''

Dean smiled.

You-''And if you go back to every war The Shield ever fought, then you know damn well what I'm capable of when I fight for my family!''

You and Dean bumped fists.

Dean-''Seth Rollins! You and I have been in many battles together. Side by side, back to back and face to face. But nothing compares to this Sunday because I will use that unforgiving steel to my advantage no matter how unforgiving it will be to me.''

You looked at Dean.

Dean-''I have nothing to lose, Seth. And that makes me even more dangerous than I already am! I don't care about getting burned inside Hell In A Cell but I'm sure as hell gonna make sure that you perish alone!''

You-''Believe That.''

You and Dean put your fists out together.

Seth Rollins

You and Seth stood in The Authority's office.

You-''AJ, I'm sure you realise by now that this was my plan all along. The moment you agreed to be my tag team partner against the Bella Twins...that is when everything kicked off.''

Seth smiled at you.

You-''I used you to get my Divas Championship back at Summer Slam. But I wasn't pretending to be concerned on Miz TV when I said I didn't want to face you because I knew there was a possibility of my plan being ruined.''

You sighed.

You-''So, it may have taken a few months but everything came together on Raw after Night Of Champions.''

You smiled.

You-''So, ready for anything this Sunday because drilling your head into that steel chair is nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you at Hell In A Cell.''

Seth-''Dean Ambrose! Hell In A Cell will be the last battle of our war because when I finally defeat you...I will leave you burning in hell as I walk away victorious. And then...''

Seth lifted up his Money in the Bank briefcase.

Seth-''After I leave Dean Ambrose in my past...then my future begins.''

You and Seth smiled.

Dean Ambrose

The Shield were in an undisclosed location. They stood side by side with Dean Ambrose in the middle while you were pacing up & down on top of some crates behind them.

Dean-''Wyatt Family! Last time we went to war...we simply had our battle in the ring, in The Shield's Yard. But this time our war has a new battlefield.''

Seth-''Now, the Hell In A Cell is known for its destruction and is known to end careers but The Shield is indestructible! And honestly, I don't think that even that amount of unforgiving steel is capable of containing The Shield's path of destruction.''

Roman-''And even when the Cell finds itself in our will learn first hand that nothing and no one can contain our destruction. And The Wyatt Family will find out that The Shield is more unforgiving than Hell In A Cell.''

Dean looked up at you pacing behind them.

Dean-''Y/N? Got anything you wanna say?''

You smiled at Dean. Then you kneeled down behind Dean as he looked forward to the camera and you put your hands on his shoulders.

You-''Dolph Ziggler! You have done what many others have done before put a knife in my back! I guess I should've seen it coming. I mean, you've done it to everybody else, why should I be any different?''

You sighed. Dean put his hand on your hand.

You-''But hey, what's one more wound to close? What's one more scar to watch fade away? Those things come and go. But you can't go anywhere once you are locked inside that Cell on Sunday.''

Dean smiled.

You-''You can't run. You can't hide. And you can't escape until you've paid for what you've done.''

Dean-''Dolph Ziggler! Wyatt Family! The hell that the Cell brings is the least of your worries this Sunday because the Hounds Of Justice will become the Hell Hounds of your worst nightmare.''

You all smiled.

Dean-''Believe That!''

You wrapped your arms around Dean.

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