Chapter 16 - "The Breakdown"

Start from the beginning

We were in the car - on our way back to the mansion. The giant was sitting next to me in the backseat. We were in the car with Diana and Sophia. Robert and James were in the other car. Thank God we came in two separate cars when we were rushing to the hospital because I didn't want to be in the same space as that racist pig. What he did to to the giant - the horrible and cruel things he said to him - I will never forgive and forget. I'm pretty sure that this wasn't the first time that he had made these kind of cruel comments about the tragedy that happened to the giant and I'm pretty sure that when they were young, he would say the same cruel comments just to torture and bully the kill his spirit. And that is what the evil bastard did today...he killed the giant's spirit. Even now, he was back to staring into nothing. His eyes still had vulnerability reflected in them and that broke my heart. The way I was so angry at James, you guys had no idea. I wanted to strangle him so hurt him like he hurt the giant...but as the giant once said...I couldn't hurt a fly. I tried making conversations with the giant but he gave me no responses. He would just from time to time look at me with those vacant eyes that broke my eyes. I think his mind was in a dark place. I think everything that happened to him and his family was haunting him. I wanted to shake him out of that dark place so badly and demand that he comes back to me. I just recently found him people so I couldn't lose him. I refused to. So I made a vow that I will help the giant to get out if this dark place that his mind was in and also help him regain his spirit. I knew that this wasn't going to be me I knew. I knew that some people who went to dark places in their minds never came back because they saw no reason for living and that's why most of them ended up killing themselves. I couldn't let that happen to the giant. I had to make him see reason...give him the reason to come back to the come back to me. This was really going to be a challenge because the giant had gone through worst of the worst. Even if I brought him back he wouldn't be fully healed. I mean, no one could be fully healed after going through what the giant had. I knew I couldn't do this alone...I needed help. So Diana would have to be my new best friend. I needed to know everything that happened to the giant and Diana was the person I would learn everything from. I just hoped that she would be forthcoming with the information. I mean, she just met me today and she doesn't know me that well so I just had to show her that she could trust me and that I was serious about the giant.

Don't get me wrong people, I was shit scared about this commitment I was making. It wasn't a small was huge and kinda overwhelming. But I when I thought about leaving the giant, I felt this indescribable pain, like my heart was about to crash and burn. I just couldn't do it.
Zano: " woman." He muttered softly. I snapped out of my thoughts. He was looking at me. I gave his arm a squeeze. He's been muttering those words since the hospital. He said nothing else but those words. Diana would look at me through the rear view mirror and give me a strained smile every time the giant muttered those words. I think she was worried that the giant was making me his life line. I get why that would worry her because after all I'm just a girl that she just met and I'm a girl who can decide to cut her losses anytime so if the giant was really making me his life line, then me leaving him could make the giant's state of mind much worse than it is right now.
Me: "Yes, I'm your woman." I told him strongly. He looked at me for a short while, then he went back to staring into nothing. Every now and then a tear would escape from my eye and I would wipe it away quickly so that he wouldn't see. Even though it was hard, I had to be strong for him. I wanted my giant back. I didn't even care that he was weird, rude, domineering and controlling. I just wanted him to come back to me.

We arrived at the mansion. I was wondering how the giant and I were going to go back home. The giant's hands were of no use and I couldn't drive a car to save my life. Robert and James has already arrived at the mansion. I wasn't ready to see that racist pig. I wished the giant and I could leave this very moment. I huffed. We got out of the car and went in the mansion. Sophia gave the giant a tight hug around the waist before she ran up the stairs. I guess she was going to her room.
Diana: "I will call the driver to take you home Busi." She said whilst walking ahead of us towards the family room. I stopped walking which made the giant to stop too since I was holding onto his arm. The giant wanted me close. If I tried to let go of him, he made a protesting sound at the back of his throat.
Me: "What? Just me?" Diana stopped walking and looked back at me.
Diana: "Yes just you Busi." She stated.
Me: "What about Zanoxolo?"
Diana: "He will stay here with his family. As you can see, his hands are going to be of no use to him for a while and he just had an emotional breakdown so he needs someone to take care of him. And I will do that."
Me: "He can't say here. I will not leave him here." I said panicked. There was no way that the giant was staying here. It was going to be far away from me and also James was going to be under the same roof as the giant. I didn't want James near the giant, especially now that the giant was in this state. James has already done enough. No more. Diana frowned.
Diana: "Why can't he stay here? This is his home Busi. He spent most of his childhood and manhood here. And besides he lives alone at that apartment of his. There'll be no one to take care of him so he'll stay here with his family."
Me: "But James is here!" I shouted. She sighed.
Diana: "James is his brother. Yes, they have their disagreements but that's what brothers do." This woman is crazy! She calls what happened a disagreement?!
Me: "What happened was not a disagreement. It was an attack!" I shouted angrily... "James attacked Zanoxolo with his traumatic past knowing damn well what it will do. Now look at the state that Zano is in. His spirit is broken and I'm sure this is not the first that it has happened. So if you think that I'm going to leave him here then you're sadly mistaken." Her eyes were widened in surprise.
Diana: "But Busi, Zano needs intensive care right now. You're not familiar with his past to be able to take care of him."
Me: "Then make me become familiar with his past." I countered.
Diana: "Seriously Busi. I would advice you to cut losses with Zano. He's not in a position to be in any relationship now. He needs time to heal." My whole body was shaking at this point. I was scared and angry. She wanted to take the giant away from me. I wasn't stupid, I knew that the giant needed time to heal but I was going to help him heal.
Me: "I'm going to help him heal." I told her stubbornly. She released a frustrated sigh. Well tough! I wasn't going anywhere.
Diana: "Honestly Busi you're too young for this type of commitment. Go and live your life. Find another man who is close to your age and who doesn't have issues like Zano-."
Zano: " woman!" He blurted out angrily. Diana's eyes widened. I smiled big. His eyes were narrowed. Oh my gosh! My giant... " woman!" He repeated angrily again..................

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