Chapter 45 - "The Punishment"

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Me: "Zano don't you da-." He connected his hand with my butt cheek five times...hard. I was screaming bloody murder with tears rolling down cheeks. This fucken giant! ... "I hate you I hate you!" I screamed.
Zanoxolo: "No you don't." He said chuckling. He was now soothing my burning butt cheek. Oh my gosh people! It hurt like hell... "you did this to yourself. I told you not to take off that ring." He said spanking my other butt cheek.
Me: "This-." He pinched my clit. Oh my gosh. I closed my eyes shut and gritted my teeth. It felt good...painfully good. Damn him! He gave my butt cheek a few more spanks while still pinching my clit. My toes curled tightly. I couldn't control my moans now. This was just too much...and wrong... "please." I begged moaning. I don't know if I was begging him to stop or not. He was now just flicking my clit like it was an instrument or something. I could feel a wave building. Every time I thought I was going to cum, he would stop and spank one of my butt cheeks. I was screaming, yelling, crying and begging. I was a mess. The pain and pleasure I was feeling was just too much and not being able to cum was just making what I was feeling much much worse... "please...please...Zano." I moaned painfully. Sweat was even dripping from my forehead to the floor. Can you guys imagine!
Zanoxolo: "Will you disobey me again and take off your ring?" He said connecting his hand with one of my butt cheeks while two of his fingers entered my carven. I gasped and groaned in pleasure and pain... "I asked you a question?" What was the question again? I shook my head. I didn't know anything anymore. All I wanted to do was to badly... " answer? So it means the punishment is not working."
Me: "Please...please just-just let me cum, I'll do anything you want!" I shouted through gritted teeth. He chuckled.
Zanoxolo: "Good girl." Fuck him... "I love how your pussy is squeezing my fingers baby." He praised... "so tight...and juicy." He strummed my clit with his thumb and I came sobbing. Yes, I was sobbing people. The way the orgasm was so painful and blissful at the same time, I just couldn't control my sobbing... "fuck baby, you're soaking my hand." I kept sobbing even after my orgasm had come to an end. It had just been too much people. My body was even shaking with aftershocks... "shh baby. You learnt your lesson right? Don't disobey me in future."
Me: "I-I" I said sobbing. He grunted.
Zanoxolo: "I know you enjoyed the punishment."
Me: "I did not!" I shouted sniffing. He laughed lightly.
Zanoxolo: "Baby my hand is soaked with your juices." He said in amusement. Argh! How could he tease me like this? The bastard! I really hated him and the worst thing my ass my burning like hell people. He helped me up to my feet. I tried to get away from him, but he pulled me to him and wiped my tears. I wasn't sobbing anymore, I was just sniffing... "such a big baby."
Me: "Don't talk to me. I hate you." I said angrily with a pout.
Zanoxolo: "What do you want me to do when you disobey me baby?"
Me: "I'm not a child Zano!" I raised my voice. He just grunted and pressed his mouth against mine... "this is just abuse." He chuckled.
Zano: "Abuse? Do you feel abused?" I huffed and looked away.
Me: "Ask my butt that." I said sullying. He barked out a laugh. Psh! He gave my ass a light squeeze... "ou!" I said smacking him on the shoulder. This! He put his face on my breasts. I sighed. What can I do about him? So frustrating!
Zanoxolo: "How's your head baby?" I was taken aback by his question. Talking about my head, the voices were gone. I didn't even feel them lingering anywhere inside there. Oh my gosh. I looked at the giant in wonder... "gone?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Damn giant!
Me: "I need to go and take a shower." I said not answering him. He chuckled.
Zanoxolo: "I'll take that as a yes." Then something occurred to me.
Me: "You didn't go to work today because of me?" I asked softly. He just grunted. Oh. I swallowed guilty... "I'm so-."
Zanoxolo: "Don't." He warned. Oh. Then another thing occurred to me.
Me: "I missed work yesterday!" I exclaimed in horror. The giant just nipped my chin and grunted... "Zano, I need to call-."
Zanoxolo: "Already did that." Oh... "you're off work for a week."
Me: "What?!" I shouted... "I can't be off work for a whole week Zano!"
Zanoxolo: "You can and you will." He said in that finality voice of his.
Me: "Paul won't-."
Zanoxolo: "He will. And he did." I huffed. He was so frustrating.
Me: "Zano-."
Zanoxolo: "This is not up for debate Busisiwe!" He growled. I closed my mouth shut. He rarely calls me by my full name. When he does, he's scary... "you need to rest and heal." He stated. I sighed. Whatever!
Me: "Fine. Let me go so I can go and shower." I said trying to get his arms around my waist off me.
Zanoxolo: "We're not done talking."
Me: "About what?"
Zanoxlo: "About your ugly friends." I didn't want to talk about them It was too soon. I shook my head.
Me: "Zano...please...just...not today okay?" I begged him with my eyes. He grunted.
Zanoxolo: "Okay woman...for now." I released a shaky breath... "but you must know one thing, I will never ever fuck around on you." He vowed. Oh my gosh! He looked serious... "I don't care if I get handed a lot pussies on a platter, the only pussy I would want will always be yours. You're in my're my heart. So if those voices come back, you tell them hear me?" I was blinking back tears. Oh my gosh! I just can't with this man bethuna. He gave me a squeeze... "you hear me baby?" I nodded breathing a little shakily... "words woman."
Me: "I-I hear you." I cleared my throat. He grunted.
Zanoxolo: "You can take your shower. I have work to do. I made you breakfast earlier on, so can warm it up in the oven when you're done." Oh my giant... "yeah?"
Me: "Yeah." I said softly smiling. He kissed me and I went to go take a shower.

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