Chapter 18 - "My Woman!"

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The following chapter contains words that could be offensive to others. Please read with caution!

Thank you!

We were on our way home. Diana had arranged a driver for us. He was going to take us to my apartment first, to pack my clothes and all, since I was going to be living with the giant until his hands and mental state got better. I had managed to calm myself down a bit but the panic was still there since I still didn't know what I was going to do about school and work. No matter what, I had to figure something out fast. I had given the driver my address so the navigation was directing him. It was quite late now, the time was around 10pm. When we arrived at my apartment building, the giant and I got out the car and went inside. I was so relieved when I saw that the lights in my apartment were off which meant my mother was sleeping. Thank God! I led the giant quietly to my room and started packing my stuff. The reason why I was glad that my mother was sleeping was because she would make a big scene about the whole situation. You guys know my mother. And I wasn't in the mood. I was just going to send her a text telling her about my new living situation. The giant was busy looking around my small room while I was packing, other times he would just stand by the window and gaze out the darkness. After I was done packing, the giant took my suitcase and other belongings wordlessly and walked out. I just stood there for a second because I was a little taken aback by this action. It was so like the old giant - very commanding and manly.

We got to the car, and the giant transferred everything in the boot, and off we went. He did the same thing when we arrived at his place - he took everything from the boot and wordlessly went in the building. I tried to protest because I was worried about his hands but I decided to let him be. This told me one thing though, that my giant was still in there somewhere, I just had to find a way to pull him out.
Me: "You want me to make you a quick snack?" I asked him after he put all my belongings in his room. He hadn't eaten anything back when we were still at the mansion. He hadn't wanted to eat. He didn't answer me. He was standing next to the bed, looking so lost. I touched his arm gently... "Zano..." I called him softly. He looked at me... "do you want me to make you food?" He gave me a small nod. I smiled. This was way better than him not responding at all... "okay come with me to the kitchen. I'll put something together for you." I said pulling him to the kitchen. He sat on one of the counter chairs whilst I looked in the fridge for something to make that would be quick. There wasn't much in the fridge... "tomorrow we need to go buy groceries buddy. You practically have nothing here." I told him... "for now I can make you a sandwich. Is that okay?" He gave me a small nod again. I smiled. His eyes fell on my lips. I bit my lower lip nervously and his eyes narrowed briefly at that, then he looked away. I don't know why, but my body was tingling. I cleared my throat and went about making him sandwiches. He was busy scoffing down his sandwiches one after another when a knock sounded at the door. He paused his eating and frowned. I wonder who was it at this time.... "expecting a visitor?" No response. The person knocked again...loudly this time. I went toward the door with the giant following closely behind me. I checked the peephole. It was Xolile, his friend... "it's Xolile." I told him. At that, he turned and went to the kitchen to eat...I guess. Um. Okay. I opened the door and Xolile greeted me with a small smile but his eyes looked troubled.
Xolile: "Hey you." He said entering.
Me: "Hey." I greeted softly while closing the door.
Xolile: "So Mother D called me. She told me everything." I frowned.
Me: "Mother D?" He chuckled a little.
Xolile: "Oh sorry. I mean, Zano's mother, Diana." He clarified. Ohhh! So he also knew about the giant's past. I mean, duh Busi, of course he would know...they're best friends... "so how is he? Is he still in a trance?" That's another way of describing how the giant looked. In a trance. I nodded and pointed towards the kitchen. We went to the kitchen and when Xolile saw his friend, he sighed sadly... "I'll be paying that white boy a visit...soon." He said in a cold and hard voice. My eyes widened a little. I think he meant James. This scary side of Xolile always surprised me since he's always been friendly around me. I totally agreed with him paying a visit to that racist pig. I wanted him to rearrange his face even more. Xolile must've seen all of my thoughts on my face because he chuckled evilly and went to his friend... "hey asshole." He greeted hitting him on his back. The giant paid no mind to him...he kept on eating his sandwiches... "I was told that your fists got friendly with the wall today. That's got to hurt man." He teased. He even poked one of the bandaged hands. The giant gave him a glare and Xolile chuckled... "there he is. The asshole is still in there somewhere." He jested. The giant bared his teeth at him. Xolile laughed... "yeah he's going to be fine." He said confidently. I hoped so... "don't let that dark place you're in my friend consume you. Fight back. You're a fighter...a motherfucken champ so fight man and come back to us. You even have a beautiful woman waiting for you this time. You lucky sonuvabitch! Come back before these boys with little dicks snatch her away from you."
Zano: " woman!" He growled banging the counter with his fists. I jumped in shock gasping. Xolile cackled.
Xolile: "Yes motherfucker! Get angry. You're going to let these weak dick motherfuckers take your woman? To fuck your woman?" He taunted. The giant continued to bang his fists on the counter getting more angry. Oh my gosh! His hands. They were now bleeding through the bandaging.
Zano: "My woman!" He banged harder standing up. It was like he was ready to go into battle. Xolile laughed.
Me: "Stop it!" I shouted... "can't you see he's hurting his hands." I told him angrily. Xolile just laughed.
Xolile: "No, the bastard will be fine. He's a fighter...a champ. Broken bones are nothing to him. He's used to it. Didn't his parents tell you that he boxes?" I huffed.
Me: "They did but that doesn't mean you should get him all riled up...hurting him in the process." I said heatedly. He smiled.
Xolile: "You're cute." I huffed annoyed.
Zano: "My woman!" He growled.
Xolile: "Yes asshole, I know. Sit your ass down. No one is going to take your woman while I'm still alive. Okay?" The giant grunted and sat down. Oh my gosh! He was growling and grunting! I was beginning to get excited thinking that my giant is back but the fire began to leave his eyes. They were going back to being in pain and having a faraway look. I sighed in disappointment... " hey don't lose faith. My nigga here is going to come back so don't worry." He consoled. I just nodded.
Me: "I need to change his bandaging. Let me go grab the first aid kit." I said in a weak voice and went to the room.

Xolile: "So what are you going to do about tomorrow?" He asked after a long time of silence. I was cleaning the giant's hands. Some of the stitches on his hands had torn, it was from all that banging. All because of Xolile. He had to rile up the giant. Ass!
Me: "What do you mean?" I asked nonchalantly.
Xolile: "You have school and work tomorrow right? So what are you going to do about him?" I exhaled.
Me: "I was thinking of maybe taking a-a break...from school...and work." I said unsure.
Xolile: "You don't have to do that. The boys and I will look after the nigga when you're at school and work. No problemo." I looked at him with tears forming in my eyes.
Me: "Really? You guys would do that?" I asked in a hopeful voice. He smiled.
Xolile: "Yes Busi. The boys and I have got this. Anyway, he's my friend. I would do anything for him, just like I know he would do the same for me." He said shrugging. I smiled relieved.  Oh my gosh! I could kiss him right now but I knew the giant would go crazy if I dared. I really couldn't afford to take a break from school and work. Maybe I could take a break from work but I knew with school it wasn't going to be possible without losing my scholarship in the process. But I had been willing for the giant. Yes I know. I'm crazy right? I was into deep already. Damn!
Me: "Thank you." I was grateful for him.
Xolile: "Don't mention it." He winked and I blushed. He laughed.
Zano: "Busi my woman." He blurted out. I laughed.
Xolile: "Possessive ass." He muttered.
Me: "So who are these boys that are going to help you to look after the giant?" I asked after a while.
Xolile: "Ohh they're just some other men who me and Zano work with."
Me: "So you guys are not going to be in trouble for not going to work?" I asked curious. He cleared his throat.
Xolile: "Um..." He trailed off. I looked at him. He was stretching the back of his head... "no...our boss will understand...don't worry." He said strangely.
Me: "What kind of job do you guys do?" He coughed.
Xolile: "Well...we're all over the place. So we do this and that. It depends."
Me: "Depends on what?" I asked frowning.
Xolile: "On a lot of things. Busi don't worry yourself about our jobs. All you need to know is that our boss won't have a problem with us taking a break and looking after Zano." Mmmh! Strange! Very mysterious............

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