Chapter 22 - "The Kidnapping"

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Immediately after that, my face was covered, I couldn't see. Whatever they had used to cover over my head was meant for me not to see anything. I was being led somewhere - if I would I guess I would say a car - and they weren't being gentle either. I was thrown into a backseat of a car and my captor followed on inside, and the other captor who had held my other arm entered the other side. So I was stuck in the middle between them. The cold metal was now being pressed against my stomach. The car drove off so fast making the tires screech. My captors won't saying anything. There were no threats uttered to me...nothing...just silence. I'm sure they were communicating silently between themselves. The only sound you could hear in the car were my sobbing and begging.

My whole body was going through what I call shock. I was shaking and shivering like a leaf, but my captors paid no mind to me. I tried to scream and struggle at first when that cold metal had been pressed against my head but I soon regretted doing that because I got punched in the stomach...hard. So I was also currently in much was excruciating. It had felt like my breath had been knocked out off me when I got punched. I've never been punched before people so it's safe to say that it was not a fun experience. My whole stomach...actually my whole body was burning as hell. I'm not being dramatic guys trust me. I kept on asking what they wanted from me. I even offered my phone, and money. The money that I had on me wasn't much if I say so myself but at least it was something, but I was met with silence.

The way my heart was beating out of my chest, I was afraid that I would die from a heart attack or something. Something told me that Noel and his crew were the ones behind this kidnapping, and if it was really them then I was in shit. I stood no chance in escaping or coming out of this alive. That realization made me sob even worse. Knowing that you were about to die wasn't a good feeling people. I didn't want to die...I wasn't ready. I was still young! There were things that I still wanted to do and experience, and I couldn't die a virgin! Now is not the time to be thinking about your virginity Busisiwe! I reprimanded myself. I really hoped that they would just kill me rather than torture me first. I mean, I've watched a lot of action movies to last me a lifetime okay? So I know what happens when someone is captured. They either get killed or get tortured, and in some cases some even get raped. Horror and despair attacked me in full force. You guys should've heard the way I was sobbing now. It was like the world was coming to and end, actually my world was coming to an end!

The cold metal that was pressing against my stomach was pressed even harder as a warning.  I tried to get my sobbing in control but it was hard. I was was more than terrified. Everything was just overwhelming people. I mean, a gun was currently pressed against my stomach! A freakin gun people! I've been referring to it as a 'cold metal' because I didn't want to freak myself out by calling it by what it actually was but it was too late now. I was freaking the hell out. The car suddenly stopped, then the doors were opened and I was roughly pulled out of the car. I was being led...actually...I was being dragged to whatever place they were taking me to. My legs and feet didn't want to cooperate, I think they knew that I was being led to my doom. My captors didn't even miss a step when my legs gave out, they just dragged me by my arms. These people were so heartless! I mean who drags a living breathing human being? I knew my legs and thighs were going to be bruised since I was being dragged through the ground! And the worst thing was that I was wearing a skirt! So can you imagine! Bastards!

When we arrived to whatever place they had dragged me to, I was transferred to a chair. My hands and feet got tied to the chair with a rope. I tried fighting again when they were tying me to the chair but I got the same result as the last time. My breath got knocked out of me for the second time. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. I swear I was going to die people because it felt like like I was. I coughed and I tasted blood in my mouth. Oh my gosh! I started cursing and damning the giant because this was all his fault. He said nothing was going to happen to me! He freakin vowed! But look what was happening now?! I hated him so much at that moment. I even found myself wishing that he would make good on his vow about killing Noel and his crew if they dared to hurt a single hair on my body. In that moment, I didn't care about what the Ten Commandments had to say and what the Bible said about not repaying evil with evil. I just wanted them to die for what they were doing to me. Please don't hate me guys, the giant influenced me.

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