Chapter 5 - "Stockholm Syndrome"

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Me: "Mom!" I exclaimed embarrassed. How could she say all of that in front of him?! This woman.
Mother: "Don't you 'mom' me. Answer the question. Did you sleep with this man?" I'm sure I was red on the face. I couldn't even answer her the way I was embarrassed. Sex talk always makes me feel uncomfortable, so please don't judge me okay..."don't keep quiet Busisiwe, answer the damn question. You want to get pregnant? Is that it? Well let me tell you, having a child is a lot of work. Even you were a real burden to me, so don't you even for a second think I'm going to raise a child for you. Never. I raised you and that was enough." Oh my gosh! What was wrong with this woman? She was talking as if I was already pregnant. Couldn't God bless me with another mother..."a child needs a lot of things like nappies-."
Zano: "For fucksakes woman! Would you just shut the hell up?!" He growled. Uh-oh. I actually had been waiting for him to blow up because I know that the giant didn't like people who talked a lot. Trust me...I would know. You guys should've seen my mother's face. In another situation her reaction would've been hilarious but I was still dying from embarrassment from all the things my mother had spurted from her mouth. Her eyes were bugged out and her mouth was hanging open. Yeah, I know exactly what she was experiencing. The giant is very scary when he uses that voice of his..."now I see where you get your yapping from." He said to me. Did he just say 'yapping'? I certainly don't yap. And he said that with actions too. He flapped his hand in front of his mouth. He's so annoying!
Mother: "Look whoever you are, you won't just come into my house and think you can speak to me like that. This is my house, you hear me? Don't think just because Busisiwe opened her fat legs to you that gives you the right-."
Zano: "Don't talk about her like that? Do you hear me?" He said in a cold voice. My mother swallowed thickly. I could see fear in her eyes. Chills rand down my spine even though that voice wasn't directed to me..."I said do you hear me?" He repeated in that cold voice of his. My mother nodded her head quickly. Oh my gosh! I've never seen my mother react like this before. She was always the strong and fearless one, and I was always the one on the receiving end of her harsh words..."good, because if I ever hear you speak ill of her again, things will not be good for you woman, trust me." He threatened. I didn't want to entertain that his threat implied that he would be part of my life. Even though my mother wasn't all that great as a mother, I felt the need to defend her from the giant.
Me: "Zanoxolo, don't threaten her okay? It's fine...I'm fine...she didn't mean any of that she said-."
Zano: "It's not fine. She shouldn't insult you. I don't like it." He was speaking in that way of his. So weird.
Me: "But you insult me all the time." I pointed out. He frowned.
Zano: "But she is your mother. Mothers love...not hurt." He said strongly..."and I'm a stranger to you, so I don't count." I rolled my eyes at him. This guy!
Me: "So when it suits you, we're strangers?" He grunted and shrugged. My mother was following our little conversation by looking back and forth between us. Zanoxolo returned his attention to her...she flinched back a little...and pulled her shoulders back. She was really scared of the least I wasn't the only one.
Zano: "You make your own daughter pay rent." He stated. Oh my gosh!
Me: "Zanoxolo-."
Zano: "Shut up." He cut me off. I huffed. Shouldn't he be leaving now? I mean, I don't understand what he was still doing here. He had no right to talk about the rent situation. That was between my mother and I..."I want you to stop making her pay rent. Do we understand each other?" He demanded. My mother nodded her head quickly.
Me: "You should go now." I told him. He narrowed his eyes at me. I glared at him annoyed. He grunted.
Zano: "No more walking at night." He ordered. I huffed out. Seriously this guy was a pain.
Me: "Okay, no more walking at night. Happy now?" I  said sarcastically. He grunted..."can I have my phone back?" I said holding out my hand to him. After a short while of him just staring at me, he gave me my phone..."now can you please leave, you're going to make me late for class." He gave me a long look. It was like he was studying my features or something. It got to a point where it made me nervous. It was like he was committing everything about me to memory. I had mixed emotions now. I wanted to never see him again, but there was this side of me that wanted to see him again, which was ridiculous right? I mean why would I ever want to see this cruel giant as jerk? Ever since I saved him, he has been throwing insults left and right at me, so I sure as hell shouldn't want to see him again. I get enough insults from my own mother, I don't need an addition to thank you! After he stopped staring holes at me, he just turned and left through the door. I might've stood there for a while staring at the door which he just vacated from...I don't know...but I felt at loss. Damn you mixed feelings!

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