Chapter 10 - "His Scarred Back"

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Me: "Oh my gosh! I'm not having sex with you in 5 months!" I hissed terrified. Is this man hearing himself people? Who puts a ticking time span on someone's else's virginity? He was beyond crazy. He was on his own level of crazy. I won't even entertain my treacherous body which came alive when he stated that in 5 months he's having me. Nope! Not going there...sorry!
Zano: "My word is final woman. I'm giving you 5 months, don't argue with me on this. It's hard enough that I have to wait that long to have you, so don't push me." He warned. I growled. I was so frustrated...angry...irritated...and aroused even which I was not happy about. Treacherous body I tell you. I wish I could strangle him. My hands were even balled into fits.
Me: "I wish I could strangle you right now." I hissed out..."if you weren't driving, I would be doing just that so thank your lucky stars buddy because you would've been choking your ass around about now." I informed him. Then he did something I didn't expect even in my wildest dreams. He laughed. The giant laughed people! And it was beautiful. He was so beautiful. His whole face was transformed. I was mesmerized. If I wasn't so mesmerized with what I was witnessing happening in front of me, I would've taken my phone and captured this moment. His laugh was deep and manly. My insides were tingling. I was in trouble. When he realized that he was actually laughing, he stopped and frowned in surprise, then his face went back to being emotionless and cold. But for as long as I lived, I wouldn't forget how he looked at that moment when he had brain had stored it into memory. My heart actually hurt for the giant. I wondered what happened in his life that made him like this because it was apparent that laughter was something that wasn't part of his everyday life. I really wondered. I made a vow right then and there that I would do everything in my power to fill the giant's life with laughter even if he laughed once in a day. I know what this meant people. For me to be able to keep this vow, it meant that I had to be part of his be his woman. My body literally shivered to that revelation. Becoming the giant's woman made me nervous and excited at the same time. What made me nervous was the fact that he was my senior which meant that he was very experienced and I wasn't. He also was domineering, rude, cruel and ill tempered, so this wasn't going to be a smooth relationship or even a normal one. It was going to be different...very different. I had to learn to take a stand against him because if I didn't, he was going to take over my life completely. I sighed.

I really believed that deep down he could be a caring and sweet man. I mean, he showed me snippets of this side of him at the braai. Damn giant. He really sneaked up on me! I didn't know about giving him my virginity in 5 months. I guess we'll just have to wait and see because I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't close to being ready for sex, but only God knew. So I guess this meant that I was going to be in a relationship with the giant. My heart beat increased. I blushed. I hope he wasn't going to reject me like the others when he realized that I have issues. I don't know why but it would hurt me deeply if the giant rejected me. My heart was squeezing painfully from even thinking about it. I released a shaky breath.
Zano: "What's wrong woman?" I snapped out of my thoughts.
Me: "Nothing." I told him softly. He grunted.
Zano: "You hungry?" His question surprised me a little.
Me: "A little." I told him. After I went on a coughing fit earlier on, I had lost my appetite, so I didn't finish my food.
Zano: "Want me to cook for you?" Oh my gosh. He was being sweet again. My insides melted..."or you want a takeaway?"
Me: "You can...cook for me...please." I said shyly biting my lower lip. He grunted.
Zano: "Fuck me! My woman." He muttered to himself. Oh my gosh! My private parts tingled. I was really in trouble.

We were at his place. Now that I was here on different circumstances, I noticed that his apartment was bare and had no character at all. There was nothing on the walls, and there wasn't much of furniture. There was one worn out couch in the living area and a big flat screen TV. I huffed out. This apartment represented the person who lived inside it.
Me: "You don't have much here." I pointed out.
Zano: "Woman, I'm a man." He stated like that explained everything. I frowned.
Me: "What does that have to do with anything?" I asked him. He grunted.
Zano: "Men don't do...that...stuff." He said awkwardly.
Me: "Men don't do which stuff?" He sighed annoyed.
Zano: "Woman." He growled.
Me: "What? I really don't know what you mean...giant." He huffed and went to the kitchen. I followed. The kitchen was even worse..."explain to me what you meant." I encouraged.
Zano: "Don't want to." He grunted stubbornly. Oh my gosh! So frustrating!
Me: "You know, this relationship won't work if you're going to be like this." I informed him. He narrowed his eyes at me.
Zano: "Woman, it will work." He stated confidently. I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Just tell me what you meant Zanoxolo." I said tiredly. He grunted.
Zano: "Men don't do...that decorating shit that women do." He stated.
Me: "Well, that is just stupid." I told him honestly. He growled.
Zano: "It's not stupid. Women do that shit and since I didn't have a woman, I just got what I needed." He shrugged..."and I'm a very busy man...don't have time." I just rolled my eyes at him. He grunted..."you're my woman now so you'll have to do all that decorating shit." My eyes widened in shock.
Me: "Me? I can't do that!" I exclaimed nervously.
Zano: "You can and you will. You're my woman." Oh my gosh. He should stop now with the 'my woman' declaration!
Me: "No Zanoxolo, I can't." This man was going to kill me! He growled.
Zano: "You can and you will." He said in that voice of his. No room for an argument.
Me: "That's just crazy! You decorate your apartment yourself!" I shouted. This whole conversation was making me all sweaty and I was breathing a little faster too. I mean, wasn't it too soon for him to be asking this of me? I mean, we just became a couple minutes ago and already he's telling me to decorate his place. What did I know about decorating? I didn't even decorate the place I was living in with my mother!
Zano: "I want my woman to do it and you're my woman."
Me: "But-."
Zano: "I'll give you my card and pin tomorrow. Get everything that this place needs to make it look...nice." Now I regretted saying anything about his apartment. I should've kept my mouth shut.
Me: "Unbelievable." I muttered to myself. My heart beat was beating like crazy and my hands were even shaking..."this is not how things are done in a new relationship...actually in any relationship." I informed him after a while.
Zano: "Woman I'm tired of talking now. Go freshen up. There should be towels in bathroom. My ears need peace from your yapping while I cook dinner for you." Oh my gosh! Such a rude ass! I released a frustrated sign and stomped out of the kitchen. I was done with him! Liar! Shut up brain!

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