Chapter 46 - "The Woman Who Can Tame The Beast"

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We were on our way to wherever we were going to. I also didn't know where we were going people. Don't blame me, blame the giant. When I had asked him, he just said "you'll see woman." So you see? You guys know how he is. I was just curious who was this woman who 'could tame the beast' as Xolile had referred to her as, and also who was this woman that the giant had referred to her as 'Mama'? I was nervous people, because it meant that I was just about to meet somebody important in the giant's life. I thought I had passed the 'meet the parents' scare, but apparently not. Yeesh! I wonder what kind of person she was. I exhaled. I guess I'll have to wait and see people. The twins and Luk were not going to join us. They said they had things to do. It was only Xolile and Phozisa who were accompanying us, so they were following behind us. We have been on the road for an hour now. My feet were on the dashboard, and the music playing on the car radio was kind of calming my nerves. I also felt a little sleepy, but I dare not sleep. I wanted to see exactly where we were going. I could see that we were heading towards the outskirts. I'm sure we were heading to a township or something. I sat up straighter. The houses here were four bedroom houses and some were bigger, those were the extended ones. After twists and turns we stopped in front of the gate of a house that looked like a double story. It was beautiful and cute with a balcony. The giant made a call, and few minutes later, the gate opened and we drove in. He parked the car, and Xolile parked his next to us. We got out of the car. Oh my gosh! I was really really nervous people, because I didn't know what to expect. All because of this damn giant. Such an ass! I mean it wouldn't hurt for him to prepare me at least. The door opened, and out came a woman who was so short. I'm short guys but the woman was shorter than me if you can believe it. She was beautiful and one of those full figured woman in their fifties or sixties.
Her: "My child!" She said hurrying towards the giant who met her half way. She hugged him tightly around the waist. Her head didn't even reach the giant's chest. Can you imagine!
Zanoxolo: "Mama." He said in this tone that I've never heard him use before. There was so much emotion in the way he called her. Oh my gosh! He brushed her back and patted her head gently and lovingly. What kind of universe did I enter into?
Xolile: "Um. Sorry to break up this reunion, but what about me Mama? I mean I'm your real son here." He said in a jokingly tone. So it was Xolile's mother. His mother gave him a glare.
Her: "Psh, I just saw you now now in the afternoon. I haven't seen Xoxo for a long time." Xoxo? What? She called the giant Xoxo? I wanted to laugh people. It was funny and cute.
Xolile: "You saw him just a few days ago Mama!" He exclaimed.
Her: "Doesn't matter." She said waving him away. Xolile chuckled.
Xolile: "Whatever, I'm used to being ignored when the beast is here."
Her: "Don't call him that." She reprimanded... "not my son." She said brushing the giant's arm motherly. I liked her already. Just seeing the way she was towards my giant, won me over. I just hoped she will like me too. We entered the house. Xolile's mother was pulling the giant and we were following behind them. We were in the dining room now. The giant was sitting between me and Xolile's mother, and Xolile and Phozisa were sitting opposite us... "Phozisa please go and dish out the food for me. I want to take a look at my son here."
Phozisa: "Okay Mama." She said getting up and going to the kitchen. I didn't know if I should follow also and help, but I decided to stay put. Xolile's mother was busy fawning over the giant. This, I wish you could see what I was seeing. And the giant was just basking in all her motherly love. I looked at Xolile, and he chuckled and shook his head. I didn't see any jealousy or envy in his eyes for the fact that his mother was giving all her attention to the giant. All I could see was amusement. He didn't mind sharing his mother with the giant. Wow. Xolile's mother hadn't looked to me once, which I was not offended by honestly. Her only focus was the giant, and I could see that she really loved him.
Xolile's Mom: "Look at how thin you've become since I last saw you." She said concerned. Xolile snorted. It was funny because the giant was big bethuna. I held in my laugh. The giant grunted... "don't worry your mother is here. I'll feed you. I cooked all your favorites."
Zanoxolo: "Thank you Mama." He said patting her hand. She smiled big.
Xolile's Mom: "I wish your mother could see what a grown and handsome man you have become." She said on a shaky voice. She was blinking a lot. Xolile sighed.
Xolile: "Mama."
Xolile's Mom: "I know I know, but I can't help myself. Every time I see you, I think about her. You resemble her so much." Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Oh my gosh! She had known the giant's biological mother! The giant squeezed her hands with his.
Zanoxolo: "It's okay Mama." She shook her head.
Xolile's Mom: "No, she was supposed to be here and see you grow up to be this man. You've suffered my child." She sobbed. Oh my gosh! Xolile indicated that we should give them space. I got up and followed him out. My heart was hurting. We went to kitchen. Phozisa was still dishing out the food. There was a lot of food, and it smelled and looked good.
Xolile: "Sorry about that Superwoman. My mother has never gotten over the death of Z's mother. When she gets like this, it's better to leave them alone." I nodded. I didn't mind... "and don't be offended by her paying no attention to you, it's just that when the dude is here, he's the only person she sees." He explained sitting on one of the counter chairs... "I mean I'm her son, but I'm also put on ice when he is here." He laughed shrugging... "and I don't mind because my mother is the only connection that Zano has left of his mother, and also vice versa for my mother."
Me: "What was the relationship between your mother and Zano's, if you don't mind me asking?" He shook his head.
Xolile: 'No I don't. My mom and Zano's mom were friends, well, they were more like sisters. They knew each other way before Z and I were born." Oh wow... "Z and I have been inseparable since birth actually." He told me. I knew they were close as brothers but I didn't know the extent of the brotherhood between them. It was amazing... "yeah so we've always been close mates, but then the thing happened..." He trailed off. I'm sure we all knew what he was referring to. The tragedy that happened to the giant's mother and sister... "yeah, anyway when he was put in the foster care system, my mother tried to adopt him. She applied and everything but the adoption wasn't approved obviously. Since she was already a single mother and she was struggling to make ends meet for me and her at that time, she wasn't considered as fit to take in another child." Oh my gosh... "so you could imagine how my mother felt. The guilt and helplessness she must've felt, actually she still carries the guilt even today but there was nothing she could do. But I understand why she feels that way. I mean, Z's mother was like a sister to her, so she feels like she has failed her sister by letting her son stay at the orphanage for two full years like a kid who was abandoned and not wanted." I was taking all what he was telling me in, and it really saddened me for both the giant and Xolile's mother... "but luckily the Parkinson's adopted him, and they're dope people so..." He shrugged. I just nodded. I couldn't say anything. This was a lot to digest. Now I understood why Xolile's mother was the way she was towards the giant, and also why the giant was the way he was towards her. They both lost someone who meant a lot to them, so the grief and love had created this strong connection between was an unbreakable bond. It was amazing actually, and I'm glad the giant had someone who connected him to his mother. My giant deserved that. Oh my giant.

We were now back in the dining room. We were eating. The food was great people. It was so funny how Xolile's mother was just fawning and fussing over the giant. She was like "eat dear.", "is the food good?", "do you want more?" Phozisa and I were giggling softly while Xolile rolled his eyes to the whole thing. I couldn't control my laugh when Xolile was like, "what about me Mama?" and her response was "what about you, about what?" It was just so funny. Anyway after we finished eating, Phozisa and I collected everybody's plates and went to go do the dishes. We were in the middle of that, I was drying and Phozisa was washing, when Xolile's mother entered. I held my breath.
Xolile's Mom: "Let me take a good look at you my child." She said looking at me from head to toe, she even made me spin around. I was red in the face. She smiled gently... "at least he brought me a daughter-in-law who meets the requirements." She stated. I was so relieved by that... "he didn't disappoint me. I was worried those skinny white woman." Phozisa laughed and I giggled... "I was really worried because Xoxo is adopted by white people so I thought he's going to bring me a white daughter-in-law. I was preparing myself," Phozisa was in fits of laughter... "oh you like laughing Phozi. In honesty I was going to pull him aside and tell him what was what." I laughed. This mother. She was funny and nice... "let me take a look at the ring." She said taking my hand with the ring finger... "I know my Xoxo, he has fine taste." I just couldn't get over how she called him. The name didn't fit a man like the giant, but it was cute and sweet... "so Xoxo tells me you're 20 years old." I nodded... "you're still very young but I know my son, he'll take care of you."
Me: "Yes Mama." She pulled at my cheeks.
Xolile's Mom: "I like chubby and cute and I can see you're a good child." I blushed... "you can cook right because I want my son to be properly fed. Did you see how this he is?"
Phozisa: "That person is not thin Mama."
Xolile's Mom: "You guys would never see it. So listen to me, I'm his mother. So can you cook daughter-in-law?"
Me: "A little." I said softly embarrassed.
Xolile's Mom: "We'll have to fix that because you'll be a wife soon. And what's the rush? Five months is not a faraway thing."
Me: "It's him Mama. He doesn't want to extend the date." She laughed.
Xolile's Mom: "Oh I know how stubborn he is." I nodded. So stubborn! ... "so how are the preparations coming along?" I groaned miserably and Phozisa laughed... "what's wrong." I told her about the day I had with Diana. She was laughing... "I will have to call Diana. I also want to be involved in the preparations of my son's wedding. I've already got a list of people I'm going to invite." My eyes widened. How big was this wedding going to be? So many people! Already Diana had her list with 200 people listed, now also Xolile's mother wanted to add to that.
Phozisa: "This wedding is going to be big." She said singing excitedly.
Xolile's Mom: "Yes as it should be. Big and beautiful. So what does your mother say? Is she also part of the planning of the wedding? She must be very happy for you." My heart squeezed in pain. I wished that she was but no she had thrown me away like I was nothing. Xolile's mom must've seen the pain reflected in my eyes because she just brushed my arm motherly... "she'll come around I'm sure." I doubted it, but we'll see. We left Xolile's mom house around 10 pm. I was beat people. I slept all the way home. When we got home, the giant and I changed to our sleeping attires and when to sleep.  

It was 2 days later. The giant had told me to get ready, so that we could go somewhere. When I inquired about where we were going, I got no response obviously. You guys know how he is. I also didn't know why I kept on asking when I knew that he wouldn't tell me anything. Ass! We arrived somewhere that looked like office buildings. Hee. I wonder. We went in, and went up by the lift all the way to 9th floor. When we got there we were greeted by a receptionist. I looked around and the place looked like what you would see in a waiting room at some hospital. It looked doctor-like. The receptionist was a woman. She greeted the giant like she knew him.
Her: "You're here for your appointment?" The giant grunted. Appointment? The receptionist made a call... "you can go in, she's ready for you." She said to the giant pointing to the closed door. I followed behind the giant and we entered the room.
Zanoxolo: "Hello Doc. This is my woman, the one I told you about." He said in greeting to a white woman who looked to be in the ages of fifty... "and just to remind you, the only reason I'm here is because of her, so don't start that psychoanalyzing shit I hate that your people do. Just help my woman okay." She white woman laughed.
Her: "Still the same old Zanoxolo Parkinson. I see you haven't changed since the last time you came to see me two years ago."............................................

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat