Chapter 56 - "I Was Being Shot At Again"

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I had my head down as instructed whilst George was driving the car on the road like a maniac. I say maniac, because of the high speed and the way in which he was was insane. I felt like I was in a very fast rollercoaster. I had to also hold on to the chair in front of me so that I didn't get thrown to the side when he turned and twisted the car. The way the tires were screeching every time he turned and twisted the car...I was even sure that people who were within a 10 mile radius could hear the screeching. I could smell the burning of tires too. I was so scared guys. I was literally shaking all over. I was breathing through my mouth and nose so as to prevent having a panic attack. Well I don't think my method was working because I think I was in the verge of having one anyway. I couldn't control and hold back my scream when I heard the first bullet hit the car. Oh my gosh! The bad people had found us people. They were really after me. Like, they were really really after me. After the first bullet that hit the car, other bullets came raining in. And when I say 'raining in', that's what I really mean. I screamed my lungs out with my hands covering my ears when the back window smashed and some of the glass fragments fell on me. What the living hell?! I was going to die people. That's what kept on ringing in my ears now. Oh my gosh! The car swerved and I couldn't help but be thrown to the side since I wasn't holding on to the chair anymore. I groaned in pain when I felt some glass fragments pierced my skin. I fixed my seating and tried to make myself as small as possible whilst holding on for dear life. The way George was driving so fast, you could hear the swooshing sound when he was driving past the other cars on the road. I wonder how the other people in other cars were reacting to this entire movie scene happening right in front of them live. People!

I wasn't hearing any bullets hitting the car now. I'm sure we were losing the bad guys now, but I knew for sure that they were still chasing us because I could hear the gun shots being fired behind us and screeching of tires. I had to give myself a pat on the back when we reached safety because I wasn't sobbing like the way I had been sobbing on the last shoot out. Yes, tears were running down my cheeks now but I wasn't sobbing or anything. I was a mess but not a mess mess like the last time. The hyperventilating and the murmurings of silent prayers to God couldn't be helped. I mean, everyone who was in a brink of death would do the same. God had to save me people. I didn't want to die.
George: "We have to lose the car." He announced. What? What did he mean that we have to lose the car? Like as in get off the freaking car and run on foot? Oh my gosh! Before I could voice out my thoughts, he stopped the car, got off, opened my door and pulled me out and then we were running people. Yes, running. And mind you, I was not wearing any shoes but I didn't have time to think on that because it was a life and death situation people and already my fight vs. flight hormones were shooting off the roof. I couldn't tell you where we were even if I wanted to people. The only thing I could tell you was that we were running on what looked like a deserted road and there were also what looked like houses...deserted houses. I say deserted because they were unfinished. They looked like unfinished projects or something. And there were a lot of them. Maybe they couldn't finish building because they ran out of funds or something? This is not the time to be analyzing unfinished houses Busisiwe! For once, we agreed on something with my brain. Sorry people, I was trying to paint a picture for you guys but I got a little carried away. I heard the screeching of tires and I looked back, it was a Quantum people. It stopped in the middle of the road not far from us, and about ten or fifteen men carrying guns exited it, and they started to chase us with their guns raised at us. Tell you no lies. What happened next people really made me understand why George was called 'Killer'. He suddenly stopped, and drew out his gun and started to shoot at the men, and one by one the men dropped dead to the ground like bags of potatoes people. Like, they didn't even have a chance to fire their guns at us. Tell you no lies. He was killing each man with one shot...a shot through their heads. Even when he had to reload his gun, he didn't break or pause, no people. He was quick and precise. If we were acting out in a movie or something I would be amazed and impressed by his skills, but we weren't in a movie. This was happening in real life and men were dropping dead right in front of my eyes! I've never in my life seen a person get killed in front of me, let alone fifteen men. It was not a pretty scene I tell you. I don't even know if I could say that I was shocked or what, but my whole body felt completely very numb. After killing everybody, he pulled me by the sleeves of my pajama top, and then we were running again. The scene of the men dropping dead on the ground kept replaying over and over my head. I shook my head. This was not the time to be thinking about that. It wouldn't be good to be on a full 'I'm freaking the hell out show'. I would freak out later when this was all over. I didn't even know where we were heading to. We were going through the deserted houses now.

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