Chapter 41 - "The Shooting Range"

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I opened my mouth to dispute what he just said, but I decided against it. I closed my mouth and said nothing. The reason being was that I knew whatever I said to the giant now wouldn't go through to him. When he was like this, it meant his walls were up and those walls of his were impenetrable. Trust me, I knew. I would broach the subject again when those walls were down later on, but even then I would tread carefully. My heart hurt so badly for the giant – I wanted to cry so badly for him. I knew that he was afraid to be like his biological father, that's why he didn't want to father any children, but I really believed in my gut that he would be an amazing father. He would love his children fiercely and dote on them, because my giant was actually a softie on the inside, but he was like an onion, you had to peel off the layers to see. The hand on his lap was tightened into a fist, and it was shaking. I knew that he was fighting his demons. Oh my poor giant people! I blinked back my tears. I now regretted what I said about us having a son. I provoked the darkness in him. I covered his fist with my hand and the shaking stopped, then after a short while he relaxed his hand and intertwined it with mine. I sighed in was still my Zano. He didn't get consumed by the darkness. He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it. I loved this man people.

We arrived at my church. I was reluctant to part with him now. I was worried about him being alone in turn giving the darkness a chance to consume him, because his eyes looked haunted. He was battling with his mind.
Me: "Can I get a 'see you later kiss'?" He wordlessly pulled my face to his and kissed me slowly and gently. This was a rare kiss. It was a sweet kiss. Yes, I name all of the kisses that the giant gives me. Weird. I know. Don't judge. Believe it or not, his kisses told me his mood most of the time... "I love you my giant." I whispered against his lips. He closed his eyes and put his forehead against mine and released a deep breath. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but it was a while. What matters is that when we broke apart, the giant's eyes were not haunted anymore. The darkness had disappeared for now just like that. I gave myself an imaginary fist bump. It was so amazing how I could read him now because in the past I couldn't at all, but it was good that I could so I that I could at least help him chase away the darkness if needed be. I got out of the car and he drove off.

We were on our way to the shooting range. He just picked me up from church. The twins were also in the car with us, sitting in the backseat. When I saw them I was so happy. They were now teasing me as always.
1st twin (I think he was Sithembile, but I'm not sure): "Can I just ask why Superwoman is wearing a scarf in this hot weather." The other twin cackled, the giant grunted and I turned beet red touching the scarf around my neck. So annoying!
2nd twin: "Maybe she's feeling cold bru." They looked at each other.
Both twins: "Naaaaah!" They said laughing.
Me: "Could you guys stop." I said a little mortified.
1st twin: "Maybe she's covering up something. Umm. What could it be?" He asked his twin with his finger tapping his chin.
2nd twin:"Umm..." He trailed off imitating his brother. He was also tapping his chin. They were the worst guys.
1st twin: "Oh I know." He said clicking his fingers... "mosquito bites." The giant snorted.
2nd twin: "Um, I don't think so brother. Maybe chicken pox?" Seriously? Mxm! I huffed laughing a little.
1st twin: "Naah bru I don't think so. Maybe she needs to remove the scarf so that we can see what's cooking under there." He tried to pull my scarf but I held on.
Zano: "Sthe leave my woman alone before I cut that hand off." He threatened. Sthe held his hands up in surrender laughing. So I was right, he was Sthe.
Sine: "We're just teasing her bhudda." He said winking at me.
Zano: "Find your own women to tease not mine." He growled. They laughed like he said the funniest thing.
Sthe: "So touchy."
Sine: "He's just scared that she'll like us more than him."
Zano: "I'll kick you both out of my car and you'll walk to the shooting range." He threatened. That shut them up, because the giant had done that before. Tell you no lies. The giant doesn't play people. Everyone knows that you enter the giant's car at your own risk. If you didn't behave, he kicked you out. Only X-man can hold his own against the giant and maybe T-man but the others stood no chance. I stuck my tongue out at them and laughed. They rolled their eyes and held up their middle fingers at me.
Me: "Zano they're bullying me." I lied pouting. The giant growled dangerously.
Sthe: "Don't even dude. We did no such thing."
Zano: "Just leave her alone. Don't even look at her." I smiled smugly at them. Sthe shook his head at me and mouthed 'I'll get you' and I just stuck my tongue out at him. Sine smiled wagging his finger at me. I giggled... "sit properly and leave them alone." He said to me.
Me: "Oh." I said doing as I was told pouting a little. I could feel those jerks laughing at me silently. Whatever!

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ