Chapter 42 - "So Called Friends"

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I woke up the next morning alone in bed. I checked the time, it was 9am. Oh my gosh! I had to hurry or I was going to be late for church. I wonder where the giant was. Yesterday night after our heated and sweaty session...yes, I'm calling what we did a session...bite me! Anyway after our session we fell asleep from exhaustion. Now my body was hurting in all the right places...if you know what I mean. Hint hint. Wink! You're so stupid. Shut up brain! Do you ever leave me alone? Geez! I heard voices coming from somewhere in the apartment...maybe from the living room. I wonder who the giant was with. I looked for his t-shirt and put on some shorts and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I went to where the voices were coming from. The giant was with Xolile (X-man) and Temba (T-man) in the kitchen, they were all standing together by the counter looking at something on the giant's laptop. Maybe it was that CCTV footage from yesterday.
Xolile: "Superwoman!" He greeted me with a big smile. Temba gave me a chin lift.
Me: "Morning guys." I greeted a little groggily. The giant came to me and gave me a good morning kiss. I was no longer embarrassed as much as I used to be when the giant kissed me in front of his friends because he did that a lot.
Zano: "Morning baby." He whispered gruffly against my lips.
Me: "Morning." I said softly blushing. I heard a snort coming from one of the guys. It was Xolile I'm sure. I hid my face on the giant's chest. He grunted.
Zano: "Go get ready for church baby, and then we'll go okay?" He ordered tapping my butt cheek. I nodded and l went to the bathroom.

I was eating breakfast now. The giant had made me breakfast people. How sweet is my man people? Don't be jealous. I was running a little late for church but nothing was new about that. Xolile stole one of my sausages from my plate.
Me: "Hey!" I complained. He winked and ate it all up in one go. The giant growled.
Zano: "Leave my woman's food alone."
Xolile: "I told you to make some for me, but you're a stingy sonuvabitch so this was the only way to get me some." The giant grunted. They were still gathered up in front of that laptop. I wonder what was so important about that CCTV footage. I could hear Temba telling the giant something while pointing at the screen but I couldn't hear exactly what he was saying. Darn it... "we should send this to Steven, he could clean it up." The giant grunted.
Temba: "Too risky."
Zano: "And I don't trust anyone who's not from our team."
Xolile: "Well...there's that. What about Luks?" He suggested.
Zano: "We're meeting with everybody later on at our spot, so I'll give it to him to check it out." Xolile and Temba nodded in agreement... "woman finish up so we can go." I nodded chewing.
Xolile: "Do you want me to help you?"
Zano: "No." He answered before I could. Xolile rolled his eyes.
Xolile: "Stingy bastard." He muttered. I laughed a little.
Zano: "Baby drink your juice so you don't choke." He ordered. I did as I was told. Temba snorted.
Temba: "He's such a pussy this guy. What happened to him?" Xolile burst out laughing.
Xolile: "That's exactly what I was going to say. 'Baby drink your juice so you don't choke okay'." He said imitating the giant. The giant smacked him on the head and Temba chuckled.
Temba: "He is pussy whipped. I never thought I would see the day." The giant glared at him closing his laptop.
Zanoxolo: "Let's go." His friends laughed. These two were the only ones who could tease the giant like this. If it were the other guys, he would've kicked their asses. Okay, maybe the twins could get away with it. I quickly finished, took my things and we all left.

They dropped me off at church and drove off. I enjoyed church as always. There were some members who couldn't control their nosy selves who inquired about the ring I was wearing. When I told them that I was engaged, you guys should've seen their faces. Saying they were shocked was an understatement. The thing is, in our youth group I've always been seen as a Virgin Mary and someone who no one wanted, so I was overlooked by most of them. They started asking me questions about the giant and how we met, and when the wedding was. I just told them as little as possible. Why were they up in my business when they didn't care at all about me in the past? Fake people really annoyed me, and it's so sad that we find them in our churches too. When the church service ended, I spent a few minutes talking to other church members. When I saw the giant's car, I went towards it. I could see that Xolile and Temba were sitting in the backseat. I entered.
Xolile: "Superwoman. How was church? Did you pray for me?" I chuckled. They giant drove off.
Temba: "Do you want Superwoman to burn praying for your many sins?" The giant snorted loudly.
Xolile: "Bru I'm a saint okay? Speak for yourself."
Zano: "Saint my ass." He muttered.
Xolile: "Why you hating Z bru? The two of you, go to hell." I giggled. These three really cracked me up.
Zano: "Are you hungry woman?" I shook my head. He grunted.
Xolile: "I'm hungry. Why don't you-."
Temba: "Shut up. This guy."
Zano: "Annoying as fuck." He muttered.
Xolile: "So you're ganging up on me now? Fuck you assholes." I laughed shaking my head.
Temba: "You talk too much."
Zano: "So meddlesome." He added.
Temba: "Annoying."
Zanoxolo: "I said that."
Temba: "Oh you did. Then...irritating."
Zanoxolo: "Headache."
Temba: "A buzzing fly."
Zanoxolo: "A cockroach." Oh my God. I was in stitches.
Temba: "An-."
Xolile: "Okay okay! You motherfuckers can stop now!" He shouted. Temba burst out laughing and the giant grunted... "fuck you guys. Annoying assholes." He muttered... "I don't have friends like you." The giant snorted... "Superwoman is my only friend from now on." He winked at me. I giggled.

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