Chapter 12 - "Ugly Friends"

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That parting kiss from the giant left me feeling so dizzy and aroused. I looked at Sandile embarrassed that he had witnessed the make out session between the giant and I.
Sandile: "That man is dangerous, you should stay away from him." He told me. Excuse me? The nerve! I just rolled my eyes and went to my bedroom. I didn't need his 2 cents. He was my mother's boy toy, nothing to me, so he should know his place. It's not like he was warning me about something I didn't know. I knew the giant was dangerous, I mean anyone with a sense would know when they see him. You feel the danger resonating from the giant just by being in his presence, but even so, my heart didn't care. I know that one day I will know all about the giant's dangerous ways and I will have to deal with it when that time came.

It was after the church service, I was on my way to meet up with Andy and Fiona. They both sent me texts telling me to meet them at the Mall they were currently shopping at. Those two really loved shopping! Shopping wasn't a luxury I could afford, since money was always tight for me. I only bought clothes when I really needed to. I have never shopped for fun. I sometimes envied how my friends could shop whenever they felt like it. I haven't heard from the giant since he left the apartment earlier this morning. I wanted to text him so badly but I didn't know what I was going to say in the text. Oh my gosh! Would you guys look at me! I was already getting clingy. I sighed. I missed him. I was in trouble.

I found my friends at this other boutique I knew they liked. When I first saw the price tags of the clothing of this boutique, I nearly had a heart attack. I couldn't believe that clothes could cost that much. My friends were really living the life.
Andy: "Look who finally decided to show up. Gosh, we don't even know you anymore. Where the hell have you been?" She said all of that to me as a greeting. I rolled my eyes.
Me: "It hasn't been that long. Don't exaggerate. And I've been busy. Some of us have to work you know." I jested. She waved her hand dismissively at me.
Andy: "If I didn't know you better, I would say you got yourself a man, but you don't date." I hid my blush and smile. It was hard. I don't know why I wasn't telling them about the giant. I guess I wanted to keep this little secret all to myself.
Fiona: "I'm sure that on top of work, she has been busy with the books. You know how she gets when exams are near." She stated.
Andy: "Yeah, that I do know. She worries me." They we're talking like I wasn't here.
Me: "Um. Hello. Are you guys finished?" I asked annoyed.
Andy: "Um. No." She said laughing.
Me: "I don't know why I bothered coming here. Please remind me why." I said to the universe.
Fiona: "Oh come on. We missed you. We never see you these days." Andy nodded in agreement. I sighed.
Me: "I've been busy." I repeated.
Andy: "You even take too long to answer to our texts. You've been a bad friend seriously." She pouted. I laughed.
Me: "Gosh! How old are you? 5? You guys know how my life is. I never get a break." I told them.
Fiona: "Your mother is still being her colorful self?" She asked concerned.
Me: "Always." I hated the looks they were giving me now. They were pitying on me.
Andy: "Come lets pay for these clothes, then we'll take you out for lunch." And so we went.

We were at our favorite restaurant. We had already ordered our food. We were now eating. My phone vibrated with a text. It was the giant. I smiled so big. Oh my gosh! I quickly read the text. It said, "where the hell are you woman?" I rolled my eyes. Typical giant! I replied telling him where I was. He sent back a text saying, "woman, I'm giving you an hour more with your friends, then I'm coming for you." My body shook with excitement and my pussy actually throbbed. I was sick! I replied with just an "okay."
Fiona: "What's making you smile this big?" She asked curiously.
Andy: "I was about to ask the same thing. She's even red in the face. Tell us." Now I had to tell them about the giant since he was going to come and fetch me in about an hour.
Me: "Um. Well, I met this guy..." I trailed off. They both screamed. Drama! People at the other tables were now looking at us.
Fiona: "Oh my word! What? A guy! You?!" She said shocked.
Andy: "This is unbelievable!" She exclaimed in disbelief..."you have to tell us more Busisiwe, actually tell us everything. We want details. Start from the beginning." She demanded in excitement. So I told them. But I left out some things. Like the fact that I found him lying on the side of the road because he was stabbed. They would've asked a lot of questions which I had no answers to. I just told them that I met him a month ago when I was coming back from work, which is not far from the truth. When I told them his age, they screamed again. These girls!
Andy: "Oh my gosh! You bitch! He's old!"
Fiona: "I can't believe what I'm hearing. It feels like a dream."
Andy: "You know!" She agreed. My cheeks were hurting from smiling so much.
Fiona: "So last night, you slept over at his place?" I nodded blushing. She clapped her hands.
Andy: "Wow! Just wow!" After that, I spent most of the time answering their questions. Some questions were too uncomfortable for me to answer which led me to blush shyly. They kept on repeating the other questions for clarification. They were really shocked shame which came as no surprise when they said they wanted to meet him. They made me to describe him in great detail, from the head to his toes. They were so excited to meet him, which I couldn't say the same would be for the giant. When the hour had passed by a few minutes, the giant texted. This is how our conversation went:
Zano: I'm here woman, come out.
Me: My friends want to meet you. Can you please come inside instead?
Zano: No.
Me: Please.
Zano: Woman just come out.
Me: This is important to me.

He didn't text me back after that. I worried my lip. Why was he being so stubborn?! I breathed.
Andy: "Is he coming?" She asked in anticipation.
Me: "Maybe." I shrugged..."he's very unpredictable." I muttered. I looked towards the entrance of the restaurant. I was about to text him again when I saw him enter. I exhaled in relief. I didn't know I had been holding my breath. My body came alive. He was a man to be reckoned with. He had presence. A few people at the other tables even followed him with their eyes, especially the women. I didn't need to signal him because his gaze locked with mine. I sucked in my breath. His gaze was hot and intense. I really couldn't believe that this man was mine.
Andy: "So is he coming? Tell him to hurry already." She said impatiently. I snorted breaking my gaze away from the giant. Just imagine me telling the giant to hurry. He would just growl at me.
Me: "He's coming." I told them. They both squealed in excitement. I rolled my eyes. The giant was almost at our table. The second he arrived at our table I knew. I felt his presence. My body felt him. I looked up. He was standing there with confidence and dominance. His eyes were on me.
Zano: "Woman, I'm here." He stated in that weird way of his. I could see he was irritated with me. Well, tough!
Fiona: "Oh my word! Is this him?" She asked whispering and pointing to the giant. The way Andy's mouth was just hanging open was comical. I just nodded.
Me: "Andy and Fiona meet Zanoxolo. Zanoxolo friends." I introduced. The giant grunted. He spared them just a brief glance then those eyes came back to mine as if to say "and then what woman?" I gave him a glare. He should say something! Why was he being so antisocial! He's like you Busi. Shut up brain!
Zano: "I met your ugly friends woman. Now let's go."............

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