Chapter 4 - "My Name Is Not Woman"

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So while he has been cooking; there has been complete silence between us. I was uncomfortable with the silence but I could see that the silence wasn't bothering him. I don't know why, but I preferred us talking than the silence, which was weird. The man was frustrating, annoying, mean and an ass when he spoke so I really don't know why I now wanted him to speak. I huffed! I could see he was in pain, even though he tried his outmost to conceal it.
Me: "Did you take any pain medication?" I asked him. Don't ask me why I cared.
Zano: "I don't take pills." What?!
Me: "Like at all?" He grunted a yes..."why?" He just shrugged. This guy is not good with answering questions...."why?" I insisted.
Zano: "I don't want to tell you." He said simply. He can't be serious. I had told him a lot about me but he can't return the favor! Stupid me!
Me: "What? Why?" I asked incredulously.
Zano: "Because it's not your business woman." He growled. I was done.
Me: "I told you that my name is Busisiwe, not woman!" I shouted. I was fed up. He stopped dishing up and looked at me with this dangerous look but I wasn't deterred because as I said, I was fed up..."don't give me that look, it won't scare me." I told him. He walked towards me slowly, I sat up straight. His whole presence was scary but I had to hold on because I couldn't let him bully me completely.
Zano: "It won't scare you huh?" He said it that terrifying voice of his. He was now standing directly in front of me. I swallowed hard. I was shaking like a leaf.
Me: "Why are you doing this to me?" I whispered shakily..."I just want to go home. Let me go home please, you'll never see me again I promise." I begged. He got into my face, and I held my breath. Oh my gosh! His eyes were so cold. I swear this guy had so many personalities. His hot one minute and cold the next.
Zano: "Like I said before, you're going home tomorrow, and I'm the one who's going to take you. Now I don't want to hear about this from you again, am I clear?" His voice was cold like his eyes. I nodded quickly. Tears were forming in my eyes..."what did I say about you crying?" I flinched because I remembered exactly what he said, that I looked uglier when I cried. I hated him so much. He blinked...and huffed...and stood back...looked away like he was ashamed. Fuck him! He should be ashamed. I was a mess. I felt destroyed.
Me: "Can I go to sleep now...please." I whispered shakily. He swore under his breath.
Zano: "Look-."
Me: "I want to go to sleep..." I said cutting him off. He swallowed.
Zano: "But you haven't eaten-." I shook my head.
Me: "I'm not hungry."
Zano: "Busi, you have to eat-."
Me: "I'm not hungry." I insisted. I was so tired. I wasn't even going to entertain the fact that he called me by name for the first time..."can I go?"
Zano: "Fuck me." He muttered. I waited. Then finally after a while of him staring at me, he nodded. I stood and went to the bedroom to sleep with the door locked. Fuck him!

The next day, I woke up very early in the morning. I slept like 2 hours because I kept tossing and turning. The time now was around 5am and I was ready to go home now. I didn't even want to freshen up or do anything. I wanted to get out of this place and never to see this man again. I exited the bedroom, Zano was in the kitchen drinking water.
Me: "Can you take me home now." It was more of a demand than a question. He grunted and looked at me..."can we go like now. I need to freshen up...I have class." He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but then he closed it back up again. I could see he was struggling with something but I didn't care.
Zano: "Look, about last night-."
Me: "Don't care. Just take me home." He swore under his breath..."or I can call the cab myself, no problem. Just give me my phone." His demeanor changed immediately after I said that. He stood up straighter.
Zano: "I'm taking you home." He said in a hard voice."
Me: "Then take me home man." I said annoyed. His eyes narrowed. I narrowed mine back at him. He blinked surprised. I smiled. Take that asshole. He grunted.
Zano: "Lets go woman." So I guess we were back to him calling me 'woman'. Oh well, it's not like it matters, because I would never be seeing this man again after he drops me off at my place. We left.

So the asshole had a car. I wanted to sit in the backseat but he insisted I sit in front with him. We had another staring contest until I broke it off because I didn't want to delay going home. Keep telling yourself that Busi. Shut up brain! Okay, the bastard was still scary but I was done showing him my fear. I wonder where his car was when he he got stabbed? Because it was clear that wherever he was going or came from when he got stabbed, he was doing it by feet. There were so many unanswered questions. Anyway, why do I care? I'm finally going home, and hopefully I won't ever see his crazy ass again. I'm sure my friends were wondering about me, since every time when I got home from my shift at the restaurant, we always chatted on the phone. If only they knew what an eventful night I had! Even if I told them, they wouldn't believe me, because according to them my life is very boring...actually more like I'm the boring one. Whatever! If boring meant that I didn't sleep with everything that had a penis then I'd gladly die boring, thank you very much! I directed the ass to my place, which wasn't that far from his place. He stopped in front of the building I lived in.
Zano: "I'm coming in with you." Those words came out of his mouth just when I was about to get out of his car and bid him farewell. This person is crazy!
Me: "No you're not!"
Zano: "Yes I am." He stated stubbornly.
Me: "You're crazy!" I exclaimed in disbelief. He just shrugged..."there's nothing for you in my apartment. Our road ends here. So no, you're not coming in with me." It was like I didn't say anything because the bastard got out of the car. I was stupefied. What in the actual fuck? What is his problem?! And most importantly, what does he want from me?! Ugh! Damn him! I got out of the car peeved and I closed the passenger door with so much force.
Zano: "Would you like it if I spanked that fat ass of yours with the same force you bestowed upon that door?" I looked at him in shock. He was serious. He would spank me.
Me: "You're unbelievable! Do you know that?!" I yelled. I was livid. He shrugged. I growled. He made a choking sound.
Zano: "What are you? A chihuahua?" He made that choking sound again. I huffed out angrily. I walked away from him into my apartment building, and he followed of course. I can't believe he was making fun of me. Actually, I can believe it, because he was a cruel bastard. I don't sound like a chihuahua at all when I growl. We entered inside the lift and I made sure that I stood as far away as possible from him, which was no easy thing to do since he took up too much space. Big ass giant..."calling me names I see." He stated amused. Oh my gosh! Did I say 'Big ass giant' aloud? I guess I did. Great..."it seems you're not a good person as you claimed to be earlier girl." He mocked. Did I mention that he was annoying? I ignored him. Jerk! We got off at my apartment floor and went towards my door. I was really praying that my mother would still be asleep when we entered because my mother could be cruel like the giant next to me was, and I didn't want the giant to witness her cruelty towards me.

It wasn't my lucky day, because when I opened the door, my mother was in the kitchen. Great! What was she doing up so early?
Mother: "Busisiwe is that you? Are my eyes deceiving me right now?" She said putting her glass of water on the counter..."who's that man you're with?" Now how did I introduce the giant? I groaned on the inside..."don't tell me you had sex with this man Busisiwe!" She said cackling and clapping her hands in the process. I hated it when she did that..."I really can't believe this. You? Sex with a man? The same person who's so scared to take off her clothes in front of me, but you can take your clothes off for a man? Wow!" She said cackling again like it was the funniest thing ever. Yeah people, this was my mother, and this wasn't even her worst.....

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