Chapter 52 - "Off Grid"

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George didn't waste time in following the giant's orders. At first when the giant had barked that I be taken to safe house, George had commanded that I go get my stuff so we could go, but I don't know, I couldn't move. I think my body was still in shock. I mean, everything happened so fast people. I really thought I was done for. I don't know what would've happened if George hadn't showed up when he did. Like, I was this close to peeing myself...again people. Oh my gosh! Did this mean that my life will always be in danger for the rest of my life because of the line of work that the giant did? Yes, I knew that being with the giant was going to be dangerous. But knowing is different than when your life is in actual danger people. Like I've been with the giant for over 5 months now but my life has been put in jeopardy for the third time now. So just imagine people! In just a short period of time that I've been in the giant's life, my life was being targeted since they saw me as his weakness...which I was. So this meant that this was going to be my daily living for the rest of my life. I will have to be on guard 24/7 and constantly look over my shoulder for anyone who would try to hurt me to get to the giant. This was a terrifying revelation people! I loved the fact that my man protected me, and that he always arrived in time to save me before something bad could happen to me, but I had to be realistic and practical and ask myself a question of 'until when?'. Maybe it will happen that one day the giant can't get in time to save me, and then what will I do? I wanted to have a family with him for goodness sake, so does that also mean that our children will know no peace and the giant will have more weaknesses that will allow his enemies to target to hurt him. This wasn't a terrible ordeal just for me and our future children but also for the giant as well. He will also know no peace because of us. Oh my gosh! Now all of this made me question if I really wanted to bring children to this life? This kind of life didn't suit those people who wanted to have a family. It was just too dangerous. But even knowing this, I still wanted to have a family with my giant. I wanted him to be a father, because he deserved that. He deserved to have a family of his own. I knew deep down in my gut that he would be a great father. He would love and protect them fiercely like how he loves and protects me.

George had to nudge me so that I could get a move on. The giant didn't even look my way. His whole attention was on the ring leader. I understood, he was in his zone. I quickly grabbed my stuff and George led me to the car. It was clearer now what role George had when it came to me. He was my bodyguard. A freaking bodyguard people! I had a bodyguard! Okay we get it. We heard you the first time. Shut up brain! You really should learn to mind your own business. I was just saying. Just go away. Geez! Anyway, I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I had a bodyguard. People! It was like in the movies. Here we go again. You should stop watching these damn movies of yours. This is real life Busisiwe. I know! I was just saying. Geez! You don't have to cramp my style. You nearly got killed and you're busy getting excited about having a bodyguard. I know! I was there remember? You don't need to remind me how close I came to losing my life okay? I'm trying to make light of things. Can you just leave me alone? Please! Anyway, George was driving straight to the safe house. I've only been to the safe house once. Even back then, my life had been in danger. Actually not only me, but the other women too who were the girlfriends of the giant's friends. The safe house was very huge. It was a freaking mansion. It was in a very secluded place. To get there was complicated as hell. I wouldn't be able to tell you how to get there. I exhaled shakily. I was still trying to digest everything that just happened. My hands were still shaking. I was worried about my giant and his friends now. Yes, I knew they could take care of themselves but it didn't stop me from worrying. I rubbed my face with my hands. Oh my gosh! This was just crazy. Enemies of the giant were targeting me. And what did that ring leader say again? That there were more people like him who were offered money to hurt me to get to the giant. Like, how crazy is that? How did my life turn out to be this way? I was now the target. Dangerous people were out to get me. Me people! That ring leader also mentioned something about moving on to the next stage if the giant didn't heed the warning and back off. I'm pretty sure the next stage is to kill me. What the heck? Like, I really can't believe it. A few months ago, I was living a quiet, boring and simple danger whatsoever. I mean, I was a nobody...but life had made an 180 turn overnight. Wow! After driving around for what felt like a lifetime, we finally got to the safe house. There literally was no life at all. George told me to wait for him in the car so that he could do some rounds. Like, this was really surreal. I was one of those people now. Wow! Amazing huh? George came back after a few minutes and he led me into the safe house. This safe house was really huge. It was bigger than the mansion of the giant's parents, which was understandable since there were a lot of them...twenty men and plus the giant. It had to accommodate them and plus us women. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I was a little surprised to see that it was stocked up. Actually, from what I've seen, the mansion looked clean too. It was obvious that someone or people were hired to maintain it. Now I didn't know what to do with myself. I couldn't eat because I had no appetite obviously. I mean, who could eat after what just happened. I wasn't sleepy also, because again who could fall sleep after what just happened. My body was still running on the fight vs. flight hormones. I was about to leave the kitchen to go upstairs when I heard the entrance door opening. George, who had been busy on his phone, immediately had his gun raised. Oh my gosh! This guy! How is he this fast? Like, he was just busy now now on his phone but already he was ready for war. He indicated that I hide behind him and I did as he instructed because, well, I didn't want to die. My heart was beating out of my chest. Did the guys who were after me find the safe house? "Busi!" someone shouted... "we're here girl. Where are you?" Oh my gosh! It was Phozisa. I sagged in relief while holding my chest. This whole danger drama was not good for my heart really. George lowered his gun and grunted.
Me: "I'm in the kitchen." I shouted back. I heard footsteps heading our way. When I saw that it was Phozisa and Philasande, boy was I happy.
Phozisa: "Oh hey George." What? She knew him? George grunted and left the kitchen. Philasande snorted.
Philasande: "He hasn't changed one bit." Phozisa chuckled.
Phozisa: "Well what did you expect? He's like a freaking wall."
Me: "Wait. You guys know him?" Phozisa rolled her eyes.
Phozisa: "Yeah obviously. He's part of the crew." What?
Me: "What?" I said shocked... "but I haven't seen him in any of our gatherings." Philasande snorted.
Philasande: "You wouldn't. He keeps to himself. He hates people." Phozisa nodded in agreement. I blinked. What? I shook my head.
Me: "Anyway what are you guys doing here?"
Phozisa: "Well we were brought here by our 'bodyguards'." She said air quoting the word bodyguards... "apparently we're all in danger." She shrugged... "nothing new."
Me: "Wait. You guys also have bodyguards?" Sorry people, my mind was just struggling to catch up. They both chuckled.
Philasande: "Yeah and I guess your bodyguard is George." I nodded. The shared a laugh... "of course your man would pick someone who's more like him to protect you."
Phozisa: "Yeah. He wouldn't trust anyone else to protect his treasure." She said wiggling her eyebrows... "anyway what happened? Colin says that some bad men targeted you whilst you were at work."
Philasande: "Yeah, Mike also told me the same thing." I exhaled and told them the whole shebang. Philasande's eyes were widened and Phozisa was chilled as a cucumber... "that's crazy." I nodded.
Phozisa: "Yeah but it's nothing new."
Philasande: "I guess." She said agreeing.
Phozisa: "One thing you must know is that your life will be in constant danger. Our men have a lot of enemies. I mean, it's a given in their line of work. But the good or best thing is that, they do everything in their power to protect us."
Philasande: "Yep. So even if it's scary, their protection is everything."
Phozisa: "Yeah. Let's go and choose our bedrooms that we'll sleep in before the other women arrive." What?
Me: "They're coming too?" I asked nervously. She nodded.
Phozisa: "Unfortunately yes." I groaned. She laughed.
Philasande: "I feel you." She said patting my shoulder... "I honestly can't stand them. I avoid them like a plague when they're near."
Phozisa: "I can just foresee the drama that will unfold." She said leaving the kitchen, and Philasande and I followed behind her.

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant