Chapter 28 - "The Police Officers"

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When they were seated on the couch, I excused myself to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and with hands that were shaking I sent both the giant and Xolie messages, informing them about the current situation. Within seconds I got a reply from Xolile asking me to describe how the Police offers looked like. I replied to him with the description and he replied with an "okay, we're 5 minutes away". I breathed out in relief. At least they weren't that far out so they would be here soon enough. The way my hands were shaking people, it was bad. I was scared out of my mind. My heart was even beating out of my chest. I just hoped that whatever they wanted with the giant, it wasn't for a negative reason. But who was I kidding? I'm sure if the Police Officers wanted to see the giant then there was a very high possibility that it was for a negative reason. I mean, with all that mystery around the type of merchandise the giant was dealing with, those Officers being here now looking for him made me nervous. The giant had said that Isaac wasn't his name when I had asked him. Now those Officers referred to him as Isaac, just like Noel had. I was still confused and in the dark about what could be going on. Was this name Isaac a name that the giant created for himself to disguise his true identity? The more I thought about this, the more I got confused and the more I realized how deep this thing that the giant was involved in. He had said that I should trust him, and I did but it was hard when things like this happened...when there were Police Officers looking for him. I got out of the bathroom and went to the living room. The two Officers were still seating where I had left them.
1st Officer: "Is he coming?"
Me: "What?"
Him: "Miss, we're not stupid. We know that you contacted him whilst you were in the bathroom. So is he on his way back?" Oh my gosh! I swallowed nervously.
Me: "Yes." I replied weakly.
Him: "Good." He said relaxing on the couch.
2nd Officer: "Are you his new bitch? Because I don't know you." He said after a short while. Let me just say people, I didn't like him. He has been staring at me suspiciously ever since they've got here, like I was hiding something. Now he was asking me this? How rude! Bastard! His partner chuckled.
1st Officer: "I guess she's his new bitch. But she looks different from the ones he normally fucks."
2nd Officer: "Yeah maybe his taste buds have changed." They both chuckled at that. These bastards were talking as if I wasn't in the room with them. How dare thy call me a bitch?! They didn't even know me. They way I hated the word 'bitch', you guys had no idea. It was not a nice word to be called by, and it always left a bad taste on my mouth because in high school I was called the 'ice cold fat bitch' a lot, so I really hated the word with my whole being. Another thing, I just realized that they talked about the giant like they knew him personally, which was weird and confusing. The Officers jumped to their feet when the giant and Xolile suddenly entered the apartment.
Zano: "What the fuck are you motherfuckers doing here?" He asked angrily coming to stand beside me.
1st Officer: "Um-."
Zano: "You stupid white midgets! How many times must I tell you not to come here? You want to get killed?" He asked dangerously. Oh-oh! The Officers swallowed visibly. Oh my! What the heck was going on here? Instead of the Officers intimidating the giant, it was the other way around.
2nd Officer: "We had no choice Isaac man. The Captain sent us."
Zano: "Well you and that Captain of yours are really stupid. Someone can come in here any minute, and hell would break loose if they found two fuckers wearing uniforms." He told them unhappily... "now talk already. What does the Captain want?" He asked impatiently. The Officers looked at me... "don't look at her. If you motherfuckers even breathe a bad breath in front of her, I will slit your throats. Now talk, because she's staying." I could see that the Officers were shocked by this.
2nd Officer: "The Captain wants your help." Xolile snorted loudly at that.
Xolile: "Oh really now?" He asked sarcastically rolling his eyes.
Zano: "Tell your Cap that I said 'fuck no'!"
1st Officer: "We won't be able to do that Isaac." He said nervously.
Zano: "Why the fuck not?" He barked.
2nd Officer: "Because we really need your help man. We have 6-1-8 problem, and you're the person can help."
Xolile: "Shit! A 6-1-8? What the fuck did you guys do?"
1st Officer: "It was a mistake man. We really fucked up." Xolile chuckled.
Xolile: "Fucking up is your norm Ben. You always expect us to fix up your mess after that. And we are the ones who always gets burnt." He said angrily.
Zano: "And besides, my team and I have got our hands full with some shit at the moment. So no can do boys." The Officers looked at each other nervously. They really looked nervous and scared. There was even sweat on their foreheads... "stop staring into each other's eyes like lovers, and get the fuck out." They opened their mouths to say something but they didn't get the chance because the giant had reached his limit of impatience... "now!" He barked out loudly. The Officers left in a hurry.

Me: " guys work with the Police?" I asked after a short while. Xolile snorted.
Xolile: "Something like that." He muttered.
Me: "What does that mean?"
Xolile: "It means exactly what I just said." I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed. He was frustrating like the giant. They never gave me any straightforward answers. Always vague.
Zano: "And if they come back woman, don't let them in." He ordered... "I don't even know why you let them in, in the first place." He said angrily. I folded my arms and gave him a glare.
Me: "In case you haven't noticed, those men were Police Officers! They insisted on waiting for you in side the apartment. What was I supposed to do you big jerk?"
Zano: "You should've told them to fuck off."
Me: "Um hello? They're the Police, I can't do that. They would've arrested me or something."
Zano: "They wouldn't have arrested you woman. They had no right to enter the apartment without having a warrant." He informed.
Me: "Well...what's done is done. They're gone now so get over it." Xolile laughed.
Xolile: "Did she just tell you to get over it?" He asked amused. The giant growled... "you're really rubbing off on her. Next thing you know, she'll be a female version of you."
Zano: "Just shut up. Why are you still here anyway?"
Me: "Zanoxolo don't be rude to your friend." I reprimanded him.
Xolile: "Yes Zanoxolo. Don't be rude to your best friend." He said smiling sweetly. The giant grunted unhappily.
Zano: "It was just a question." He told me.
Me: "A rude question." He grunted. Xolile chuckled.
Xolile: "I like her." He told the giant. The giant growled dangerously.
Zano: "You have your own woman to like asshole. She's mine!"
Xolile: "There's nothing wrong with sharing. She could be ours." He was taunting the giant which was a vey bad idea if you asked me.
Zano: "I will kill you!" He growled taking a step towards him with his fist raised. Xolile ran towards the kitchen laughing.
Xolile: "Zan man, it's a fucken joke. Come on!" He shouted from the kitchen still laughing. He was a very brave men. The giant gritted his teeth.
Zano: "She's mine!" He pulled me to him. He had me in a tight and possessive hold. Oh my gosh! How territorial!
Xolile: "I know she's yours you ass. It was a joke. You're seriously no fun at all. I wonder why we're best friends sometimes." The giant just grunted... "what the fuck can I eat anyway in this kitchen? I'm so hungry." He groaned opening the fridge... "oh nice, there's still meat from yesterday. Score!" He said happily. I giggled. I like Xolile people. He was entertaining. The giant was annoyed though.
Zano: "Why don't you go home and eat your own damn food?" He asked moving us to the kitchen.
Xolile: "Because I don't want to. I want your food. What's mine is yours, and vice versa, remember?" He said taking a bite of the cold meat.
Zano: "Stop being a cave man you shit. There's a microwave. Use it."
Xolile: "I like it cold asshole. And besides, warming it up will take long." He said with his mouth full. The giant shook his head at him.
Zano: "You want me to warm up the meat for you woman?" I shook my head frowning in pain. I really needed to take that medication. The pain in my lower abdomen was getting worse... "what's wrong?" He asked in concern. He never misses anything this giant of mine. I indicated to my stomach. He grunted unhappily and marched to the bedroom to retrieve my medication.
Xolile: "The pain must suck." I just nodded my head. The giant came back with my medication and gave it to me.
Me: "Thank you." I said groaning in pain. He did more of his grunts and marched to one of the kitchen cabinets and retrieved a glass for me and poured me water. I drank down the medication with water.
Zano: "Come. You need to rest." I sighed. I was tired of resting but I knew I had to so I could heal. And anyway, once the medication kicked in, I was going to fall asleep so I might as well go to bed now.
Me: "Bye." I said to Xolile. He gave me a small smile. The giant led me to the bedroom.......................

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