Chapter 43 - "The Betrayal"

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I just didn't get it people. Why did they think they had a right to tell me what to do about my relationship with my man? Like I seriously didn't get it. They did their own stuff and I never intervened, I let them be and supported them. Then, what's so hard for them to do the same for me? Even if they thought that I was making a mistake by being with the giant, they should let me make that mistake since it was my choice and life. Them being like this really hurt me, and for Fiona to trick me like this hurt even more. An intervention? Seriously?! They made it seem like I was sick and an addict or something. On the other side, I was seriously pissed off. I wanted so badly to lash out at them and tell them where to get off but I just couldn't. I've always been like this. The words just get stuck in my mouth. I think I'm not bold enough to say everything I wanted to say out loud. Yes, I was a coward. I was seriously afraid of confrontation.
Andy: "Don't blame us for doing things like this. It's your own fault. You weren't answering any of my calls and texts." She said sitting down next to Fiona. Was she being serious right now? I didn't owe them a fucken thing. I just wanted the giant to get here so that I could leave. That had been the message I had sent to the giant a few minutes ago – to come and fetch me. I didn't need to tell him where I was, because the giant tracked my phone. Yes, I was also shocked and uncomfortable when I had found out but he had explained that since I nearly died two times, he wanted to find me anywhere I was in case I was in danger, so I let it go since it made sense... "so we have been noticing that you've been distancing yourself from us ever since you've started dating that man of yours." I kept quiet. I had decided that I wasn't going to say anything. I would let them talk all they wanted, and then when the giant arrived, I would leave... "then we heard that you've moved in with him without even telling us your friends! Come on, you've been with this guy for how long? 4 or 5 months?" She looked at me to confirm. I just looked at her with a bored face. I was just done guys.
Fiona: "Busi we're your friends, we care about you. We're trying to help you." I didn't need any help. I said on the inside... "how could you just decide to move in with a guy you just met? What happens when he gets tired of you? Where will you go?"
Andy: "Especially when you have a mother that's cruel like yours. She won't take you back when that man throws you away." Wow! Did she just say that? Did she have to bring my mother into this? And to even say my mom was cruel, she has no right.
Me: "Don't." I warned in a cold voice. Their eyes widened a bit. I've never in my life used this tone of voice, so of course they would be shocked... "Don't you dare talk about my mother like that. She might be not the world's best mother, but you don't have the right to speak of her like that."
Andy: "I wasn't-."
Me: "I don't fucken care!" I said hitting the table... "just don't talk about my mother like that ever again. You hear me?" I raised my voice. Some other people on the other tables looked our way. Both of their eyes were bugged out... "I said, do you hear me?" She nodded her head quickly. I was boiling with anger! She really touched a nerve when she mentioned my mother. I was still dealing with my own mother disowning me so my mother was still a sensitive issue... "good. Now let's go back to the part about my relationship with my man." I was on fire people. It was like the floodgates had opened. Once I started I couldn't stop... "I don't know where you think you enter with what I have with my man, but whatever the case, please back off!"
Fiona: "Busi-."
Me: "I'm not finished talking." I said cutting her off. She shut her mouth swallowing... "I don't have to tell you anything about my life if I don't want to. You understand? I also don't have to explain why I do the things I do that concern my life. It's my choice and it's my life." I saw the giant entering Spur. I felt so much relief on the inside. He got here so fast. I'm sure he broke a lot of traffic rules rushing here.
Andy: "We-."
Me: "I have to go. My ride is here." I said taking my bag and standing up. The giant reached our table.
Zano: "Let's go." To say he was pissed was an understatement. He looked scary even to me.
Andy: "But-." The giant got into her face and she gasped shrinking away.
Zano: "You should count your lucky stars that I don't touch women, because if I did, you and your ugly friend here would be dead." He said in the scariest voice I've ever heard... "you got me?" They nodded their heads quickly... "good." He said backing off. We were about to go when Andy reached out her hands and grabbed the giant's arm.
Andy: "Zano..."
Zano: "Don't fucking touch me!" He growled roughly pulling his arm away from her grasp... "what the fuck did I tell you about touching me woman?" Wait...what? I was still trying to process Andy grabbing the giant's arm the way she did...and now this? What did he mean about him telling her not to touch him? That question insinuated that Andisiwe had touched the giant before.
Andy: "You said I shouldn't touch you or I would regret it." She said in a weak voice.
Zano: "Get it through that thick and stupid head of yours. I don't want you. I didn't want you back then when you offered to jump my dick, I still don't." After that delivery he walked away pulling me with him.

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