Chapter 59 - "The Finale"

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Me: "I'm glad to see you too." I said hugging her back tightly... "are you okay?" She nodded against my shoulder.
Phozisa: "Yes, I'm fine." She said pulling away... "oh my God! What happened to your feet?"
Me: "Well, it's kind of a long story. I'll tell you all about it inside. Where's Philasande?"
Phozisa: "She's sleeping in one of the bedrooms. She's not feeling too good." Oh poor Philasande. What did I tell you guys? I'm sure the trauma of getting shot at and being grazed by a bullet was working on her. I'm sure she was thinking about what if the bullet that grazed her, killed her instead. As I've said being shot at is not fun and games people. Your life flashes before your eyes.
Me: "I can imagine. Yesterday was just..." I trailed and shook my head. Phozisa chuckled a little.
Phozisa: " was just...hectic."
Me: "More than hectic." She nodded.
George: "You women go in and I'll go and do the rounds." He said walking away. Phozisa snorted.
Phozisa: "We were talking too much for your bodyguard." She said helping me inside. I laughed a little nodding. The cabin was so beautiful inside guys. I liked how everything was just wood. The décor was simple and nice.
Me: "This place is amazing." I said in awe... "is this another safe house?"
Phozisa: "No. This is George's place." What? I looked at her in surprise... "yep." She said nodding... "this is where he comes when he wants to hide away from the world." Oh my gosh! My protector! And this was a really good hideaway.
Me: "Wow."
Phozisa: "Yeah. That's what I said when Colin told me."
Me: "There's a lot that I don't know about my protector. Not like he would be forthcoming with any information concerning himself." Phozisa laughed... "where are the other women?" The cabin was so quiet.
Phozisa: "They closed themselves inside the rooms when they arrived and the bodyguards are somewhere around." We were now in the sitting room.
Me: "Are the other women on their way here too?" I asked sitting down.
Phozisa: "Nope." She said popping down next to me... "Colin told me that the other women are placed at another house." What?
Me: "What?" I said surprised.
Phozisa: "Yeah that was my reaction too. Apparently your man wanted it to be like that...that we be divided." I wonder why the giant wanted the women to be divided and not together... "I think it's because of the Mandisa ish. You heard about her disappearance right?" I nodded.
Me: "I'm worried about her." I said biting my lip.
Phozisa: "I was also worried until I spoke to Xolile, then I was not longer worried but suspicious of the whole disappearance thing."
Me: "What did he say that made you be suspicious?" I asked with my eyes widened.
Phozisa: "No, he just told me about how the way Mandisa's bodyguard died just raised a lot of red flags because the car he was driving was parked at the location of they mission they raided on recently." What? My mouth hung open.
Me: "The one they just came from?" She nodded... "oh my gosh! What was he doing there?" She shrugged.
Phozisa: "That's what they don't know yet. They're still investigating."
Me: "Wait. Xolile told you all of this?"
Phozisa: "Well yeah...and some of it, I just gathered on my own from what he told me." She was lucky people because the giant never told me the full story. He always gave me snippets of information and sometimes when I asked him things, he gave me his signature reply which was "it's none of your business woman". I mean earlier on I had asked the giant why he suspected Mandisa, and he never told me any of the things Phozisa had just told me. He just said that everything about the way she disappeared was suspicious to him. Why couldn't he tell me things like how Xolile told Phozisa?
Me: "That damn giant didn't tell me all of this when I asked him earlier on. He had told me that he suspected Mandisa and when I asked him why, he just said that her disappearance was fishy. Now you tell me this! Why can't he be open and tell me things like how Xolile tells you?" I asked frustrated. Phozisa chuckled.
Phozisa: "Xolile also gave me as little information as possible when we started dating, but as the years went by, he gave me more details. And I'm also strategic in how I question him so that's why sometimes I end up knowing things that I shouldn't."
Me: "Oh my gosh! Please teach me your strategic ways of questioning him so I could use them on the giant." She laughed.
Phozisa: "Okay I will. But it mostly depends on how well you know your man. You must know what buttons to push and pull to make him do the things that you want him to do. So it's basically all about using his weaknesses against him." What were the giant's weaknesses people? Did he have any? I needed to think about this. There had to be at least one weakness I could use to my advantage that would make him tell me all the information about the things I wanted to know.
Me: "I have to sit and think about this first. I don't think the giant has a weakness that I could use against him."
Phozisa: "Oh trust me he does. You just need to find it." She said wiggling her eyebrows at me. I giggled. I know what she was getting at. But I couldn't possibly use that. Could I? I mean, how do I even begin to do it? Would it even work on the giant? I mean, he's so dominant in bed – I'm rarely able to take control. And if I do, I'm shy about it which always ends up with the giant taking the control back from me... "oh my. Look at how red your face is!" She said pointing and laughing at me. I covered my cheeks and groaned in mortification... "what are you thinking about you naughty naughty girl?" I laughed a little shaking my head.
Me: "Nothing."
Phozisa: "I'm sure you're not." She said sarcastically rolling her eyes... "you can't lie to me. Your face is telling me everything." I blushed even more.
Me: "Stop it." I said hitting her arm lightly. She laughed.
Phozisa: "Okay, I will because I don't want to be shot by your bodyguard for making you uncomfortable." She joked. I pinched her arm... "ow..." She said rubbing the spot that I pinched... "too soon?"
Me: "Yes!" She chuckled shrugging... "I don't want to believe that Mandisa could be working for the enemy." I said after a while.
Phozisa: "Me too, but if it happens that she really is, then I feel sorry for her because I can just imagine the amount of hell they're going to rain on her." Oh my gosh! They're going to crucify her. My body shivered just thinking about it. I shook my head.
Me: "Poor Kevin." I said sadly. Phozisa nodded.
Phozisa: "You can say that again."
Me: "So besides us, who are the women that are here in the cabin?"
Phozisa: "Well, it's Caroline, Sisanda, Dasha and of course Philasande." I had been crossing my fingers that she wouldn't say Sisanda's name. I deflated a little. I just didn't want to be in the same space as her. Even though I knew she wouldn't try anything – because Mandisa wasn't here and because George had scared the living crap out of them after he did what he did to Mandisa – I still didn't want to be in the same vicinity as her. Sisanda was Brian's girlfriend and Dasha was Lukhanyo's girlfriend. You all knew that Caroline was Lwazi's girlfriend. Sisanda and Caroline were Mandisa's minions. I wonder how they were feeling now since there was this whole thing around Mandisa's disappearance. I'm sure they were beside themselves. Dasha was not that bad actually. I've spoken to her a few times and she seemed like an okay woman. She didn't associate herself too much with Mandisa and the others... "so tell me what happened to your feet girl." I relayed the whole shebang to her and when I finished her eyes were wide opened. It was a rare occurrence to see Phozisa get shocked by anything, because she's always chilled as a cucumber...nothing shocked her. But now she was... "you're kidding me. That's hectic man." I nodded... "I mean, our car was also chased down by the bad men, but they quickly gave up and went the other direction which I found so weird."
Me: "Really?" She nodded... "you were lucky then because they chased us down until George had no choice but" I said making the shooting gun motion with my hand... "you know." You're being stupid. Just say what he did. I can't! Stupid! My brain shook his head at me. Don't ask me how I knew that he was shaking his head, I just knew okay. Just leave me alone. You don't know anything. Actually, I do. I was there remember? Just shut up!
Phozisa: "Geez! I can imagine the trauma of seeing him kill all those men." I closed my eyes briefly and shook my head.
Me: "Don't say it, because if you do, they whole thing just replays in my head."
Phozisa: "I'm sorry."
Me: "It's not your fault." I sat patting her hand... "can you show me the bathroom, I need to refresh myself. I feel hot and sticky."
Phozisa: "Oh yeah, come. I'll show you your bedroom. It has an en suite." She said getting up, and I also got up. Then she led me to upstairs to my bedroom.

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