Chapter 21 - "Isaac?"

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Oh my gosh! Was he talking about me? Was I the lady friend that was going to be mince meat? I was literally shaking. I've never been scared like this in my life. I wanted to pee myself.
Zano: "You just made the biggest mistake of your life." He said taking a step forward. I guess he was getting in Noel's face. The hairs on both my arms stood up from the tone of the giant's voice... "no one and I mean no one threatens my woman. You hear me? You threaten her, you die." Oh Lord! I didn't know this giant. The giant I knew had disappeared people. This new giant was worse than the old one - the one I knew.
Noel: "I want-."
Zano: "I wasn't done talking." He said cutting him off. Damn... "you say that I don't know you very well? Well it seems you're the one who doesn't know me very well Noel. Actually you don't know me at all." He told him coldly... " and since you were stupid enough to threaten my woman, you and your lackeys better start counting your days because they're numbered." He sounded so dangerous, I was scared for Noel and his friend's lives. He turned to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. We were walking towards the exit. I guess we were leaving which you were not going to hear any complaints from me even though we were leaving everything that we've bought behind.

I kept looking back checking to see if the men were still standing where we left them, which they were. Their eyes were on us. Noel's eyes were narrowed on the giant's back. I didn't like that guy at all. He gave me the creeps and the other reason was him saying he will make mince meat out of me, so that made me not like him even more. Asshole! The giant just carried on walking towards the exit, he didn't even look back. You would think that having his back turned from Noel and his crew would worry or scare him since they could attack him easily from the back, but not my giant. He wasn't worried...he wasn't scared...he just kept on walking forward with his hand holding mine in a firm grip like nothing was wrong with the world. He really was a force to be reckoned with.

I was still trying to come to terms with what just happened and with what had been said. What was this merchandise that Noel wanted from the giant? He said he had paid for it, so it's clear that the giant was selling this merchandise that Noel wanted. I just knew that whatever was happening between Noel and the giant wasn't something good. I knew it was something dangerous. In theory, I knew the giant was dangerous but kinda seeing it up close and personal was another ball game. I was even scared to know what business the giant had with Noel because knowing would change things. I just wanted to stay ignorant but I couldn't anymore because I had to protect myself if needed to and knowing would help me do that. I knew that giant would not want to tell me what business he had with Noel but I wasn't going to take no for an answer.

We got to the car, and he opened the passenger door me and I entered. He entered his side and he banged the steering wheel hard three times. I squeaked in shock. His whole face was stone cold people. He took out his phone and dialed a number... "meet me at my place in 10 minutes." He barked to the person who was at the end of the line and hung up. I could see that he was angry. Actually, he was livid. He was breathing like a lion. Oh my gosh! He was scary.
Me: "Um. Zano you're scaring me." I told him in a shaky voice.
Zano: "No one threatens you Busi. No one." He said deadly. Oh my gosh! He put the car on start and drove off.
Me: "So...what is this merchandise that Noel was talking about?" I asked after a short while.
Zano: "None of your business." What? Did he just say that? This guy!
Me: "You can't be serious!" I said incredulously. He grunted... "for your information, it's my business now. Noel made it my business when he threatened to make me mince meat." I shivered remembering the way Noel had delivered that threat. He growled.
Zano: "No one will touch you woman." He vowed.
Me: "Well you can never be too sure. Anything can happen Zanoxolo. Some things are just out of your control." I pointed out. He made an unsatisfied growl.
Zano: "If they dare to even touch a single hair on you. I will incarcerate every single one of them." He vowed in that dangerous voice of his. I sat up a little straight. Oh gosh!
Me: "You can't go around killing people Zanoxolo. Taking one's life is a sin and you'll be breaking one of the Ten Commandments of God." I told him strongly. He grunted.
Zano: "Do you think I care about what your God and that stupid bible has to say woman?" My mouth gaped opened.
Me: "The bible is not stupid. It's the word of God!" I exclaimed in horror... "oh my gosh Zanoxolo! Don't ever say that again."
Zano: "Woman, that book is stupid. I won't base my whole life on a piece of book okay? And if this God of yours was real, then my mother and sister would still be alive. And I wouldn't have been beaten the crap out of me for my whole entire childhood." He stated angrily... "so the book is stupid. End of discussion." He said with finality. I understood why he would think like that. What happened to him was just pure evil, but still calling the bible stupid was wrong. Explaining the 'why' to the giant at this point was useless since he's still grieving and was full of hatred about what happened to him.
Me: "Okay, lets not talk about the bible. The fact of the matter is that killing is a no no." He grunted.
Zano: "All I'm saying is, if they touch you, they're dead. No debates." Oh my gosh! This guy has a loose screw in the head I tell you. The way he talked about killing someone, it was like he was talking about the weather or something. What have I gotten myself into?
Me: "Who are you?" I asked shakily. I was scared.
Zano: "Don't ask stupid questions Busi." I glared at him. My fear had disappeared a little at that.
Me: "I'm not being stupid Zanoxolo. It's a valid question to which I want an answer to. Even that guy Noel called you Isaac." He huffed annoyed with me. Bastard! Huffing is my thing! Asshole!
Zano: "All you need to know is that my name is not Isaac, and that those bastard won't touch you okay? Lets stop talking now. I need some peace to think and focus." Seriously?! I rolled my eyes.
Me: "We're not done talking about this Zanoxolo. We're in a relationship now, so we have to be transparent with each other. That's how relationships work." He snorted.
Zano: "If I was transparent with you, you would die from shock and horror woman. So forget transparency. I will tell you what I think you can handle."
Me: "That's not the way it's done Zanoxolo." He frustrates me! It was like talking to a darn wall with him. There was no getting through.
Zano: "Well that's how I do it, and we're doing this relationship thing my way." Please intervene people! I beg of you.
Me: "Hello? I'm also part of this relationship you know." I reminded him since it seemed like he had forgotten. He grunted.
Zano: "Since I'm older, more experienced, that makes me qualified for this relationship to go my way woman." He stated in that weird way of his. He was being serious. I couldn't help myself people. I laughed.
Me: "You're crazy!"
Zano: "You always say that."
Me: "Am I wrong?" He shrugged... "you need to get checked." He grunted... "if you're going to be this bossy and commandeering then you should be in relationship with yourself." I told him cheekily. He growled displeased.
Zano: "Not happening woman. Now shut up. I'm tired of talking." I rolled my eyes.

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum