Chapter 55 - "Danger Had Found Us"

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Now I felt sad for George. It made sense why he did what he did to Mandisa. Mandisa's bullying had touched a nerve in him and brought up tragic memories of his sister. And I'm sure he bares the blame of not being able to protect his sister from the bullies and also for not being able to stop her from committing suicide.
Me: "Oh my gosh! When did this happen?"
Zanoxolo: "5 years ago."
Me: "5 years is not a long time to lose a loved one especially to suicide." The giant grunted.
Zanoxolo: "No it's not-." Suddenly Kevin entered the kitchen fuming with anger.
Kevin: "Where the fuck is Killer?" He shouted angrily. Killer? Oh my gosh! Zanoxolo just looked at him and didn't answer... "where the fuck is he? Do you know what he did to my woman chief?" The giant folded his arms. So Killer was George?Wow! So many questions.
Zanoxolo: "Yes I do. So?"
Kevin: "So?!" He shouted perplexed.
Zanoxolo: "Yes, so? And you better tone down your anger in front of my woman." He told him in a warning voice.
Kevin: "He fucking shot her chief!"
Zanoxolo: "She's not dead is she? So I don't see a problem."
Kevin: "Don't see a problem? Chief, my woman isn't responding. I just came from our bedroom now, and she's just starring into nothing." He was red in the face with anger people. Oh my gosh!
Zanoxolo: "Serves her right." Gosh! This giant! How can he say that to his face?
Kevin: "Don't fucken say that chief-."
Zanoxolo: "I will and I did." He growled moving closer to him. Kevin swallowed and took a step back... "do you know what your woman did to my woman?"
Kevin: "To Super?" He looked at me... "no, I don't. I was just told by Sisanda that George shot at Mandisa and that's why she's the way she is. What did she do to Super?"
Zanoxolo: "I fucken warned everyone yesterday what would happen to them if they didn't behave, and your woman decided not to heed my warning."
Kevin: "What did she do?" Before any of us could tell him, he said something that made the giant so livid..."but whatever it is I'm sure it was a misunderstanding. George didn't have to fucken shoot at her. He shot at my woman chief-."
Zanoxolo: "A misunderstanding?" He asked in a low and dangerous voice. Kevin swallowed... "a misunderstanding?" He asked again in the same tone. Oh my gosh! ... "her bullying my woman is a misunderstanding to you? Her bringing up my woman's past – which was tragic for her – and making fun about it in front of everyone is a misunderstanding to you motherfucker?" He growled. Oh boy! Some of the men entered the kitchen.
Kevin: "I see my mistake chief. My choice of wording was wrong." He said nervously... "I'm sorry for what Mandisa had done to Super but Killer shouldn't have shot-."
Zanoxolo: "She should've been dead. She must thank her lucky stars that George didn't kill her today because next time she won't be so lucky." He told him.
Temba: "Phila told me that she even brought up Superwoman's mother. That's just not cool man." The other men murmured in agreement. Kevin rubbed his face with his hands.
Kevin: "Okay I get it. She was wrong, but what should I do now with her being like that?" He asked stressed.
Lwazi: "Give her a few days, and hopefully she'll snap out of it." He said shrugging.
Kevin: "And what if she doesn't snap out of it?"
George: "Then that's her fucken penance." He said entering the kitchen. Where the hell did he come from? ... "I for one hope and pray she doesn't get better because that's what that bitch bully deserves. And if she does get better and doesn't change her ways, I will fucken pop her. And that also applies to all of your bitches." He said to the other men... "if they fuck with Busisiwe, I will pop them one by one without hesitation. So get a handle of your women." He turned and walked out the kitchen. Oh my gosh!
Bhekithemba: "I've known the guy for a decade now but I still can't get used to him." The men chuckled.
Lwazi: "He's intense. And we know how he loves to kill, that's why we call him 'Killer'."
Xolile: "Remember the time when he killed 50 men by himself? When we got there he already wiped off everybody." There was a lot of murmur amongst the men.
Temba: "I will never forget that day. We thought for sure that he would be dead when we arrived, but the motherfucker had killed everyone only with his gun and bare hands."
Brian: "Jesus. I remember how he was drenched in blood that day, and the crazy thing is, it wasn't his blood but the blood of the motherfuckers he had killed." What? I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Lukhanyo: "He's a machine man."
Zanoxolo: "You guys know his code." He said grunting.
Temba: "Yeah, don't bully or abuse women and those dead motherfuckers got what they deserved."
Mcebisi: "That's why he did what he did to Mandisa." Kevin sighed and rubbed his eyes in distress.
Kevin: "I get it guys. I will have a word with Mandisa after I help her snap out of her..." He trailed off... "whatever she is in." He finished. I actually felt sorry for him because Kevin was actually a good guy but he lucked out on getting a good woman who would complement him. I also felt sorry for Mandisa because I could imagine the trauma she was in. Yes, she brought all of this to herself but I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. In my opinion she didn't deserve it. Getting shot at is not a good feeling people. I know it from personal experience. I still have nightmares about that day when I was getting shot at. You told us this already. So? So, it's boring. We get it. You got shot at and have nightmares about it. Whoopi! Just leave me alone. I really don't have the energy for you now.
Temba: "You better or she won't be lucky next time."
One of the twins (I think it was Sinethemba): "Yeah because I will fucken kill her myself if she messes with my...Super." The other twin grunted his agreement. Oh my gosh! Even though I felt sorry and everything for Mandisa, it really touched me that I had people behind me, people who were ready to take a stand and protect me. I've never had that before in my life and I never thought that I would. I always had to fight my own battles, not like I did any fighting because I'm this type of person that I guys know me. I'm too cowardly. But I had to endure everything on my own. I never even counted on my own mother to have my back because she's the way that she guys know her. But now, things were different. Because of the giant, I had people in my fold who liked me for me and who wanted to protect me at all costs. I blinked back my tears.
Zanoxolo: "I'll protect my own woman." He growled possessively pulling me to his side. The men chuckled and I rolled my eyes. This guy!
Temba: "There he goes again." ​He said shaking his head... "let me go to my woman." He said existing the kitchen. One by one the other men existed too.
Zanoxolo: "Are you okay baby?" He asked holding my chin up. He was assessing me with his eyes. I knew he was worried about my demons...if they had poked their heads out because of Mandisa.
Me: "I'm fine." I told him softly. He grunted and gave me a hard and a quick kiss. Yum!
Zanoxolo: "Good. But next time, if any of those ugly women harass you, stand up for yourself woman." He ordered pinching my chin.
Me: "I get scared Zano. Even if I want to say something, I just can't bring myself to." I confessed softly. He grunted.
Zanoxolo: "My woman is Superwoman. I know that deep down there's a tigress that wants to come out. You just need to pull her out." He told me... "I mean, she has come out in the past in a few occasions and recently when you stood up to my mother. So I know you could do it baby." Oh my gosh! This man! The way he sees me always surprised me. And I liked how he always encouraged me to do things. He thought I was a Superwoman...a tigress and I wanted to be that for him and myself. It was time for me to start acting like a 'Superwoman' as the giant's friend had named me. It meant that they too saw me as such so I should start seeing myself as such.
Me: "I'll try Zano." He grunted and kissed me.
Zanoxolo: "My woman is strong and beautiful. She can do anything." He stated strongly. Oh my gosh!
Me: "You're going to make me cry you damn giant." I said smacking his chest. He chuckled.
Zanoxolo: "Woman, you already are." And I was. Tears had formed in my eyes already. I huffed and rolled my eyes at him. He's annoying. There was no need for him to point that out.
Me: "How was today?" I asked wiping my eyes... "could you find the people after me?" He growled.
Zanoxolo: "It won't be long now until we do. We made headway today. I'm sure we'll have something by tomorrow." He told me confidently... "they can't hide away from me forever. No one can." He declared. It's sexy guys how my man is so confident guys. His confidence made me believe that he would find the men that were targeting me... "so don't worry okay?" I nodded.
Me: "Do you know where George came from because after the incident I looked all over for him but he was nowhere to be found." Yes, I was calling what happened to Mandisa an incident.
Zanoxolo: "Don't worry yourself about that." Now I was curious.
Me: "You definitely know something. Tell me."
Zanoxolo: "None of your business woman." I rolled my eyes. Annoying.
Me: "He's my protector so anything that has to do with him is my business now." I told him cheekily folding my arms. He boomed with laughter. Did I tell you guys that my man is handsome when he laughs? Sigh. Yes you did. I'm not talking to you. Anyway, my man was handsome guys and as always I sucked in this beautiful and special sight in front of me since it was rare one.
Zanoxolo: "I see the tigress has come out to play." He teased. I giggled. Mh!
Me: "Are you going to tell me or not?"
Zanoxolo: "Not." Mxm. What did I expect? Whatever!
Me: "I'll just ask George myself." He smirked.
Zanoxolo: "Good luck with that." I'm sure George wouldn't be forthcoming too since they were cut from the same cloth with the giant. Oh well. I was still going to ask him... "you do realize that you're in trouble now." He said after a while. I frowned.
Me: "In trouble? Why?"
Zanoxolo: "Killer considers you as his little sister now so you're going to experience the same overbearing and over protectiveness that you get from me, that always annoys you, from him too." What? I groaned... "which works in my favor because this means when I'm not there to protect you I don't have to worry because with Killer there nothing will happen to you."
Me: "You trust him that much?" He grunted.
Zanoxolo: "He's my brother, even though it's not by blood but we've been through a lot together. He's the only man in the world that I trust with my life." Wow! There's definitely a story there but even if I asked the giant he wouldn't tell me. The bastard... "and besides, I know his fighting and killing skills well. They are as good as mine." I rolled my eyes. He liked to blow his own horn this man of mine.
Me: "Does George have any other family?" He grunted and shook his head.
Zanoxolo: "Him and his sister were orphans." Oh my gosh! I really felt so bad for George. Guys. He lost his only family to suicide. That's why he was the way he was. So tragic!
Me: "That's terrible." He grunted.
Zanoxolo: "I'm hungry woman. Make me food. What did you and those ugly women cook for dinner?" I laughed.
Me: "Let me warm up the food for the other guys too. Do you think they're hungry?"
Zanoxolo: "Let their own women deal with that woman. You deal with me. " He grumbled. I laughed. He's so possessive. You like it. Shut up brain! Yes. I liked the giant's possessiveness. Call me sick or whatever but I liked it...a lot.
Me: "I'm already here in the kitchen and warming up yours so it makes sense to warm up their food too." He grunted.
Zanoxolo: "It doesn't make sense to me." I rolled my eyes putting his plate in the microwave. Of course it wouldn't... "they have women. Let them do it."
Me: "What about those who don't have women?"
Zanoxolo: "Then they must get their asses here and warm up their own food." I shook my head.
Me: "Okay. Whatever!"

It was next day in the morning. The men were gone already. I was in the sitting room with Philasande and some of the other women. Phozisa was in the kitchen with the others. There was still tension between the other women and me. They were still walking on eggshells around me. For the first time guys, I was at peace, in the sense that I didn't have to worry that I was going to get teased or gossiped about by them. No one was saying anything. Mandisa was in her bedroom. I still worried about her even though my worry today was not as much as it was yesterday. I just hoped that she would be fine. We were in the middle of watching a TV show called Generations, when George and other bodyguards barged in the sitting room. I say barged in because of how urgently they entered.
George: "Let's fucken go Busisiwe." He said pulling me from the couch and dragging me out of the sitting room towards the entrance door. I say he was dragging me because it felt like he was since I was no match for his hurried and big steps. I was practically running. Tell you no lies. What the hell? I could see at the corner of my eyes, other women being dragged too by their bodyguards. It was chaotic guys and kind of funny how every woman was being dragged outside by their bodyguards. If you could see it for yourself, you would also find it funny. But I couldn't laugh right now because I could feel that something was really really wrong. You know that feeling that you get before the storm came? Yeah, that's what I was feeling right now.
Me: "What's going on George? Where are we going?" I asked frantically. From what I could see he was dragging me to his car.
George: "We've been made." He told me. What the? What did that mean people? Did the bad guys find us? The safe house? How?
Me: "What? But George I'm in my pajamas and I'm not wearing any shoes."
George: "There's no time for all of that Busisiwe. Get in the fucken car." He said shoving me into the backseat... "and keep your head down you understand?" Oh my gosh! What did he mean? Was I going to get shot at again? Before I could ask him, he shut the door closed and entered the driver's seat and drove off like a maniac.............

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