Chapter 15 - "James"

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His mother: "Since when do you have a girlfriend or a you put it?" She asked standing up. She was a beautiful woman, very elegant. The way she was dressed, it was like she was going to meet the Queen of England or something.
Zano: "Doesn't matter when mother. The fact is I've got a woman now, and she is it."
His mother: "Of course it matters! So tell me." She demanded. Oh my gosh! Seems like she didn't like that her son had a girlfriend. You see this frustrating giant! I told him that he must tell me where we're going before hand because things always ended up going very badly when he doesn't. The giant huffed irritated. I've never heard him huff before...that is my thing.
Zano: "Since a month ago but I made it official yesterday." He told her. I looked at him surprised. He said I was his woman since a month ago but a month ago was when I had saved him. And he had taken me home the next day and I didn't see him for a month until two days ago. So was it possible that he considered me as his woman even back then? No, no that wasn't possible. Right? I'm sure he was just saying that for his mother.
His mother: "So you made it official? She wasn't part of the decision?" The giant frowned.
Zano: "I made the choice for her. She doesn't need to decide. She just needs to know that she's my woman and I'm her man." The man that I had guessed to be his father chuckled and also stood up.
His mother: "Talk to your son Robert please because I just can't." She said tiredly.
Robert: "That is not how things are done son. I taught you better than that." He reprimanded lightly. The giant gave a disapproving grunt... "you have to woo the woman first until she likes you, then you take her out to lunch or dinner. After that you ask her to be your girlfriend in the most gentlemanly way." He informed him.
Zano: "I do it my way. I don't follow other people's ways." He said strongly. His father smiled and shrugged.
Robert: "I tried Diana." He told his wife. As if! Tried my ass! I could see that the giant's mother was thinking the same thing as me because she rolled her eyes.
Diana: "You didn't try anything. You're as bad as him." She scolded... "anyway, you finally have a girlfriend. I've been waiting for this day for so long. Now I can finally have grandchildren that I've always wanted." She said happily. My eyes bugged out. What did she just say? She couldn't be serious? She's already thinking about the giant and I having children?! This woman was really giving me a whiplash. Wasn't she disapproving of me a second ago? Did this mean she was accepting me now? This was crazy! When the giant's father saw my expression, he laughed like it was the funniest thing.
Robert: "Honey, you're scaring her with the grandchildren talk." He patted her arm. The giant's mother looked at me and laughed.
Diana: "Oh I'm sorry, don't mind me. Old woman gibberish." She said to me... "anyway, it's nice to meet you. What did you say her name was again Zano honey?"
Zano: "Busisiwe." He told her... "my woman." He muttered to himself. We won't even address his weirdness right now. It wasn't the time.
Diana: "Oh. Busis..." She trailed off struggling to pronounce my name.
Zano: "Just call her Busi mother."
Diana: "Okay. Busi. That's easy enough." She said smiling... "I'm sorry I'm not good with pronouncing African names. Even Zano's name was hard for me at first but I had to know how to pronounce it since he's my boy." She smiled warmly. She was sweet.
Me: "You don't have to apologize. I understand. Busi is fine." I told her softly. Even though his parents seemed nice enough, I was still nervous and anxious that I was actually in their presence. Their fucken son didn't give me enough time...actually...he didn't give me time at all to prepare myself for this meet. I really hated him right now.

Robert: "Nice to meet you Busi." He said in a welcoming voice.
Diana: "That is our daughter, Sophia." She said pointing to the young girl that had been embracing the giant earlier on. She was now sitting on the couch next to a man I didn't know. She gave me a shy wave. I waved back with a small one... "and next to her is our other son, James." She introduced. James was staring angrily at me. He was the other reason I felt like pooping my pants. His stare was more predatory than angry. I felt like I was prey. I wonder what was his problem. Maybe he didn't like me for his brother. Whatever it was, he was making me feel really uncomfortable and uneasy. The giant growled.
Zano: "Don't look at her like that." He said to him in a cold voice... "in fact don't look at her at all."
James: "I don't have to listen to your retarded ass." He barked jumping to his feet. He was big but not like the giant.
Zano: "Look at her again and see what I do to you." He warned him in that dangerous voice of his. He moved closer to James.
Robert: "Boys." He warned. Zanoxolo and James were face to face now. It looked like none of them was going to be backing down anytime soon. Oh my gosh! These two really didn't like each other. You could almost feel the tension resonating in the air between them...the animosity... "boys, break it up. Now!" He told them in a hard voice.
James: "His retarded ass should be the one to back up first. He started it." He said stubbornly.
Zano: "You look at my woman like that again, I will take you down boy. You hear me?" He said in a voice I have never heard him use before. Chills ran down my spine. Even James swallowed hard. You could see his weak bravado fading.
Diana: "Oh God." She gasped shakily.
Robert: "Okay Zano. Break it up son." He said patting him on the back. The giant didn't back up. Oh gosh! His mother was watching the interaction with fear in her eyes. I was also scared. Scared of what the giant would do to James.
Zano: "You hear me boy? She will not become one of your victims. I will shoot you down before you even attempt to touch her in anyway." He threatened.
Diana: "Oh God! Robert, stop this now before it gets out of hand like last time." She said shakily to her husband.
Robert: "James, sit your ass down boy." He instructed firmly. James turned his nose up and puffed his chest out defiantly to the giant. The giant grabbed him by the neck so was like a blur. Both Diana and I gasped in shock. The giant was choking the living hell out of James. James was fighting to breathe. He was trying by all means to remove the giant's grip from his neck but the giant had him in a tight grip. Sophia was still sitting on the couch...she wasn't even panicked. I think she expected this to happen or she had seen it happen too many times that now she was used to it. But how can one get used to this?
Diana: "Robert!" She cried out.
Robert: "Zano let him go son." He said gently. Why was he being gentle? He should be yelling or something. The giant was going to kill him!... "come on son. Let him go. Control the rage...don't let it control you." He told him. The giant after short while released James. James fell to his knees gasping for air and coughing.
Diana: "Sophia bring your brother a glass of water." She ordered in a shaky voice. Sophia did as she was told... "James are you fine honey?" She asked worriedly. James was still gasping and coughing out a storm. The giant was standing stock still...glaring down at him. Robert helped James to his feet and to the couch to sit down.
Robert: "You'll be fine." He patted his back. Sophia came back with a glass of water and gave it to James. He drank gulping it all down. I was still standing there shocked to the core as to what just happened.
James: " guys have to go and adopt this asshole?" He spat after getting his breathing in control... "you should've left him rot in that disgusting orphanage with the other retards!" He said spitefully.
Diana: "James!" She exclaimed... "don't say that about you brother. It's not nice." James laughed crazily. This guy was really creeping me out. Seriously.

James: "This retard is not my brother. He has never been my brother and he will never be." He spat... "why couldn't you adopt a white kid instead of his black retarded ass?!" Oh my gosh! What a racist bastard!
Diana: "James stop being hateful!" She shouted angrily. James laughed crazily again.
James: "I mean his own father was a retarded mental. He whipped the hell out of his back and also used it as an astray. Then he goes mad and kills his wife...the daughter-."
Robert: "James shut the fuck up!" He yelled. Oh my gosh! What does he mean the father killed his wife and daughter? He can't mean what I think he meant...right? The giant was breathing heavily and harshly. His hands were in tight fists. His body all tensed. It was like he was preparing for a fight.
James: "You guys shouldn't have adopted him. He will become mad like his father and kill his wife and child-." The giant was suddenly on him............

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora