The Demon King's Cold

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"Someone must be thinking about you," Fuyumi grinned at her younger brother from across the cafe table. Her comment was prompted by his sneeze. He dabbed at his nose with a handkerchief.

"Allergies," he insisted. "The cherry trees are blossoming." Fuyumi laughed at her stoic younger brother.

"Kyoya, you've never had a pollen allergy before. Someone must be thinking about you!" She leaned forward conspiratorially. "You know, that's legal abroad."

"Pardon?" Kyoya looked at his sister in confusion as he put away his handkerchief. Fuyumi grinned.

"You know, two men..." Kyoya choked.

"Fuyumi! I have no interest in men."

"Really? I thought that you and that Suoh boy were...well you have such a close relationship anyone would think that you know..." Kyoya shook his head and took a sip of his tea.

"Really Fuyumi, you spend too much time with our sister-in-law. Besides, Tamaki is interested in Haruhi." Fuyumi cocked her head as she thought.

"Haruhi Fujioka?" She asked. Kyoya nodded cooly.

"He calls himself her 'daddy' and behaves like even more of a fool when she is around." Fuyumi scrunched her brow.

"He calls himself what?" 

"Daddy." Fuyumi looked away awkwardly.

"And does her sister know?" Kyoya nodded again.

"She knows. She is the only teacher at Ouran Academy brave enough to discipline him." Fuyumi laughed.

"She has no fear of the Chairman," she agreed. "Authority never bothered her." Kyoya hummed an agreement.

"I'd never seen a student at Ouran Academy put into a 'time out' chair before."

Fuyumi had insisted that it was because someone was thinking about him but as he was driven home Kyoya's sneezes picked up.

"Are you alright, young master Ootori?" His driver glanced in the rearview mirror at the demon king who was doubled over in a fit of sneezes. Kyoya held up his hand.

"M'fine. Take me home." The driver complied and the drive continued in silence but for Kyoya's sneezes.

With his escalating symptoms it was inevitable that he would miss the next day of school. In his large canopy bed, Kyoya sent a text to Tamaki:

"I will not be at school today."

It should have sufficed if not for the Host Club President's flair for the dramatic. Within five minutes of him sending the text Kyoya received a call.

"Hello?" He held the phone up to his ear, his lids heavy as he struggled to converse with his high-energy friend.

"Kyoya, what's wrong? Are you alright? Are you dying?"

"Tamaki, shut up." Tamaki's loud cries were making his headache worse. He heard whimpering on the other end of the line.

"Kyoya, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm not coming to school today. Deal with the club yourself." With that he hung up, tossing his phone away from his bed. On the other end of the line, Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, Mori, and Honey were huddled in a circle.

"He sounds sick, Tama-chan," Honey said.

"Honey-senpai is right, Boss," Hikaru said.

"Yeah Boss," Kaoru agreed. Mori nodded. Tamaki nodded.

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