c h a p t e r 15

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Should I text him back? But what should I Say? I mean his message was cuter then words could ever describe it, but everything I could say seemed like it wouldn't be good enough, so I didn't answer him. But what I did was texting Jonah. After That just went to bed that night.
^next morning^
I woke up this morning with a headache. I didn't feel good at all so I stayed in bed the whole day until now just watching Netflix. Daniel texted me again asking me how I was and I just answered quick hungry and tried. At noon the doorbell rang so I had to stand up and open it. Daniels face was the first thing I saw and I really had to laugh because it was still rainy and stormy outside. He was all wet.
D: Can I come in?
Y/n: Daniel I'm really not feeling that good.
D: I know. I thought maybe you would like some company and I got food.
Y/n: Hmm. Would it be very mean if I would take the food and leave you here outside?
D: Forget it. Either both of us or nothing.
Y/n: Okay then I have to endure you.
D: You're so mean.
He said laughing. I just smiled and got out of his way so he could walk in.
Y/n: Ehm... if you want to you can take off your Hoodie and lay it over the heartier right there.
D: Haha Yea and don't worry I have a T-shirt under it.
He laid the hoodie over the heater as I told him and walked over to me to the kitchen.
Y/n: So what do we eat?
D: i got in-n-out burger.
Y/n: Uhhh sounds yummy.
I got two plates and put the burgers on them.
Y/n: Can we eat in my bedroom?
D: Yes of course we can.
We both walked there and sat down on my bed.
D: Netflix?
Y/n: Jupp.
We ate and watched Netflix for the rest of the day. Nothing happened we just had a lot of fun. He cheered me up and I actually felt better since he came here.
D: Okay Y/n it's Late I think I should go now.
Y/n: Oh yea. I'll come with you to the door.
We both walked there and he put on his shoes.
D: So good Night. I'll see ya soon.
Y/n: See you. Sleep well.
D: Haha sweet dreams Y/n.
I smiled and he walked to his car. I closed the door but I could stop smiling. Eventually I looked through my room until I stoped when I saw he forgot his hoodie here. I took my phone out of my pocket and wanted to call him but I didn't. What I did was walking over and I could help but smell on it. It smelled so good and like him. I couldn't do anything against it. I had to Change in it and that's what I did.

WHAT AM I | Daniel Seavey fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang