The Completely Cliché but Totes True Story of Annabell Chase Chapter 4

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(Published on December 13th, 2014)

The Completely Cliché but Totes True Story of Annabell Chase Chapter 4


Annabell's POV

I woke to see some random butt in my face. I would look to see whose it is but I'm scared. What if it's Octavian's? O.O i'm scared. The butt moved away from me, then I got up. Morgan Freeman looked at everyone, judging them. Obama popped up, saw everyone twerking, gave the "Not bad" expression, then went back to D. C. while trying to avoid angry republicans. After a long wait, Morgan Freeman cleared his throat.

"The winner is..." Everyone looked at him in anticipation. "OCTAY-TAY!" Octavian and Rachel started making out and stuff. Harry Potter looked around.

"Well this was a waste of time." He mounted onto the Purple Adventure Time Horse and flew off to Narnia.

"IT'S THE BOOTS!" Some random retro pharmacist ran in (and it looked like he was dancing uncontrollably) before running into a portal to another dimension. (Media ;))

"Well that was weird," Frank said, wait, FRANK?


Frank's POV

Ah schist. I'm back in the Land of Stories. I shouldn't have said anything.

Annabell's POV

"Well that was weird," Ferb said. Ah, much better.

So after all that weird stuff, we went to go celebrate! YAY! No, actually we didn't, because we hate Octavian. WHY DID HE KILL PERRY THE PANDA? HE WAS PETER THE PANDA'S LONG LOST BROTHER BECAUSE APPARENTLY EVERYONE HAS A LONG LOST SIBLING! So we killed Octavian. Then this random girl popped up in front of moi, and it was weird.

"Hi, my name's Chloe." She had caramel skin, golden eyes, and straight black hair with bangs.

"Chloe..." I rolled my hands so she would continue telling me her name.

"Just Chloe. My author was too lazy to give me a last name."

"Oh, well I'm Annabell Beth Katherine Louise Marie Ella Elizabeth Jacqueline Chase." Chloe stared at me weird. "What?"

"Gurl, yo name is too long!" She snapped in my face. "Anyway, I'm a daughter of Hecate and a magician of the 21 Nome, even though that's impossible." SHE LIVES IN A GNOME? WAIT, SHE'S A MAGICIAN? NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO BE MORE POWERFUL THAN ME!

Odysseus's POV

-.- *snoring* -.o *wakes up from nap* Did I hear my name?

Annabell's POV

"So why are you here?" I asked.

"Duh, because Apophis and Gaea and Kronos are rising at the same time." She flipped her short hair over her shoulder. "Now, if you excuse me, I have to go meet up with the rest of the Nome to discuss plans." Chloe swung her golden staff type thing and disappeared to the kitchen.

Chloe's POV

Tbh, I've never met the Nome. All I know is that I'm Zia's long lost twin sister, which is impossible since my mom is Hecate but whatever, my author wanted to make me sweg.

I appeared in the kitchen where the rest of the Nome was. Shelby was running around throwing crayons everywhere with the rest of the ankle biters, Felix was screaming 'PENGUINS' at the top of his lungs while making penguins appear, Cleo was trying to calm him down with a book, and Julian (Well, I'm just gonna throw him in the Land of Stories because I don't know what he's suppose to be doing.)

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