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(Published September 12th, 2016)





Shut up.

Really, I'm done.

So done.

"Oh, but Chilea, why are you done?"

Well, sweet innocent reader, let me tell you why the great Chilea is done.

Three words:





"Chil, that's four words."


Conscious: O.O

Back to my rant.

I'm done. I swear, if I see another cliché rant book I will literally strangle my sister. This makes me angry for multiple reasons, but the biggest being this:

I wrote this book to spark originality on Wattpad. Instead I started an epidemic of cringy cliché rant books that all say the same thing over and over again.

"But Chilea, I wrote my cliché rant book to help spread originality!!!1!1!2!"

Did you? Did you rEALLY?

Or did you do it for reads?

"Chilea, stop being a freaking hypocrite because you did it for reads."

I will admit: this book is not my original idea. And I did state who I was inspired by on the disclaimer. But there were only four books like this one that were out. And if you notice, all the originals are pretty much deleted. Mine is one of the few originals that are left. But before you go and create your PJO cliché rant book, think about how many cliché rant books that are already out. There are a good twenty that are in my reading list before I gave up on keeping up with them.

"But Chilea, I wrote this because I was inspired by youuuuuuu!!1!!1!"

I'm flattered, really, but I that's not what I wanted when I wrote this. The readers that go and create their own and unique fanfic that was inspired by this book are the ones that I appreciate much more than the ones who just copy my book. Trust me guys, reading the same rant book over and over again is really starting to get old.

"Sorry Chilea, but I love ranting about cliché fanfics."

Fine then, go on your way. But please do it in a unique way. Don't go rant in the same format as someone else. Or possibly rant about a fandom that doesn't have many cliché rant books. HP, Marvel, DC, TMI, THG, and Divergent are just a few examples of fandoms that don't have that many rant books. The PJO fandom has enough rant books, thank you.

"Well Chilea, why don't you just delete YOUR cliché rant book? What makes YOU so special?"

Because I took something small and turned it into something of my own. I made it bigger and added new ideas to it. Sure, some of the ideas didn't work (like reacting to a fanfic written by a fellow author on Wattpad), but I still took something and added my own twist to it. Plus this book isn't the only book I'm actively updating. I also have my other book, Hecate's Revenge, which is a pretty unique fanfic if I do say so myself (I mean, it was one of the first fanfics on Wattpad about Lou Ellen, Nico, Cecil, and Will written from mostly Lou Ellen’s POV). So yeah, if you MUST write a rant book then you should at the VERY LEAST write a non cliché fanfic.

"So what now? Are you deleting Moments?"

No, my friends. Now I must head to Latin.

Call my the biggest cyberbully hypocrite on Wattpad, I don't care. I just had to let out my anger on these cliché rant books. These rant books are now cliché and I'm sick of it because something I worked SO HARD ON to be DIFFERENT is now cliché.

I swear, if Hecate's Revenge becomes cliché because people became "inspired" by it, I will freaking murder someone, I worked to hard on that book for it to be copied--

*clears throat*


Sorry that this wasn't really entertaining, but I just had to let this out.

I know that a good portion of my readers have cliché rant books, and I'm sorry if you feel horrible now. I don't hate you, really. And don't delete your book either. Just consider this, okay?

Well, uh--


Have a good day.


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